Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

Judgment Day? GOP On Edge As Congress Will Seize Phone Records From Jan. 6

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s investigators are going after the phone records of some of their Republican colleagues looking for evidence they helped criminals compromise the Capitol. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on the update in the investigation. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC.
The 1/6 Committee Request For Records Is ‘Going To Drive Trump Crazy’

National political reporter for Politico Betsy Woodruff Swan, national security reporter for the Washington Post Devlin Barrett, and Director of the Republican Accountability Project Olivia Troye on the sweeping nature of the request for records by the January 6th select committee.

POLITICO Playbook: About Jim Jordan’s other Jan. 6 call with Trump

SCOOP: MORE THAN ONE JAN. 6 TRUMP-JORDAN CALL — We know that DONALD TRUMP and Rep. JIM JORDAN spoke once on the day of the Capitol riot, but the Ohio Republican has said he doesn’t remember when their conversation took place. We have some new details that could help clear up that timeframe — including confirmation of at least one more phone conversation between Jordan and the then-president during the siege.

After a group of lawmakers were evacuated from the House chamber to a safe room on Jan. 6, Jordan was joined by Rep. MATT GAETZ (R-Fla.) for a call during which they implored Trump to tell his supporters to stand down, per a source with knowledge of that call. The source declined to say how Trump responded to this request.

Jordan, when asked about whether Gaetz participated, said he’d “have to think about it,” citing many conversations he had during the frenetic attack. He also said phone calls to Trump happened more than once on that deadly day.

“Look, I definitely spoke to the president that day. I don't recall — I know it was more than once, I just don't recall the times,” Jordan told our Olivia Beavers. He later said that “I’m sure” one of the Trump-involved calls took place in the safe room “because we were in that room forever.” (For safety reasons, we are not disclosing the specific room where members were evacuated to, but that is the room Jordan is referencing.) Jordan would not get into the specifics of what he discussed with the president, though he said that like everyone, he wanted the National Guard to get involved.

A spokesperson for Gaetz, who has supported Trump’s decisions on Jan. 6, said: “Congressman Gaetz speaks with President Trump regularly and doesn’t disclose the substance of those discussions with the media.”

Jordan has previously disclosed that he spoke to Trump on Jan. 6, but not the existence of more than one call on the day — a rare piece of new information on the former president’s moves during the riot at a time when House Republicans are loath to discuss such specifics. Trump-Jordan discussions are likely to be of keen interest to the Democrat-led select committee on Jan. 6, which is expected to soon seek phone records of members of Congress themselves in its probe.
First Insurrection Trial Set for 10/18; Answers to FAQs About the Insurrection Cases

The first trial of an insurrectionist, defendant Aaron Mostofsky, is scheduled for October 18, 2021. Here is a review of the charges he's facing and some of what to expect at the upcoming trial.

Also, here are answers to the following five frequently asked questions:

1. Why are judges allowing defendants who are on pretrial release to travel, to leave the US to go on vacations, etc.?

2. Why are trial dates for defendants being set so far out in the future?

3. Why are the defendants who are pleading guilty early receiving what appear to be light sentences?

4. When defendants make statements to reporters, are those statements admissible at trial?

5. Are the prosecutors investigating those who funded, organized, incited and covered-up the insurrection or are they only investigating those who actually attacked the Capitol on January 6?
First Insurrection Trial Set for 10/18; Answers to FAQs About the Insurrection Cases

The first trial of an insurrectionist, defendant Aaron Mostofsky, is scheduled for October 18, 2021. Here is a review of the charges he's facing and some of what to expect at the upcoming trial.

Also, here are answers to the following five frequently asked questions:

1. Why are judges allowing defendants who are on pretrial release to travel, to leave the US to go on vacations, etc.?

2. Why are trial dates for defendants being set so far out in the future?

3. Why are the defendants who are pleading guilty early receiving what appear to be light sentences?

4. When defendants make statements to reporters, are those statements admissible at trial?

5. Are the prosecutors investigating those who funded, organized, incited and covered-up the insurrection or are they only investigating those who actually attacked the Capitol on January 6?
If they don't come back, 'win'. Prosecutors are busy. Little fish first. Judges have noted activities outside the court room. Point's 2, 3, making cases for the bigger fish.

Just guessing.
If they don't come back, 'win'. Prosecutors are busy. Little fish first. Judges have noted activities outside the court room. Point's 2, 3, making cases for the bigger fish.

Just guessing.
Glen is a former federal prosecutor and legal pundit on news networks, he knows the inside picture and many of the people in charge in the DOJ once worked with and for him. He's kinda my guide through the American legal quagmire and he has a real hard on for Trump and his henchmen. I figure this guy is typical of thousands of retired DOJ alumni and their opinions have a big impact on the current DOJ. He knows many of the players and more importantly the judges who will be overseeing many of the cases.
This puts a lot of heat on Garland, this guy's opinion counts in the legal world. I figure Garland has lot's of time to prosecute Trump, but first the 1/6 committee and a grand jury will recommend indictments. Also it will be much easier to go after Trump once NY puts him in a state maximum security prison and muzzles him, while everybody and their dog are suing him. That should put Trump's trial for conspiracy to commit insurrection around election season and Trump ain't on the ballot.

Laurence Tribe: If Garland doesn't prosecute Trump, the rule of law is "out the window"
Eminent constitutional law expert: If Biden and Garland won't go after Trump, country is in "desperate trouble"

f American democracy were a hospital patient, the diagnosis would be "critical". The Jim Crow Republican Party and larger neofascist movement are escalating their war on democracy by passing laws across the country designed to stop Black and brown people from voting. A new report from the Brennan Center details this:

After the 2010 elections, for the first time since the peak of the Jim Crow era, states across the country began to enact laws making it more difficult to vote. This wave of voter suppression was intertwined with race and the nation's changing racial demographics and was, at least in part, a backlash against rising turnout among communities of color contributing to the election of the nation's first Black president. Efforts to suppress the votes of communities of color accelerated in 2013, when the Supreme Court gutted a key part of the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v. Holder. In the eight years since, and especially in 2020, these trends continued.
Fascist violence continues unabated. In Portland, Oregon, last weekend right-wing street thugs attacked people they believed to be anti-fascists. The violence included a gun battle in downtown Portland. Police did not intervene, which is not entirely surprising given that America's police have long supported fascists and other right-wing extremists.

And let's not forget — as so many in the mainstream American news media have already done — that less than two weeks ago a Trump supporter threatened to detonate a car bomb near the Capitol if his demands were not met. He was apprehended after an hours-long standoff. (He did not actually have a bomb, but no one could be sure of that at the time.)

America's political institutions have shown themselves to be greatly weakened in the battle against Trumpism and the larger neofascist movement. A series of recent Supreme Court decisions have been made by fiat through what is known as the "shadow docket" process. Instead of acting as a final check against fascism and authoritarianism and other abuses of power, the right-wing justices of the Supreme Court have proven willing to restrict Joe Biden's presidential powers in ways they refused to do under the Trump regime.

The Supreme Court is no longer calling "balls and strikes," as the cliché holds. It is putting a fist on the scales of justice in favor of the far right. This is by design: Donald Trump and the Jim Crow Republicans packed the court, essentially for that purpose.

At the Daily Beast, commentator and author David Rothkopf offers this warning about America's crisis of democracy:

Fox News has run an article about the "news" that last week I tweeted: "The Taliban, all of them together, plus every Al Qaeda fighter in the world, do not pose the threat to the United States that Trump or Trumpist extremists do."
That was not the first time I have said that nor will be it the last time. Because it is true. They did ask me if I wanted to comment on what I'd already said publicly, and I emailed the following:
The Taliban and Al Qaeda are among the most vile, dangerous violent extremist organizations in the world. They pose a threat that must be taken very seriously and actively combatted. They do not, however, pose an existential threat to the United States or our way of life. Trump and his supporters have, with support of one of America's most dangerous enemies, actively sought to undermine democracy in America. The coup attempt on January 6th and the propagation of the Big Lie are an example of this.
Their efforts to suppress the vote are an example of this. Trump's active obstruction of justice is an example of this. Should they succeed, democracy in America will be gutted, our way of life ended, our values undermined and our standing in the world destroyed. They may yet succeed. As a consequence, the threat they pose is far greater to the United States as a whole....
For these reasons, it is irrefutable that Trump and many of the people seeking to advance his agenda or claim it for themselves are poised to have a far greater negative impact on Americans and the country as a whole than foreign extremist groups.
In response to the dagger being pointed at the heart of American democracy by Donald Trump, his followers and the Jim Crow Republican Party, President Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland are not acting with the necessary urgency. In a new op-ed for the Boston Globe, Laurence Tribe, the Carl M. Loeb University Professor Emeritus of Constitutional Law at Harvard, offers this warning:

We need to begin with the fundamental precept that not all crimes are created equal. Those crimes — regardless of who allegedly commits them — whose very aim is to overturn a fair election whereby our tradition of peaceful, lawful succession from one administration to the next takes place — a tradition begun by George Washington, continued by John Adams, and preserved by every president since except Donald Trump — are impossible to tolerate if we are to survive as a constitutional republic. …
Trump's relentlessness has laid bare the defects in many of those accountability mechanisms. Now Garland stands as the final line of defense for our constitutional democracy. No prior attorney general has confronted so daunting a challenge. For what might be the first time in his life and what will surely be the last, Garland could hold the future of the last best hope on earth in his hands.
I recently spoke to Tribe in search of more details on his deep concerns about the future of American democracy. In our conversation, he also reflected on how the current political crisis, in conjunction with the coronavirus pandemic and other problems, has caused many Americans to sink into a state of exhaustion, and an almost total withdrawal from politics. Tribe warned that such feelings represent a form of defeatism that will end in surrender to the neofascists.

Tribe also shared his thoughts on why Garland and the Department of Justice have (at least to this point) not attempted to prosecute Donald Trump and his confederates for their apparent crimes against democracy and the rule of law – and warned that not to do so would be a critical mistake, potentially fatal to the future of America's democratic project.

This conversation has been edited for length and clarity, as usual.
Trump Hit with CRUSHING DEFEAT in Court

Donald Trump and his allies have been further focused in on in congress as they examine records. This brings in house members close to Trump who know about his plans to subvert democracy
Gee, ya know if Matt Gaetz were in on any of these meetings or knew stuff, he might want to make a deal, Matt is looking at a long stretch and might only get out in a bag. Matt is also a psychopath and an asshole who is in a lot of trouble and will sell anybody down the river for some time off. Anybody conspiring with Matt in the room should be very nervous, why Matt might even make shit up to get his sentence reduced!
New Details On Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan Phone Call With Trump On Jan. 6

Politico reports that as lawmakers were evacuated to a safe room on January 6th, Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio was joined by Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida and together they, "implored Trump to tell his supporters to stand down, per a source with knowledge of that call."
Ron Johnson says 'nothing obviously skewed' in Wisconsin election results
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said in an undercover video taken by a liberal activist that he supported the results of the 2020 election in Wisconsin, where former President Trump lost to President Biden.

“There’s nothing obviously skewed about the results,” Johnson said in a video taken by activist Lauren Windsor, who pretended to be a Republican.

“If all the Republicans voted for Trump the way they voted for the Assembly candidates, he [Trump] would have won. He didn’t get 51,000 votes that other Republicans got, and that’s why he lost,” Johnson added.

Johnson later told The Washington Post he has been “consistent with what I’ve been saying publicly on the 2020 election, no need for hidden cameras and secret recordings.”

“There were many irregularities that have yet to be fully explained, fully investigated, and solutions passed to restore confidence in future elections,” Johnson told The Post. “I’ve investigated many of the irregularities, explained some, and have not gotten answers on many.”

He added that he has “acknowledged that we should respect our system of individual state certification of election results, and that in Wisconsin, there is nothing obviously wrong with the statewide results."
Ron Johnson says 'nothing obviously skewed' in Wisconsin election results
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said in an undercover video taken by a liberal activist that he supported the results of the 2020 election in Wisconsin, where former President Trump lost to President Biden.

“There’s nothing obviously skewed about the results,” Johnson said in a video taken by activist Lauren Windsor, who pretended to be a Republican.

“If all the Republicans voted for Trump the way they voted for the Assembly candidates, he [Trump] would have won. He didn’t get 51,000 votes that other Republicans got, and that’s why he lost,” Johnson added.

Johnson later told The Washington Post he has been “consistent with what I’ve been saying publicly on the 2020 election, no need for hidden cameras and secret recordings.”

“There were many irregularities that have yet to be fully explained, fully investigated, and solutions passed to restore confidence in future elections,” Johnson told The Post. “I’ve investigated many of the irregularities, explained some, and have not gotten answers on many.”

He added that he has “acknowledged that we should respect our system of individual state certification of election results, and that in Wisconsin, there is nothing obviously wrong with the statewide results."
lol. Sounds like somebody’s getting a primary challenge.
lol. Sounds like somebody’s getting a primary challenge.
He'd better tow the line or Donny war bucks will reach into his ill gotten gains from his army of racist suckers and smite him! Having Donald run around with a knife like Chucky in a horror movie decimating republicans in primaries on his way to prison would be oh so nice! So would Trump demanding Republican members of congress storm the NY courthouse of his trial just before election season! I can see it now, the cops in NY won't let that bullshit happen to them and besides the patriotic citizens there to see justice would make the scene a riot on par with 1/6, only with a lot more dead Trumpers! :lol:

Break out the popcorn Canuck, the fall and winter entertainment season holds great promise!
McCarthy Wants To ‘Bury The Evidence’ Of GOP's Involvement On 1/6

Congressman Eric Swalwell responds to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s statement warning telecom companies not to comply with 1/6 committee subpoenas and says he has prosecuted people with even less evidence for witness intimidation.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy Obstructs the Congressional Investigation into 1/6 Attack; DOJ Must Act

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol is seeking phone records from telecommunications companies as part of its investigation. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told the telecommunications companies not to comply with the Congressional requests and threatened that if they did, the GOP "would not forget it" once they are in power. This is a brazen act of obstructing a congressional investigation. The Department of Justice must address this promptly or else there likely will be more obstructive conduct by McCarty and perhaps others, as lawlessness begets lawlessness.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy Obstructs the Congressional Investigation into 1/6 Attack; DOJ Must Act

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol is seeking phone records from telecommunications companies as part of its investigation. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told the telecommunications companies not to comply with the Congressional requests and threatened that if they did, the GOP "would not forget it" once they are in power. This is a brazen act of obstructing a congressional investigation. The Department of Justice must address this promptly or else there likely will be more obstructive conduct by McCarty and perhaps others, as lawlessness begets lawlessness.
So is the toilet built into the recliner or how does that work exactly?