Redosing and drinking urine lol?


Well-Known Member
ESE means the letter "S" which stands for SURENO or southsider. So that's why Mexicans that are surenos use it.

And that must be why all the culeros I know say wey


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I dunno shroom piss isn't normal piss. I don't know how the shit works, I just know it works.. Well hopefully or I am just drinking piss
dude drinking your piss after eating shrooms the shrooms wouldn't of even made it through your system yet, and not to mention solids end up coming out your ass not your piss, maybe try eating your poo should work


Well-Known Member
Maybe he should try to eat his poopies...I mean he is trying to get EVERYTHING

Poop in a jar and put a balloon over it

And poof. ...magical gasses