Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
what fucked things up is the thought that people got to have more money, got to be more efficient, got to be more lean, so that more of those fucking greenbacks roll in...sickening
Hey man, careful- making cannabis production more efficient is my life's work, and I happen to think it's a good cause!


Well-Known Member
I need a time machine to flash my ass back to mid 1800's where I can stake out my own land and do whatever the fuck I want with it and not worry about paying some cunt for electrical, water, internet, food, etc etc etc


Well-Known Member
Hey man, careful- making cannabis production more efficient is my life's work, and I happen to think it's a good cause!
And btw what you are doing is a good cause and there are certain things which need to be efficient, cannabis production certainly rates there.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Mostly. Living in a simpler time without the man looking over your shoulder would be cool. However, electricity is fucking awesome. Air conditioning is the best! Hot water on tap for a shower runs a close second.
I've seen that 'simpler' life up close and personal, got lice and everything.

I'm a big fan of most of what the modern world has to offer and so my self assigned job is to help make the good better, while eliminating the bad to the greatest extent possible.

"Domo Arigato"


Well-Known Member
Added a couple Quantum Kush to the starts this morning. These should keep me busy for a while. Oh yeah I am seeing some seeds so that pollen I thought wasnt valid apparently was ;)
Black Malawi - Greenman Organic Seeds 20160311_075206.jpg
Cambodian Sativa 20160311_075152.jpg
707 Headband with Black Malawi behind it20160311_075130.jpg
Sinfully Sour 20160311_075117.jpg
Vietnam Sativa 20160311_075107.jpg
Vietnam Sativa 20160311_075102.jpg
Cambodian Sativa 20160311_075042.jpg
Center Rear Green Crack, Left Front Where's My Bike & Right Front is Karma's Headbanger 20160311_075037.jpg
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ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I feel sick reading about everyone wanting this that no bills etc...

anyone here wanna close the argument and tell me if they won a million in a lottery they would rather be living simple naked growing vegies living of the land and boiling your hot water on an open fire to have a shower...

I think not


Well-Known Member
I feel sick reading about everyone wanting this that no bills etc...

anyone here wanna close the argument and tell me if they won a million in a lottery they would rather be living simple naked growing vegies living of the land and boiling your hot water on an open fire to have a shower...

I think not

And then when/if most people DO come into money suddenly, they blow it. I keep hearing stories about how most lotto winners end up broke again.

BUILD SOMETHING. A house, a business, a technology, a family. These things last, and when I draw my last breath, I don't want to feel like there won't be any lasting contribution because I passed this way.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member

And then when/if most people DO come into money suddenly, they blow it. I keep hearing stories about how most lotto winners end up broke again.

BUILD SOMETHING. A house, a business, a technology, a family. These things last, and when I draw my last breath, I don't want to feel like there won't be any lasting contribution because I passed this way.
said very well


Well-Known Member
That is exactly what I am fkn saying homie. And I dont buy any fkn lottery tix so the chances of that happening are slim to fukn none. Northern India bound before all said and done.

I also agree with Ttystikk as well but building money type of wealth I could give a fuck about but thats just me. Money currently is just a tool to survive and I see where it just clouds things up in so many ways


Well-Known Member
That is exactly what I am fkn saying homie. And I dont buy any fkn lottery tix so the chances of that happening are slim to fukn none. Northern India bound before all said and done.

I also agree with Ttystikk as well but building money type of wealth I could give a fuck about but thats just me. Money currently is just a tool to survive and I see where it just clouds things up in so many ways
Indeed. Money is a tool, inherently no different than an axe. It can be used well or poorly, toward good ends or evil. So many people get confused and think it's the end in itself.