Hi guys just wondering is npk percentage 10-10-10 good for auto cannibis plant trow veg and flowerin


Well-Known Member
Just woundering what percentage is good for auto cannibis is 10-10-10 good for veg and flowering? But i wont add any at veg only if theres deficency since veg last only two weeks for auto


Well-Known Member
Look a 1-1-1,4-4-4,10-10-10 are all the same the only thing different is the concentration,you will use 10x as much 1-1-1 to get the same strength as a 10-10-10 see.Its the ratio thats important.Dont switch to a 2-7-4 bullshit for flower,thats not enough nitrogen to maintain a healthy plant.

Given those choices id just stay with 10-10-10 through the whole grow,raising and lowering strength as needed.


Active Member
I only have a 4-4-4 could i just double the strength of that an use it all the way threw would that work as well an thank you for your advice much more could be used. Is it okay to just ask qustions on any thread or should i start my own if so how im a noob in need of help.


Well-Known Member
You should start your own thread and ya 4-4-4 will work fine, personally I would secure a ppm meter and learn to use it.dont just double up on it.As I said 1-1-1,4-4-4,10-10-10 are all the same.As the numbers go up it takes less to arrive at the same PPM.


Active Member
You should start your own thread and ya 4-4-4 will work fine, personally I would secure a ppm meter and learn to use it.dont just double up on it.As I said 1-1-1,4-4-4,10-10-10 are all the same.As the numbers go up it takes less to arrive at the same PPM.
Thanks how do you start a thread


Active Member
Yea i got scared i thought u ment run it over like dont bother i was guna be mad as shit. Lmfao but thank you for the advice i only water it 100 ml every 3rd day
But it is litterly planted outside no pot or control staight mother earth.


Active Member
When should i start mixing the fertilizer in with the dirt. Mind you im not using liquid fert. Im using jobes 4-4-4 organic mix it has blood meal bone meal feather meal an alot of other stuff. Also how deep should i dig to feed it.