Club 600


Well-Known Member
@greenjambo dont know how you do it!! I only have one and she gives me a run for my money!! Children are so amazing how happy they are and how much happiness they bring into your life.

The wife and I have been trying for a 2nd ...hopefully everything aligns in the universe and I get my self a boy!
Haha, my eldest son and daughter are almost out their teens, and weve a 4 year old lad and kinda hoped for a little girl for the missus but we were blessed with another son and just as happy!
Nothing's Better :-D
Good luck with your new start ect... Hope you get on your feet soon and a new baby always makes things seem better!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Damn jig. I cant imagine having religion be that much a part of life. LOL
That made me smile..:D

It had me thinking just going to a place and regardless of spiritual, scientific, non believing or what ever you think there is in the universe just being around people with a positive vibe would be cool and a change for me. I'm usually a very anti social sociable person lol ...I can be extreamly out going then the next day feel like I wish I was the last person on earth and have the feeling like I don't want to go into work today.

Family has changed all that. Depression can suck no matter where you are in life..but I can't give up anymore like my younger years.


Well-Known Member
Please spare a thought for my brother in law who is lying in a coma in hospital in South Africa with cerebral menangitis unable to breath himself. It really is some hectic shit. They think it came from Nigeria where he had just come back from business. World turned upside down last night. Peace DST
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Well-Known Member
Please spare a thought for my brother in law who is lying in a coma in hospital in South Africa with cerebral menangitis unable to breath himself. It really is some hectic shit. They think it came from Nigeria where he had just come back from business. World turned upside down last night. Peace DST
I hope he comes through bru! My thoughts are with you and the Princess !
So much compassion in this forum ! So many genuine good folk's. ( Family )

I mailed you ;-) @DST


Well-Known Member
You bet man. Pulling for him. Best thoughts and wishes to your family D.

Please spare a thought for my brother in law who is lying in a coma in hospital in South Africa with cerebral menangitis unable to breath himself. It really is some hectic shit. They think it came from Nigeria where he had just come back from business. World turned upside down last night. Peace DST


Well-Known Member
Lots of good vibes sent down to him.

On a different note... I haven't smoked for a few days because I've been sick. Holy Shit.... I'm an asshole when I'm not smoking. I'm at home alone... you'd think I could keep from yelling at things at the top of my lungs. Nope. :) I've cussed out all sorts of inanimate objects today. Good fucking times. :)


Well-Known Member
Lots of good vibes sent down to him.

On a different note... I haven't smoked for a few days because I've been sick. Holy Shit.... I'm an asshole when I'm not smoking. I'm at home alone... you'd think I could keep from yelling at things at the top of my lungs. Nope. :) I've cussed out all sorts of inanimate objects today. Good fucking times. :)
I am at my wittiest when dealing with inanimate object. ...those fukkers lol