APACHE at120wr


Well-Known Member

I've gotten within 12" without any problems with the 14's but might get some crispy leaves closer, 8" is probably the closest I'd want. I just called apache and was expressing the same concerns and they sent me a set of the 50's.


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks alot puff.Now I just need to keep trying to get ahold of them so they can take my money,lol.


Well-Known Member
COB's of the same wattage produce a lot more than these do. Not here to argue seems like you already know what you want so i'll just see myself to the door. Good luck with your grow.
Ok whats the delivered umol at 12in for 165watts of top of the line cobs? YOu say alot more for the watts, well whats the numbers? Apache claims 2480umol at 12 inches and from what I hear I can also run lower then that.Something I cant do with lensed cobs.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how hard they are driven and which COB series you use, but they can be up to 20% more efficient than the ones you are looking at(65% I have seen).


Do some research.
These are commercial diodes for human sight,as such they deal in luminous flux not umol/m2.Im concerned with photons to the leaf,not how well a light will light up my driveway.Again lets see some umol/2 figures...im not jumping on any bandwagon,just because.


Well-Known Member
These are commercial diodes for human sight,as such they deal in luminous flux not umol/m2.Im concerned with photons to the leaf,not how well a light will light up my driveway.Again lets see some umol/2 figures...im not jumping on any bandwagon,just because.
Alright....they are more efficient not sure what you are arguing......this is the newest technology for LEDs even the apachetech users on these forums switched to them. Check out @greengene707 's lights he used to use those apachetech now uses cobs.



^^par chart


Well-Known Member
Alright....they are more efficient not sure what you are arguing......this is the newest technology for LEDs even the apachetech users on these forums switched to them. Check out @greengene707 's lights he used to use those apachetech now uses cobs.



^^par chart
Greengene707 has helped me research these lights and has said that the R2 spectrum is the best he has used.I have no doubt cobs grow great buds,even though they aren't designed to.But efficiency isnt always the main concern.And im sure they are great for some growers that have alot of room etc,but to make a blanket statement that cobs are best in all applications doesnt seem plausible.Again apache claims 2480umol/m2 at 12in,if they are to be believed.How does that compare to the par chart above?I had considered the PLC light but its physically too big for my space.


Well-Known Member
Greengene707 has helped me research these lights and has said that the R2 spectrum is the best he has used.I have no doubt cobs grow great buds,even though they aren't designed to.But efficiency isnt always the main concern.And im sure they are great for some growers that have alot of room etc,but to make a blanket statement that cobs are best in all applications doesnt seem plausible.Again apache claims 2480umol/m2 at 12in,if they are to be believed.How does that compare to the par chart above?I had considered the PLC light but its physically too big for my space.
www.a51led.com they got smaller lights check them out.


Well-Known Member
Also check out Johnson grow lights and tastyled they both have new style lights worth lookin at.


Well-Known Member
Ya been there done that,tasty is #2 on my list right now,I just dont think lensed cobs fit my grow style.Efficiency isnt my only concern,I need to run lights close to the canopy without toasting my leaves.I dont feel running unlensed cobs is an option.


Well-Known Member
Ya been there done that,tasty is #2 on my list right now,I just dont think lensed cobs fit my grow style.Efficiency isnt my only concern,I need to run lights close to the canopy without toasting my leaves.
What size space you got?


Well-Known Member
Ya been there done that,tasty is #2 on my list right now,I just dont think lensed cobs fit my grow style.Efficiency isnt my only concern,I need to run lights close to the canopy without toasting my leaves.I dont feel running unlensed cobs is an option.
I feel like I recently read that tasty was switching to a lower profile lens/reflector? @Rahz might know?!


Well-Known Member
The head space may favor unlensed cob lighting. 3 feet gets used up real fast.
Yep I just dont like the idea of the exposed LES,and the penetration seems minimal... unlensed cobs seem to throw light everywhere.
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Well-Known Member
I feel like I recently read that tasty was switching to a lower profile lens/reflector? @Rahz might know?!
I'm in the process of switching to reflectors.

A 3 foot height, I don't know if any of the commercial options would be a good deal for that space. I would be prone to custom building something for that space, like Vero 18 or a smaller CXB at low current, allowing the plants to get as close as 3-4 inches.