Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

A lobbyist waves cash under the nose of a politician and a law gets written and you blame it on the lobbyist? If government was not meddling in every facet of our lives then those greedy business bastards wouldnt have to dump large piles of cash into lobbiest accounts to manipulate politicans.
What are you talking about? I'm talking about corruption and the idiots like you that support both the lobbyists and politicians. You and other right wingers support corrupt politicians by voting for them and give extra love to the lobbyist whores by regurgitating the dreck they pay "think tanks" to gin up and pump into the wingnut echo chamber. I'm not sure who is worse, the politician that takes advantage, the lobbyist that takes advantage or the wingnut voter that supports them both.

Well actually I am sure who is worse.
What are you talking about? I'm talking about corruption and the idiots like you that support both the lobbyists and politicians. You and other right wingers support corrupt politicians by voting for them and give extra love to the lobbyist whores by regurgitating the dreck they pay "think tanks" to gin up and pump into the wingnut echo chamber. I'm not sure who is worse, the politician that takes advantage, the lobbyist that takes advantage or the wingnut voter that supports them both.

Well actually I am sure who is worse.

Ok, then tell me.
What are you talking about? I'm talking about corruption and the idiots like you that support both the lobbyists and politicians. You and other right wingers support corrupt politicians by voting for them and give extra love to the lobbyist whores by regurgitating the dreck they pay "think tanks" to gin up and pump into the wingnut echo chamber. I'm not sure who is worse, the politician that takes advantage, the lobbyist that takes advantage or the wingnut voter that supports them both.

Well actually I am sure who is worse.

Are you saying that you dont vote?

Democrats are as much or bigger whores for lobbyists than Republicans. But I guess as long as it is your team getting the money you dont care.

That makes you a total hypocrite. At least I understand the problem. You are busy chasing after the symptoms.
Are you saying that you dont vote?

Democrats are as much or bigger whores for lobbyists than Republicans. But I guess as long as it is your team getting the money you dont care.

That makes you a total hypocrite. At least I understand the problem. You are busy chasing after the symptoms.
I'm saying I don't vote for shitheads.
Are you saying that you dont vote?

Democrats are as much or bigger whores for lobbyists than Republicans. But I guess as long as it is your team getting the money you dont care.

That makes you a total hypocrite. At least I understand the problem. You are busy chasing after the symptoms.
This is a good example of wingnut delusion. Your faction believes that government can do no good. The best government is no government. Then you put people in office that align with that philosophy. Well guess what? They are really bad a running a government. I don't even think Snyder is corrupt. He is sure inept though. As are the cast of Republican toadies that he brought in with him, including the Flint emergency manager that created this whole mess. Ideology based decision makers and not pragmatic at all.

My guys, all Democrats from Oregon are doing a great job. I'd appreciate it if you could convince me otherwise. We had a very minor scandal last year and the Democratic Governor stepped down not because he actually did anything wrong but he "lost the ability to govern". Your guys would have torn this state apart rather than give up one inch.

Obama --- compare what he did to his predecessor and tell me how he did a worse job. Especially with the boat anchor of a Republican congress with the very intense desire to make him fail. He did a great job and it shows in the numbers. Again, I'd appreciate it if you can show convincing evidence otherwise.

Hypocrite my ass. And speaking of hypocrite, what good has your Republican congress done over the past couple of years?
This is a good example of wingnut delusion. Your faction believes that government can do no good. The best government is no government. Then you put people in office that align with that philosophy. Well guess what? They are really bad a running a government. I don't even think Snyder is corrupt. He is sure inept though. As are the cast of Republican toadies that he brought in with him, including the Flint emergency manager that created this whole mess. Ideology based decision makers and not pragmatic at all.

My guys, all Democrats from Oregon are doing a great job. I'd appreciate it if you could convince me otherwise. We had a very minor scandal last year and the Democratic Governor stepped down not because he actually did anything wrong but he "lost the ability to govern". Your guys would have torn this state apart rather than give up one inch.

Obama --- compare what he did to his predecessor and tell me how he did a worse job. Especially with the boat anchor of a Republican congress with the very intense desire to make him fail. He did a great job and it shows in the numbers. Again, I'd appreciate it if you can show convincing evidence otherwise.

Hypocrite my ass. And speaking of hypocrite, what good has your Republican congress done over the past couple of years?

BAM! How do we get people with his level of intelligence to believe in the right things instead of the wrong ones?
This is a good example of wingnut delusion. Your faction believes that government can do no good. The best government is no government. Then you put people in office that align with that philosophy. Well guess what? They are really bad a running a government. I don't even think Snyder is corrupt. He is sure inept though. As are the cast of Republican toadies that he brought in with him, including the Flint emergency manager that created this whole mess. Ideology based decision makers and not pragmatic at all.

My guys, all Democrats from Oregon are doing a great job. I'd appreciate it if you could convince me otherwise. We had a very minor scandal last year and the Democratic Governor stepped down not because he actually did anything wrong but he "lost the ability to govern". Your guys would have torn this state apart rather than give up one inch.

Obama --- compare what he did to his predecessor and tell me how he did a worse job. Especially with the boat anchor of a Republican congress with the very intense desire to make him fail. He did a great job and it shows in the numbers. Again, I'd appreciate it if you can show convincing evidence otherwise.

Hypocrite my ass. And speaking of hypocrite, what good has your Republican congress done over the past couple of years?

I am not part of a faction. You need to tell me what I believe so you can defeat the strawman.

The best government is a local distributed government.

Why do businesses pay politicians so much money?

For a smart guy you dont seem to be able to figure that out.

The politicians are not going to cut their own balls off no matter what they tell you.
Benjamin Franklin in his speech on the Federal Constitution said:

It is therefore that, the older I grow, the more apt I am to doubt my own judgment of others. Most men, indeed, as well as most sects in religion, think themselves in possession of all truth, and that wherever others differ from them, it is so far error.
On the whole, sir, I can not help expressing a wish that every member of the convention who may still have objections to it, would, with me, on this occasion, doubt a little of his own infallibility, and, to make manifest our unanimity, put his name to this instrument.
I am not part of a faction. You need to tell me what I believe so you can defeat the strawman.

The best government is a local distributed government.

Why do businesses pay politicians so much money?

For a smart guy you dont seem to be able to figure that out.

The politicians are not going to cut their own balls off no matter what they tell you.
An amendment to the constitution was submitted to the Senate in 2014 that would have struck down Citizens United decision. It failed by six votes to override the filibuster that Republicans mounted to stop it. 54 democrats and independents that caucus with them voted for it. 46 senators, every one of them Republican, voted to block the over ride.

As usual, you think Democrats are just Republicans in a different party. You cannot be more wrong. Is it perfect and free of corruption? No. But the members of my faction and not yours are opposed to giving campaign donations the same status as speech.
BAM! How do we get people with his level of intelligence to believe in the right things instead of the wrong ones?
Its not going to happen. My purpose of debating Barney is to expand my own understanding of the issues. I can't think down to his level so I use him to show me what they think. Its helping me understand the issues better.
I do the same. As an engineer, however, I can't turn off that part of my brain that hunts for solutions.
Democrats outnumber Republicans by 30%. A majority believes AGW is real. Liberal policies are favored by more people than not, such as universal healthcare. We are being shouted down by the wingnut minority. As with the racial issues of the 60's, I believe that the bigotry tinged with class-ism and racism inherent in right wing ideology needs to be confronted head on. Give the majority a voice. Make it known to others that the lies and deceptions of the well heeled lobbyists and think tanks are just that. Maybe we will convince people nearer the fence than NLX. We just need a voting majority. NLX 's mind is closed but useful to pick for ideas from and it is his right, after all, to be wrong..
An amendment to the constitution was submitted to the Senate in 2014 that would have struck down Citizens United decision. It failed by six votes to override the filibuster that Republicans mounted to stop it. 54 democrats and independents that caucus with them voted for it. 46 senators, every one of them Republican, voted to block the over ride.

As usual, you think Democrats are just Republicans in a different party. You cannot be more wrong. Is it perfect and free of corruption? No. But the members of my faction and not yours are opposed to giving campaign donations the same status as speech.

I am registered as an independent and disgusted with both parties, particularly the Republicans who are supposed to be responsible. What faction am I a part of again??

You keep trying to lump me into a group so you can dismiss my arguments.

I have not donated to a campaign in over 15 years. Why are you thinking I am the problem??

You still have not explained to me why greedy businessmen donate so much money to politicians.... Maybe it is legal extortion eh?
I am registered as an independent and disgusted with both parties, particularly the Republicans who are supposed to be responsible. What faction am I a part of again??

You keep trying to lump me into a group so you can dismiss my arguments.

I have not donated to a campaign in over 15 years. Why are you thinking I am the problem??

You still have not explained to me why greedy businessmen donate so much money to politicians.... Maybe it is legal extortion eh?
Do you vote? Regardless of affilitation, I encourage you to do so. If you have voted in the last 10 years, how many of each party have you voted for? My guess is that you have voted solidly for Republicans.

Most independents that speak wingnut like you are just Republicans that can't own up to supporting them.

I've been answering your question regarding donations all along. Does somebody have to hit you on the head before you listen?
Do you vote? Regardless of affilitation, I encourage you to do so. If you have voted in the last 10 years, how many of each party have you voted for? My guess is that you have voted solidly for Republicans.

Most independents that speak wingnut like you are just Republicans that can't own up to supporting them.

I've been answering your question regarding donations all along. Does somebody have to hit you on the head before you listen?

You got me!!! I didnt vote for Obama EITHER time he was a candidate for president. I guess I am guilty of well something...

I tend to be conservative. That does not lend me to vote for a lot of democrats although there isnt much difference anymore.
You got me!!! I didnt vote for Obama EITHER time he was a candidate for president. I guess I am guilty of well something...

I tend to be conservative. That does not lend me to vote for a lot of democrats although there isnt much difference anymore.
That means you voted for Sarah Palin, which also means that I can never take anything that you say seriously with regards to politics again.