Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

@AKGrowAreo glad you survived the move. I tried to time my plants to harvest before or be ready to flower after. I'm going to end up with a 16'x16' flower room with 9' ceilings. The whole floor plan is just shy of 800 sqft. Half will be dedicated to my fruits/veggies. I've been drawing some layouts for air circulation, lighting, ventilation, ought to be a fun time wiring it & building something legit. Ditch the tent. Ordered a 10'x100' roll of Panda film today. Getting excited, to have a little room to move around the gals. Gets a bit tight in a 4'x8' tent.
@AKGrowAreo glad you survived the move. I tried to time my plants to harvest before or be ready to flower after. I'm going to end up with a 16'x16' flower room with 9' ceilings. The whole floor plan is just shy of 800 sqft. Half will be dedicated to my fruits/veggies. I've been drawing some layouts for air circulation, lighting, ventilation, ought to be a fun time wiring it & building something legit. Ditch the tent. Ordered a 10'x100' roll of Panda film today. Getting excited, to have a little room to move around the gals. Gets a bit tight in a 4'x8' tent.
Word @letdown shifty you're gonna be stoked. My girls get pretty cramped with 2000 watts in a 4x8, but it has worked so I cant complain too much. I am setting up my new room so all of the walls open up like barn doors so I can easily access everything. Hit me up when you have a final weight on that.
This weekend I broke my record using the SB method with just over 39 oz from 6 plants.

Trinity Kush yielded 19 oz from 3 plants, Cotton Candy Cane yielded 16 zips from 2 plants (one had 9 oz and the other had 7 oz), and my one Blackberry OG plant only yielded about 4 oz.

OMG the Blackberry OG smells and tastes exactly like actual blackberries! I have never smelled or tasted anything like it.

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Those are huge. How long did you veg for?
Those are huge. How long did you veg for?
Thanks @sky rocket ! They got vegged for about 4 weeks so about 2 weeks longer than I normally would have. Lets lust say I am going with 4 weeks in veg from now on.

I actually just put 3 Trinity plants in my flower tent that got vegged 8 weeks next to 3 Blackberry plants that got 4 weeks in the veg tent. It was pretty gnarly getting them out of the veg unit cause the roots were like 6 feet long, but I managed.

I kinda let them go rouge with very little training since I was so busy, so I am interested to see how it turns out. I am working on training them to fill the rack now, but trying to be gentle since they are already in the flower area.
@ThaMagnificent not sure if being sarcastic or not, heh. Lots of methods to popping seeds. My preference is moist paper towel in zip lock, and set it on top of lighting fixture for warmth. My seeds pop in 1-2 days.
Whats the stinkbud method to starting from seed?
I never found very complete instructions from @StinkBud , but this is what I came up with from what I gathered from the book, thread, and youtube from SB, and my personal experience. I have 100% success cracking over 60 seeds using this method.

1)Soak your seeds in damp but not soaked paper towel in warm dark place (tap water). I set them in-between 2 dinner plates to keep them from drying out too quickly. If the paper towels do get too dry just add a little water. 24 to 72 hours later you should have a little root coming out of the seed case. Once its longer than about 1/4" you should be ready for the next step.
2)Buy some Rapid Rooter plugs and soak them in some water from your cloner (one per seed). Use a clean razor blade to slice vertically half way through the plug, this will make it way easier for you to remove the rooted plant once its ready for the next phase (I added this phase myself because I had a hard time removing the seedlings from the plugs when I was just setting the seeds inside the plug). So after you've cut the plug, put your seeds about 1/8" from the top of the plug with the root facing down.
3)Set them in small Rubbermaid container with about 1/4" of water in the bottom of the container just enough to keep the plug damp.Put them under your cloner light. About 12 to 24 hrs later the plant will have emerged from the plug with 2 rounded looking little leaves. Make sure the plug stays damp with a small amount of water in the bottom of the container.
4)Another 24 to 48 hrs later you will see a tap rot coming out of the bottom of the plug so now you need to carefully remove the seedling from the plug and place in into a neoprene collar, and then into a net pot.
5)IMPORTANT: Make sure to put the seedling into the VEG UNIT not the cloner! They need food at this point so they will slowly die in the cloner because it doesn't have enough food in the cloner res for them to develop. Throw them into flower whenever you think they are ready.

I would love to hear input on this subject from others using the SB method.
@AKGrowAreo your process is same as mine minus 1st step. I do the moist paper towel in a zip lock on top of lighting fixture. In order to keep the warm moisture inside, much like a seedling dome with Heat pad. But mine is just a cheap way of doing it. I've only had one amnesia haze seed refuse to pop. Everyone will find a method they are comfortable with, I just like cheap & easy.
@AKGrowAreo your process is same as mine minus 1st step. I do the moist paper towel in a zip lock on top of lighting fixture. In order to keep the warm moisture inside, much like a seedling dome with Heat pad. But mine is just a cheap way of doing it. I've only had one amnesia haze seed refuse to pop. Everyone will find a method they are comfortable with, I just like cheap & easy.
Word brother! Thats why I love the SB method so much. You could spend 5 times as much for a lower quality aero system, then you'd spend the same amount of time trying to maintain and upgrade that pre bought system as you would have spent building a proper SB unit. I use the loot I save on the aero units by DIYing them to invest in high end lighting, and high end AC, and dehum. I use the time I saved to get high. lol

I just upgraded my dehum to an Utopian 80 pint and it kicks ass. My next big investment is to add cool boxes to my lights as to save money on AC. Any experience running water cooled lights? This will be my first time, so Im looking for any advice I can get.

@letdown shifty and @sky rocket are you guys running co2, I can't remember? Its definitely challenging in a tent, but I was able to make it work out. All those trips to the welding shop for $47 tanks of co2 every 2 or 3 weeks was wearing on me, but now that I had that 39oz harvest I am thinking it was worth the time and money. I cant wait to ditch this tent in the next few weeks!
Im not sure about a video, but you shouldn't need one really. As for the veg unit, its basically just a double decker cloner. Just build a @StinkBud cloner as per the instructions in the ebook (buy it if you haven't already) and then set it on top of another tub and drill some holes in the bottom of the top container (root chamber) and through the lid of the bottom container (res) to let the water run through the root chamber and into the res. Run a piece of 1/2" PVC down all the way into the res and connect it to your sprayer manifold in the root chamber. Simple shit bro that anybody could do.

I don't like the ebook cloner personally because I don't like air stones and because the double decker works f-ing great. Mainly cause I veg my plants extra long and they need as much help as much space as possible in the root chamber. I am always nervous about roots chillin' in the water even if there is an air stone, so I would suggest building the double decker.

Holler if you need more help.

Does the hole size in the bottom of the root chamber and top of res matter? Would it just be the same sized holes as the holes drilled for the pots?

Also, what are we gluing on the assembly?
@AKGrowAreo not running co2 at the moment. I'll be introducing it in the new flower room. I'll be installing a mini split for my heating cooling needs. Excited for the build out, but also dreading spending the cash.
Awesome bro. You're gonna be so stoked on the co2 man!

If you need any advice or help with the co2 give me a holler and I will share all that I know. I have 100s of hours research and experience on the subject.

Yeah, its a spendy investment. The crazy part is adding ac, dehum, is about the same as adding 2000 watts. When I initially got AC and a dehum, It nearly doubled my power bill, ouch.

Sounds to me like your gonna want to run a propane burner or 2 with the size of your new space, if you have natural gas you could do that instead which would be P-I-IMPin'. You'd be at the welding shop every week if you ran tanked co2. Anywho, I am excited for you and can't wait to see the new space. I will be using nat gas in my commercial once I am at that point.
Does the hole size in the bottom of the root chamber and top of res matter? Would it just be the same sized holes as the holes drilled for the pots?

Also, what are we gluing on the assembly?
I think I used a 1" hole saw, but the size isn't that important. Well let me think about that for a sec, now that I think about it, I hate having the holes that big cause I am constantly lifting my roots out of the low res once they get long. So I think that tonight Ill replace the lid on the lower container and just drill small holes all over it. I may even try setting a cut out piece of window screen in the bottom of it if I can find some that wont leash anything into my nute solution. Maybe there is vinyl screen material available?

@letdown shifty @sky rocket what kind of veg units do you run and how are they set up?

I only glue the end caps on my flower units and let everything els push fit. I have no leaks even though I skip the gluing.
I have my c02 stuff ready but I've so lazy to hook it up. Maybe this weekend or next weekend. I downgraded my 1000's from years ago and instead of running 2x1000's I run 4x600's. I still use my stinkbud cloner and veg but I transfer them to (2) gallon smart pots using canna coco. I'm still doing a harvest every 3 weeks. With my coco I run a sog (topped and lollipop). I'm still testing this setup.
I think I used a 1" hole saw, but the size isn't that important. Well let me think about that for a sec, now that I think about it, I hate having the holes that big cause I am constantly lifting my roots out of the low res once they get long. So I think that tonight Ill replace the lid on the lower container and just drill small holes all over it. I may even try setting a cut out piece of window screen in the bottom of it if I can find some that wont leash anything into my nute solution. Maybe there is vinyl screen material available?

@letdown shifty @sky rocket what kind of veg units do you run and how are they set up?

I only glue the end caps on my flower units and let everything els push fit. I have no leaks even though I skip the gluing.
Vegs units are the original design using the Rubbermaid bins. I need to upgrade to the tougher Rubbermaid bins. The ones with the yellow tops. I run a fix timer that's 1 minute on 4 minutes off. I got rid of the knobs that way I don't accidentally hit the knobs and changed the timing. They veg under my bad boy cool blue 8 cool blue t5's (2 of the bulbs are not working so I'm using 6 lamps).
I don't think you're a hater at all. Just another concerned person.

Your are right about the Federal laws. I know I'm taking a chance. But you have to look at it from my point of view...

One of my patients is a mother with 3 kids. She's only 26 years old. She has brain cancer. They couldn't get all the tumor out without killing her. She has to be on chemo the rest of her short life.

My medicine makes her want to eat and keeps her from throwing it all up afterward. The doctor was able to cut her seizure medicine in half because of marijuana.

Marijuana keeps her alive, it's that simple.

When I met her the first time she was sitting there holding her little baby boy. I decided right on the spot there is no way I won't help her.

That's how it all started...

Anyway, it's like I can't not help these people, you know what I mean?
U sir are my hero!!!!!:clap: