Coloradans beware!!!


Well-Known Member
Rain barrels are completely legal in Texas..

Why dafuq are they illegal here?

Fucking liberals.


Well-Known Member
Dude. Did you read that link he posted? You can thank the repubtards for that stupid ass law
to be fair, they are just fighting for their constituents, farmers and ranchers, who rely on a very strict interpretation of colorado water rights.

i can't believe though that a bunch of (formerly) illegal cannabis growers are worried about catching rain in a barrel though.

what's the worst that could happen in you get caught?


Well-Known Member
Lol. I don't care that they tell me not to grow weed, I certainly don't care if they tell me I cannot capture some water that falls from the fucking sky. What's next, I'm using too much sunlight??? Smh...


Well-Known Member
I just collected 5 gallons of snow....I should yeild 2 to 2 1/2 gallons of water

Should I be wary of LEO's?