About a pound and aquarter in the 17l cvault. Vacume sealers are good for longer term storage.I'm thinking of buying an XL CVault, I just want to know how much you can store in the containers, I'm hoping to harvest a good few ounces and don't want to buy one that's too small, any feedback would be sound!
If your going to spend the money you should look into getting a BudVac container. It comes with a vacuum pump to pull all the air out. www.budvac.com
Ducktape it...No light.too bad it's glass which lets in light which degrades thc. neat concept though
Now if they made a universal lid like what's on all my 1/2 gallon ball jars then I'd buy that shit so fast! Otherwise, vacuum bags that are hermetically sealed are the only option. When ever I harvest any given plant it's always at least a full # when dried and cured. Bags are best for bulk long term.too bad it's glass which lets in light which degrades thc. neat concept though