Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says


Well-Known Member
I read an article once where in some piss poor nation island the natives were straight up starving. Dying left and right. All the good farm land was owned by rich foreigners. A bunch of villagers chased some rich golfers off the green with pitchforks and once they scared them off with threat of death they immediately started planting food crops with the rich golf green soil and sprinkler systems.


Well-Known Member
Man to be honest which I keep a 80 to 20 ratio lol I was just sharing my perspective... Bill Clinton reformed welfare revoked the ability for minors to apply for welfare... I was 15 no job, no welfare, had a kid and a family to support... My view is they don't want to help me when I am poor and when am well off they just want my money...

So, to think everyone who is anti bernie is some artificial construct is naive.. The world isn't black and white there are many shades of grey in between and that is where most people live... I didn't have it as hard as others, but I also didn't have it as easy as others either... What I have I did myself without government assistance...
You're not an artificial construct. Just plastic.

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
So, basically if I was still poor madd props for being poor, but if you are poor and get somewhere then you are poser... Ok well stay poor... :) Then you guys wonder what is wrong with the culture?

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
I doubt any of you are poor... Basically, bunch of over privileged individuals getting on me because I don't share the same political ideology...

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
no......lots of intelligent people i don't agree with. you're not one of them
How do you come to that conclusion? Because I stated Bernie's verifiable history of communist affiliation, and you don't believe facts which are well documented? Maybe, you think my conclusion is a bit brash :P

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
If you guys don't want to recognize Bernie's past affiliations, and platforms which he campaigned on then I don't know what to tell you besides you have a vision of Bernie which is not true...

I am the one on here by the way that isn't insulting people lol...

It seems common among Bernie supporters to insult people who disagree with them... Sorry, but you are not smarter because you support Bernie. This shows the repressive nature of the movement behind bernie and is only prelude to the authoritarianism and repression that will occur under a socialist system..
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Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
Man to be honest which I keep a 80 to 20 ratio lol I was just sharing my perspective... Bill Clinton reformed welfare revoked the ability for minors to apply for welfare... I was 15 no job, no welfare, had a kid and a family to support... My view is they don't want to help me when I am poor and when am well off they just want my money...

So, to think everyone who is anti bernie is some artificial construct is naive.. The world isn't black and white there are many shades of grey in between and that is where most people live... I didn't have it as hard as others, but I also didn't have it as easy as others either... What I have I did myself without government assistance...

smells like mommy and daddy bailed you out

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
smells like mommy and daddy bailed you out
Nope... Mother died in utter poverty in a South African Russian Run Hospital, but it was free you know. They didn't test for diabetes... They basically gave her a bed to die on... In the United States she would have been saved.... However, she had some legal issues :(

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
Nope... Mother died in utter poverty in a South African Russian Run Hospital, but it was free you know. They didn't test for diabetes... They basically gave her a bed to die on... In the United States she would have been saved.... However, she had some legal issues :(

you should have bought more condos then and you could've afforded to bring her to the u.s.

great plan to wealth...............fuckin condos lolol

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
you should have bought more condos then and you could've afforded to bring her to the u.s.

great plan to wealth...............fuckin condos lolol
In the United States you are given advantages to game the financial system which none residents are not given and most in foreign nations do not have... She never got to see how I have done well for myself... Condo's or hard assets in general are a good way to make passive income whether it is a tree farm or lower Manhattan studio, place in SF etc...

Why do you think the top 20% owns the majority of wealth... Bernie Sanders for example his networth is basically his home...

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
For example if you can pick up a condo at foreclosure for 60k and in 7 years it is valued at 115k then what is wrong with that? Nada... Not only have 91~%, but you have passive...


Well-Known Member
In the United States you are given advantages to game the financial system which none residents are not given and most in foreign nations do not have... She never got to see how I have done well for myself... Condo's or hard assets in general are a good way to make passive income whether it is a tree farm or lower Manhattan studio, place in SF etc...

Why do you think the top 20% owns the majority of wealth... Bernie Sanders for example his networth is basically his home...
No, the top ONE percent owns OVER HALF of all the wealth in the country. And it's becoming even more polarized.

Go eat cake.

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
No, the top ONE percent owns OVER HALF of all the wealth in the country. And it's becoming even more polarized.

Go eat cake.
Do you have a citation for that... because I know they owned previously around 42% and including the top 20% it goes upto something like 80-90% but the top 20% is the middle class included...

Top 1% are basically those making 350k or more a year.. The classification of wealthy individuals and ultra high wealth individuals is also based on networth...

However, if you think you are going to get a piece of the pie working at mcdonalds under any system you are sadly mistaken...

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
For example if you can pick up a condo at foreclosure for 60k and in 7 years it is valued at 115k then what is wrong with that? Nada... Not only have 91~%, but you have passive...

i can tell you've read some real estate books. real deal investors know condos ain't the path to wealth. you may get lucky once in awhile on them but not on t he regular.

buying and holding real estate while betting on appreciation for your gain will cost you dearly

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
i can tell you've read some real estate books. real deal investors know condos ain't the path to wealth. you may get lucky once in awhile on them but not on t he regular.

buying and holding real estate while betting on appreciation for your gain will cost you dearly
Dunno seems to be working out fine...

If you are telling me a single bedroom or studio apartment in Manhattan is a poor investment at below market value then I dunno what books you are reading...

If you buy off plan in london and obviously you have to run the numbers I have experience 100+% gains within 5 years...