Club 600


Well-Known Member
On the church bit. I find a good church to be an invaluable resource for good people and good vibes. Like this group here, it's nice to be in the company of people up to things. Like going to the bar, or hanging out with friends, playing video games all good for relaxing, having a laugh... But there is something uplifting to be with a group of folks with their eyes on something bigger. Church isn't the only place to find this, but its a good one. It's a reason I also like AA meetings. Sure all the people in there might be a wreck ( including myself) but we are working on it, we are willing to take about 1% of our time in a week and use it for something bigger than our selves.

Some of my new friends here in Spain have shown me that one can find and latch onto the negative side of anything in the world. They are correct in what they think... But there is always a positive too, and in my head is a beautiful thing to be able to find and latch onto the positive, while also admitting the negative, just not signing it's song, our whatever.

Yeah there were the crusades, and there are priests touching kids, and mega churches using money for mansions, etc etc etc. Ok. There are also churches feeding people everyday, helping people in the community. Churches that work together with other religions places of worship to help the local community. There is singing, hugs, people concerned with you life, etc etc.

I don't go to church very often, but everytime I do I wished I went more. My memories of messing around with my mom while dad told us to be quiet are among the best. Funny too cuz dad would often fall asleep.

If you let yourself find the good, you'll be amazed how much the is. At least at a good church. Some of them are full of shitheads and are lead by an even bigger shithead. I suggest avoiding those places.

And all of that is ignoring kinda the point of church, showing a little love to the big guy. An hour a week isn't asking to much to show some appreciation and dedication... Ha. I need to listen to my own advice, it's Sunday morning at 845 for me and I'm thinking of thing back to sleep after I press post reply.

I've always found God to be pretty cool. And I've always found hanging out with his/her other friends to be cool to, no matter what religion.

Ok, pro church post over, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
On the church bit. I find a good church to be an invaluable resource for good people and good vibes. Like this group here, it's nice to be in the company of people up to things. Like going to the bar, or hanging out with friends, playing video games all good for relaxing, having a laugh... But there is something uplifting to be with a group of folks with their eyes on something bigger. Church isn't the only place to find this, but its a good one. It's a reason I also like AA meetings. Sure all the people in there might be a wreck ( including myself) but we are working on it, we are willing to take about 1% of our time in a week and use it for something bigger than our selves.

Some of my new friends here in Spain have shown me that one can find and latch onto the negative side of anything in the world. They are correct in what they think... But there is always a positive too, and in my head is a beautiful thing to be able to find and latch onto the positive, while also admitting the negative, just not signing it's song, our whatever.

Yeah there were the crusades, and there are priests touching kids, and mega churches using money for mansions, etc etc etc. Ok. There are also churches feeding people everyday, helping people in the community. Churches that work together with other religions places of worship to help the local community. There is singing, hugs, people concerned with you life, etc etc.

I don't go to church very often, but everytime I do I wished I went more. My memories of messing around with my mom while dad told us to be quiet are among the best. Funny too cuz dad would often fall asleep.

If you let yourself find the good, you'll be amazed how much the is. At least at a good church. Some of them are full of shitheads and are lead by an even bigger shithead. I suggest avoiding those places.

And all of that is ignoring kinda the point of church, showing a little love to the big guy. An hour a week isn't asking to much to show some appreciation and dedication... Ha. I need to listen to my own advice, it's Sunday morning at 845 for me and I'm thinking of thing back to sleep after I press post reply.

I've always found God to be pretty cool. And I've always found hanging out with his/her other friends to be cool to, no matter what religion.

Ok, pro church post over, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
I know what you mean I'm not a bible thumper myself, far from it, but the people you meet are the main reason I keep going back. I sometimes don't go to church far several months and when I do everyone welcomes me back with hugs and kisses.



Well-Known Member
I've studied Chrstuan apologetics for years. A good church can do wonders for people. Others can do harm. I love speaking about it, especially with the loads of bad arguments that skeptics and young atheists throw around that are no longer considered valid arguments by today's top atheist thinkers. I'm not opening a debate, but it's nice to hear the talk.

On a weed note, I might be pulling a fireball out today at the beginning of week 7. Only have about 4 dabs left.......


Well-Known Member
What poor arguments are you referring to in reference to atheists? all we ask for is evidence lol I've grown up in ireland my whole life and have gone to catholic primary and secondary schools and I can assure you not once has my lack of belief been swayed lol me n my mate went to a Mormon get together after some door knockin mormon invited him along...FUCKIN HILARIOUS!


Well-Known Member
What poor arguments are you referring to in reference to atheists? all we ask for is evidence lol I've grown up in ireland my whole life and have gone to catholic primary and secondary schools and I can assure you not once has my lack of belief been swayed lol me n my mate went to a Mormon get together after some door knockin mormon invited him along...FUCKIN HILARIOUS!
I'm not going to open a debate here. It's not the place for it. I will though add this link to loads of information, debates, and Q&A with the top thinkers on both sides. You and others can watch if they are interested to hear honest, relevant arguments and information brought by the tops of the fields.


Well-Known Member
Well. I check every single electrical connection after each round. This was one of my main feeds I to the tent. It's the plug. (Rated at 15amp) that failed. Did not actually cause a problem and the gfci would have shut it down if it got farther. Was pulling more than 15amps obviously as its a 20amp breaker.
It was a mistake made while moving out of my leaky shed in the middle of the night a while ago. Today I'm putting a 20amp gfci right in the tent and upgrading the connectors.

Good thing I check stuff out eh?!



Well-Known Member
By my math there was about 18-19amps being pulled through a 15amp connector. The wire has no heat damage except inside the plug so it was plug failure. :-(

Tbh. Looking back, I believe I forgot to calculate all the box fans into the load. Almost 500w worth. Still. 20amp breaker and wire should use 20amp connectors. Shame on me for working too tired in the wet rain to move the grow. Lol. Just glad I'm retentive and basically pull everything apart every time.


Well-Known Member
Some of the contacts on those cheaper plugs and outlets do not have much surface area. I try and find heavy duty parts made for outdoor use. Find a good electrical supply store and avoid the Home Depot crap.

I know you already know all of this! I am just posting it for the audience.
