Donald Trump

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Drugs certainly play a role, but if you've ever taken a look at the demographics of homeless people, vets are represented abnormally high. Then again, I guess its true that most people only seem to "claim" to support our troops while their serving. Once they return home, they're forgotten about and shunned. I've worked in a few sectors of healthcare over the years and the VA is without a doubt one of the most difficult.

Trump can`t do anything about Homelessness until he becomes President. With the Feds. OK`n anybody who`s who to wear a Trident or MOH, as free speech, you still can`t tell a vet from a poser.
What a load of horseshit! Republicans in Congress have blocked or voted down bills that would have increased or improved Veterans benefits 9 times in the last 7yrs alone.
Love Obama or Hate Obama, he and his administration has done more for Veterans then any President since FDR!
BS problem is no matter what president does or tries to do the other nit wits will cross it , go against it ,,
problem is is most congress had a fucking brain instead of going with the opposite all the time
the country would be in much better shape .
when you stick 100 people into a room who agree to disagree what is going to come out of it ????
Sweet Fuck all that is your congress today to stuck up and to stupid to agree on things that need to be agreed upon
but will set this country 10 years behind times
Common sense is common sense just like Gun laws
If people are to stupid or responsible enough to own one and lets face it guns kill people who cares if its your constitutional rights to own one ???
its also in the constitution to protect its people maybe the ones that do not own Guns
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BS problem is no matter what president does or tries to do the other nit wits will cross it , go against it ,,
problem is is most congress had a fucking brain instead of going with the opposite all the time
the country would be in much better shape .
when you stick 100 people into a room who agree to disagree what is going to come out of it ????
Sweet Fuck all that is your congress today to stuck up and to stupid to agree on things that need to be agreed upon
but will set this country 10 years behind times
Common sense is common sense just like Gun laws
If people are to stupid or responsible enough to own one and lets face it guns kill people who cares if its your constitutional rights to own one ???
its also in the constitution to protect its people maybe the ones that do not own Guns

how many jews died in the holocaust?
BS problem is no matter what president does or tries to do the other nit wits will cross it , go against it ,,
problem is is most congress had a fucking brain instead of going with the opposite all the time
the country would be in much better shape .
when you stick 100 people into a room who agree to disagree what is going to come out of it ????
Sweet Fuck all that is your congress today to stuck up and to stupid to agree on things that need to be agreed upon
but will set this country 10 years behind times
Common sense is common sense just like Gun laws
If people are to stupid or responsible enough to own one and lets face it guns kill people who cares if its your constitutional rights to own one ???
its also in the constitution to protect its people maybe the ones that do not own Guns
Fireworks used to be legal in all states, now not so much. I just get mine from Mexico now.
Even after reading Sam's wikipedia page i still don't understand the reference.

Once again, with utmost respect; please elaborate o:

I'm young I have much to learn

I definitely did not specify a "them." If I said "hey america isnt the best, but at least we arent Iran" Then that argument would be valid. IMO USA is probably the best country for me specifically to live in; but we could absolutely improve. "Make america great again" is a BS slogan imo, but we could definitely take what we have in America and make it better.
"Yeah we aint perfect, but living here is way better than living in most countries..."
is what you said. The fact that you didn't specifically name a country is irrelevant in this instance because of the obvious implied implication.
Trump can`t do anything about Homelessness until he becomes President. With the Feds. OK`n anybody who`s who to wear a Trident or MOH, as free speech, you still can`t tell a vet from a poser.

Like you said before way i look at it is fuck em really everyone in this world makes the best out of what they can ,, Am i suppose to feel sorry for some homeless that lost everything because he is a meth addict ??? or Crack head, or to fucking lazy to get a Job , or already on the peoples pay roll but rather spend every welfare check gambling or doing drugs
we surely pay taxes ??? and some of them taxes go to just that addiction facilities..

Is it my fault this bum figured he work 10 years and now does not have enough pension to support him self
Again fuck em if he was to stupid not to plan its not my problem
And now everyone tends to think The government should take care of them
As your self for one sec WHY
these bums never put in or paid into the system they been a burden to us all by bothering innocent people shopping or doing what ever

I'm sorry i do not have a heart or SEEM really mean Life is fucking mean it throws curve balls all the time
fuck i got a Divorce 8 years ago oh yea paid out 750,000 and gave her a fucking house

Guess what folks i was busted ,, Put your mind where you want to be and go that way
As for Bums wanting a free ride ?? Again Fuck em free ride to GAS chamber
Because basically what you just said is "We may suck, but we're better than them." How is this a good thing?
"Yeah we aint perfect, but living here is way better than living in most countries..."
is what you said. The fact that you didn't specifically name a country is irrelevant in this instance because of the obvious implied implication.
I would name my county but my industry aint legal in my county o:

My point was comparing growing up in the USA as opposed to Pakistan, Iran, Palestine, Israel, Russia, etc...

I definitely don't say we suck, but we are absolutely a better country to live our lives/raise our children than some countries with sometimes drastically different values.

To say we are the best would be directly wrong. Whether or not its a comparison to other countries or if its a theoretical view on the USA itself.

We are not the best a country can be because we can be better. There are definitely political actions that you do not agree with, and if all political actions taken were direcly in line with your views than in your opinion the country would be "better." Point being, even you could see a better America than we have; even though we have a great America.

My guess is that ultimately we would end up arguing the same points so it would all end up irrelevant. I bet you and I have nearly the same political agenda, you just misread or I did a poor job of displaying how I feel.

Edit: After re-reading my post i noticed many issues, mostly regarding the USA and my opinion on whether or not its the "best country." I think its up there, and probably ties with other countries for first. But if we had appropriate policies we could easily be first un-disputably
I would name my county but my industry aint legal in my county o:

My point was comparing growing up in the USA as opposed to Pakistan, Iran, Palestine, Israel, Russia, etc...

I definitely don't say we suck, but we are absolutely a better country to live our lives/raise our children than some countries with sometimes drastically different values.

To say we are the best would be directly wrong. Whether or not its a comparison to other countries or if its a theoretical view on the USA itself.

We are not the best a country can be because we can be better. There are definitely political actions that you do not agree with, and if all political actions taken were direcly in line with your views than in your opinion the country would be "better." Point being, even you could see a better America than we have; even though we have a great America.

My guess is that ultimately we would end up arguing the same points so it would all end up irrelevant. I bet you and I have nearly the same political agenda, you just misread or I did a poor job of displaying how I feel.
It sounds like we agree on many things. My outlook just isn't nearly as rosy as yours. Maybe I've been hardened by time and experiences.
RE: Homelessness.
Yeah forget it. Edited to remove my posts since most of it is lost on many. Perhaps another time.

Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for a few to drop the collective intelligence of the board to that of a bowl of pubes.
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More hate and immaturity.

but it wasn't hateful or immature when your fellow trump supporter and admitted racist, mrstickyscissors, said the following:

Call it what you want homo. who ever dick it is lmao, fag
Says the homo with a dick in his avatar. How gay are you really? Like on a scale from 1 to 10, scratch that, are you as gay as uncle buck?

fuck, you even put a 'like' on that nonsensical gay-bashing homophobic hatred.

are you really this fucking stupid? or just a latent homosexual? or both?
Haaahaaahaaa. Another white pride pussy owned. Make some sandwiches and bring them to us bitch.
Are you guys still pissed off? I've been enjoying a beautiful afternoon and evening, and your still here cussing at each other? You guys sure know how to get out and make a difference in society!
It sounds like we agree on many things. My outlook just isn't nearly as rosy as yours. Maybe I've been hardened by time and experiences.
My outlook definitely isnt rosy, i've cried many times after observing and helping the poverty we have in this country; as well as the oppression we force on our minority groups.

I grew up in an Upper Middle class white family in a conservative suburb (My family was one of the few liberal families in the suburb.)

My experiences at my age are far grander than most people i've met. I've lived a life with a need for understanding and a need to never lose a conversation; scientific or political. It genuinely hurts my heart to see the suffering afflicted on many people in this country, as well as the stories of women from pakistan who have been near victims of things like honor killings.

Again, i'm an upper middle class white male; potentially one of the most privileged groups in the USA. But the pain i've experienced by observing the oppression of our minorities (fucking ALL of them) in the USA is hardening.

I have hope through few politicians; my political views are nearly entirely my own. I feel understanding and education is about the most important thing you can have; but nearly nobody in my age group feels the same.

We probably both feel the same pessimism and the same hope.
It sounds like we agree on many things. My outlook just isn't nearly as rosy as yours. Maybe I've been hardened by time and experiences.
Hater .
You should grow some weed and quit searching different forums to instill hate on a political basis and seek communication. How did you end up here anyways ?
If you weren't so hateful maybe somebody would love you.
You poor soul.
Goes along for the rest of yo asshats.
Are you guys still pissed off? I've been enjoying a beautiful afternoon and evening, and your still here cussing at each other? You guys sure know how to get out and make a difference in society!
Ya you enjoying your white party hat? Youre as phony as circlr jerk pals
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