EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
I knew this was a bad state for Bernie, he got thumped..the real test is Super Tuesday.. Gotta grab a lot of delegates or this thing fizzles out..


Well-Known Member
don't worry Hillary will thump Donald too.....

Voter turnout for dems is way down, lotta initial excitement for Sanders but Hillary is really hated..I hate the bitch.. I'm not even sure I will vote, If this country likes the status quo and elections bought n sold then fuck em.. Let em suffer. My game plan don't change no matter who wins.


Well-Known Member
Voter turnout for dems is way down, lotta initial excitement for Sanders but Hillary is really hated..I hate the bitch.. I'm not even sure I will vote, If this country likes the status quo and elections bought n sold then fuck em.. Let em suffer. My game plan don't change no matter who wins.
she's got the best chance of beating the republicans in Nov


Well-Known Member
Voter turnout for dems is way down, lotta initial excitement for Sanders but Hillary is really hated..I hate the bitch.. I'm not even sure I will vote, If this country likes the status quo and elections bought n sold then fuck em.. Let em suffer. My game plan don't change no matter who wins.
I think voter turnout for the democratic candidates is comparatively low this time around because most dem's believe Clinton already has the nomination locked up. The republican race still has 3 (main) candidates still in the race and most republicans are torn between them. Clinton beats all of them in the general election, Trump is too polarizing, Cruz is too fundamentalist and Rubio is too establishment, not to mention the Supreme Court nomination and the strong possibility of the Senate going blue


Well-Known Member
Voter turnout for dems is way down, lotta initial excitement for Sanders but Hillary is really hated..I hate the bitch.. I'm not even sure I will vote, If this country likes the status quo and elections bought n sold then fuck em.. Let em suffer. My game plan don't change no matter who wins.
I have been having a hard time with this, I have finally decided that I have to vote in the general for the Dem. I will hold Hillary accountable for everything she promised and said. She better not let me down or her ass is out after 4


Well-Known Member
Ok I correct myself, the "next voting generation". Because my young buddies dong give a hoot, and thats kinda the problem. we have a society were the vote is mainly older folk.