BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
I haven't put the cages on and now they're too big to put on so I'll have to get bamboo canes and cable ties and I havent lolly popped either ffs
So I've a few hours of smelly and sticky annoying work to do that would've taken half an hour two weeks ago ffs
The worse part is that I knew it needed doing and kept putting it off out of lazyness


Well-Known Member
Tomato cages? I've stuck some cages over some pretty fat plants before. I actually pulled all the leaves up and wrapped her with twine like a Christmas tree on a car. Then I could work the cage over then cut the strings g to let her go. Not something I'd do on a regular basis but it worked :)