medical marijuana in the uk, yes or no?


Well-Known Member
dont you all think it's HIGH time we had medical marijuana in the uk. i know so many poeple have to break the law just to ease the pain. it's wrong. it should be given for back pain for god's sake. it's a plant that grows naturaly. but no they'd rather give you chemicals


Well-Known Member
100 percent agree with you. cant have cannabis but you can take their pills and potions and run the risk of them doing more damage to your body. all to do with money, they dont want you to have something for free, they want to make vast profits from their shit drugs,fucking government are pushers, they r worse than crack dealers.


Well-Known Member
Check out Granny Dan, she lives in the UK, told the judge she doesn't care what he says she is going to keep on using the Marijuana. VV


Well-Known Member
They are just full of shit man ,

Back in the 1800,s there was a out call for drink to be banned in uk the place was filled with drunks falling about every were doing any thing to get the next drink stealing peoples clothes digging up graves . ect

The drink tabacco and entertainment was making far to much money and they keep promoting it .. And nothing has changed now they can drink 24 hours a day and the streets are like war zones still, Not including the millions of people drink and fegs kill .. because of the profits

The other hand we have people suffern from cronic Illness and we know cannabis eases pain and will help them relax with less side affects than there precribed meds

ITS A FUCKING JOKE MANN ... There was no problems about weed when the Queen of england used to fine land owners who did not grow cannabis on there land

Yes the queen mother was the biggest dealer of cannabis the world has seen , she took over china to sell cannabis and opium and took there tea to sell at home

Who is any 1 to tell uss we can smoke or grow a plant .... Fuck the queen lol


Well-Known Member
Uhhh ...I think I will take a miss on fucking the queen, she is older than I am. You do what you want though. VV


Well-Known Member
Uhhh ...I think I will take a miss on fucking the queen, she is older than I am. You do what you want though. VV

I wouldent think twice man hahaha bet she wears a wee red thong :-|

Any ways why would any one want to obey a family thats history is worse that 10 hitlers .. yea fuck the bitch haha

VV you can kick her instead bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
And they don't make any laws. VV

Just not the present day family but they did make law and still have a big part in goverment ,

No 1 was aloud to hunt or grow food outside the family circle at one stage these people out side were known as pesents , Grow or kill for food on there land (uk)with there animals you got killed ... Untill they formed the tax so people could use the land and pay them from profits ect

And they brought the laws world wide with them,
like when they civilized the Indian happy living as they were 1st of with there own culture and heritage , The Irish/celts were Barbaric * they needed civilized too though they were just celtic farmers happy with there own culture and way of life need no telling from any one and they (queens forces ) told these and the other half the world how to live "propper"... imagin :-?

They also copyed the africans slavery trade , Yes the black man was stealing white men as slaves before the Empire exploited it and turned it on them .. a form of law because they have no choice and its the then governments word that made them slaves

The monach formed most "civilized " laws and still play the empire was 3/4s of the world nearly at one stage

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
dont you all think it's HIGH time we had medical marijuana in the uk. i know so many poeple have to break the law just to ease the pain. it's wrong. it should be given for back pain for god's sake. it's a plant that grows naturaly. but no they'd rather give you chemicals
marijuana is full of chemicals.


Active Member
I heard this is what cause,s fuss . I,ll join up......................... PS can i get to Fuck the Queen mom also .......... Do.I.LOOK.LIKE.IGIVE.A.FUCK... LOL nice name

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
i dont know about you, but, when i first hit a bowl of dank ass nuggets, i started seeing two of everything and i felt REALLLLLY faded. the minute i tried marijuana i knew it was for me. i was instantly hooked, i bought whatever i could find. marijuana is illegal for a reason. i was a stoner stoner. didnt talk much. didnt reallyt speak up. geeked out allll the time. was lazy as a fucking piece of shit o nthe ground. unorganized. no time management. etc... if you were a stoner in , NOT a smoker (casual bud smoker), then you know wtf im talking about. 1


Active Member
i dont know about you, but, when i first hit a bowl of dank ass nuggets, i started seeing two of everything and i felt REALLLLLY faded. the minute i tried marijuana i knew it was for me. i was instantly hooked, i bought whatever i could find. marijuana is illegal for a reason. i was a stoner stoner. didnt talk much. didnt reallyt speak up. geeked out allll the time. was lazy as a fucking piece of shit o nthe ground. unorganized. no time management. etc... if you were a stoner in , NOT a smoker (casual bud smoker), then you know wtf im talking about. 1

I heard you took it up the bum ricky back when you smoked bongsmilie

It could be lies ..


Active Member
The british Queen is nothing more than a German . That the bits hate so much lol

Yes After william of orange was gone they were afraid another catholic king was on its way so they shipped in a good old german named George the german and his family remain to this day and get paid trillions for doing nothing except rob and steal from the world

The Loyal british public eh lol