Chakra Energies - Education of The Soul


Well-Known Member
I was talking to my dog, and I said
Om Mani padme hum

My mom of all people corrected my breathing pattern and told me that it comes from inside and that it helps refocus yourself.
Mind blown.
But wait there's more!
We started doing yoga in the hallway

Me. My mom.

Standing there slowly chanting
Om Mani padme him

I don't know what happened! My mom doesn't know this stuff, at least I thought she didn't, and we are like oil and water on a good day, magnesium and water on a bad day lol and here we were in a deep intimately mental connection on a level I never thought would happen. After about 5 minutes our balance went out lol but there is a charge in the air that was so comfortable. I feel like just that simple act made everything so positive in the house
can I take You Mom out on a date??? lol

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
thank YOU @abe supercro :)

I appreciate Your guidance. I absolutely need the bridge pose more in My life.
Were You exposed to chakra energies through yoga???
Yes. I've had a long respite from yoga and I've paid the consequences. Over the last year, been working my way back to where I was. When I was more in the zone and accomplished w yoga, at times I would walk out of class high as a fucking kite, and it would last for hours. At the time I wasn't as aware of chakra energies and thought it may just be my bodies response to detoxification and loads of thc being freed back up. Now I believe that incredible zinging buzz sensation, then, was chakra energy and it's flow across meridians throughout the body, much like the lines in the above diagram. So back at it, working at reactivating the mojo, knowing as much is a helluva incentive.


Well-Known Member
I've done the same, worked on some yoga, which I've actually made an attempt to do in the last couple months, when I don't do it, I feel it in my muscles and my body aches like it needs something I'm not giving it
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I was incarcerated for a couple years, had a yogi come in once a week and give yoga classes. Pashu Piti or somthing like that, he was a MD at a local hospital. Dude taught this ignorant country boy a lot. I have since stopped practicing yoga/meditation. Only every once in a while I do a few poses to relax. But my mind has been way to busy to meditate. Stuck in those lower chakra's for now.


Well-Known Member
I was incarcerated for a couple years, had a yogi come in once a week and give yoga classes. Pashu Piti or somthing like that, he was a MD at a local hospital. Dude taught this ignorant country boy a lot. I have since stopped practicing yoga/meditation. Only every once in a while I do a few poses to relax. But my mind has been way to busy to meditate. Stuck in those lower chakra's for now.
Everything in it's place.
Let Me know if You ever wanna get Your head high.