WeedBulbs PowerBLUE CFL with HPS


Well-Known Member
Right... so that means we can trick the plant into absorbing more green light by using a blue cfl?

See what I mean?where is this mysterious threshold thats supposed to be tapped?

Plants just dont absorb green well thats all,a blue cfl isnt going to change that ot seems like.
It doesn't mean anything, the study is completly unrelated. It is based off work with monos not different spectrums of white.


So basically you brought a product to market and are selling them as grow lights and now you want to test them?

Maybe that should have been done as a proof of concept that you could reference,BEFORE you started selling them to the masses.

Just a crazy idea I know..
With CFL, it is not like LED where you can just put a few of them in a DIY luminaire and test. With CFL, thousands must be mass produced before testing can ensue.

This particular thread is about augmenting HPS with PowerBLUE... there is nowhere that I claim PowerBLUE to be a complete grow light. It is the most blue light that I could achieve in a CFL.
There is no doubt that augmenting HPS with 7 to 10% blue light will result in better growth.
The question that remains in my mind is if augmenting with up to 50% blue light with result in more weed than just HPS by itself.

Anyone want to work with me to prove me right (or wrong)?


Well-Known Member
There is no doubt that augmenting HPS with 7 to 10% blue light will result in better growth.
The question that remains in my mind is if augmenting with up to 50% blue light with result in more weed than just HPS by itself.
Yes there is doubt, hps already contains 5% blue and flowers very well.

The question is easy, if you add more watts of light you yeild should go up. My question is will it increase your grams per watt?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
With CFL, it is not like LED where you can just put a few of them in a DIY luminaire and test. With CFL, thousands must be mass produced before testing can ensue.

This particular thread is about augmenting HPS with PowerBLUE... there is nowhere that I claim PowerBLUE to be a complete grow light. It is the most blue light that I could achieve in a CFL.
There is no doubt that augmenting HPS with 7 to 10% blue light will result in better growth.
The question that remains in my mind is if augmenting with up to 50% blue light with result in more weed than just HPS by itself.

Anyone want to work with me to prove me right (or wrong)?
You told me it was a fact In another thread. Now it's a theory that we need to help you prove? Seems like you're backtracking


Well-Known Member
With CFL, it is not like LED where you can just put a few of them in a DIY luminaire and test. With CFL, thousands must be mass produced before testing can ensue.
You are comparing yourself as a light manufacturer to diy light builders. Actual led manufacturers are doing the testing before mass production by making prototypes and testing them.

Morbid Angel

Well-Known Member
why the fuck would you not just stick to regular CFL's.
Whats wrong with 2700k, 6500k and the in betweens?

This makes no sense at all. It's like the Blurple disease just spread from LED to CFL.

I cannot take these fucking clown bulbs seriously.

And to say that adding them to supplement an HID grow is fucking ludicrous.

I would not take these bulbs if they where free and delivered. I would not even take these bulbs even if I was doing a CFL only grow.

Good luck pal. Go prove us wrong. Until then, anyone who chooses to use cfl's should seriously consider staying within the proven umbrella ranges and stay away from gimmicky party lights.


Well-Known Member
why the fuck would you not just stick to regular CFL's.
Whats wrong with 2700k, 6500k and the in betweens?

This makes no sense at all. It's like the Blurple disease just spread from LED to CFL.

I cannot take these fucking clown bulbs seriously.

And to say that adding them to supplement an HID grow is fucking ludicrous.

I would not take these bulbs if they where free and delivered. I would not even take these bulbs even if I was doing a CFL only grow.

Good luck pal. Go prove us wrong. Until then, anyone who chooses to use cfl's should seriously consider staying within the proven umbrella ranges and stay away from gimmicky party lights.
Very eloquently put my friend...lol.


Well-Known Member
I just bought some 10k & 67k Cora-life T-5 bulbs & was surprised to see 3 of the boxes contained Actinic Blue bulbs instead. So I said bump it & put them in the 8 bulb 4' T-5 to see the plants reaction. They are straight blue. The plants deffinetly responded better to the 64, 67, & 10k white light. Also tried some red Wave-Point Ultra Growth (cola) T-5's & they just don't penetrate the same. So I use them in a 1-3 % on a 4 bulb 4' side-light T-5. I think sticking with 65k white/blue would be better. That's what supplements my HPS.