
Well-Known Member
Thanks bro I appreciate it man I guess as of right now I can't even do anything but on the bright side I still have 50% of my equipment I have my pots I have my lights I just don't have a place to put them yet
you got ½ the battle won! thiings will turn around, if you are trying, and it sounds like you are to me. i wish good fortune to you bro


Well-Known Member
Much appreciated thank you very much
Hey Deusracing, how are you man? how are things coming along?
Hey, I picked up a Rocket Plasma for $300. You are literally the only other person i Have found that uses them. Can you tell me any pros and cons you have found when using yours? I am going to give it a run this round, and see first hand, and depending on results, will tell if i keep it around or not....
I am actually thinking of just picking up a 250 watt HPS for my 2x2.
anyway...take care bud.


Well-Known Member
Hey Deusracing, how are you man? how are things coming along?
Hey, I picked up a Rocket Plasma for $300. You are literally the only other person i Have found that uses them. Can you tell me any pros and cons you have found when using yours? I am going to give it a run this round, and see first hand, and depending on results, will tell if i keep it around or not....
I am actually thinking of just picking up a 250 watt HPS for my 2x2.
anyway...take care bud.
No cons honestly I haven't been able to use one in over year mine still sitting in the box but you will like it


Well-Known Member
cool. it really puts off a nice spectrum so i am expecting it to do something! but i have read so many negative reviews, but they are all speculation reviews... i am guessing nobody can look past the price, I mean a $1000 is alot of money...when you can just get a hps for under 2 bills, i get why there is not much in the way of reviews and shit like that....i would think rocket plasma would stand up for themselves at some point to hush the neighsayers, but whatever. I know they put out that vid with the cheap ass lumen meter, that maxs out if you light a lighter next to it... lol. it makes them appear like amateurs. They need to show some proper tests. I realized these lose quite a bit of light thru heat dissipation, and they may not be the BEST choice regarding grams per watt, This i know based on what some of these COB led designs that are out there are capable of pulling. I am no whiz, i have friends for that stuff, but i slightly do get the concept, and from what i understand, the rocket plasma wont hold up to the efficency that can be obtained by the new COB style, but these aren't cobs. I am not worried about losing a little $ to heat dissipation, at this point.
I'm more just interested in what they can DO, as i know you got pics scattered thru yr page...maybe i'll browse thru and refresh my memory on your results.
Sorry to hear your shits in a box. Not a very productive spot for it. too bad you didnt have some friends around that you could set it up in their basement or garage! lol, maybe a bad idea on 2nd thought!