

Well-Known Member
I want to flower them before they get bigger then the desired height I can work with giving room size


Well-Known Member
I was told to flush with pH balanced water then feed a light feeding should fix it. And so far the problem hasnt progressed.


Well-Known Member
So I should be able to send into flowering now then without causing them issues
I've never flushed my plants between veg and flower stages. Nor do I flush before harvest. The only time I can see a person flushing is when they've over fed and caused a nut burn or lock out.
If you want to know when to switch to flowering and are working in a tent, visit my grow journal for a handy formula.

Last thing, there's a HUGE debate about flushing, some will say do it, other's will say don't. I say it's your grow, listen to both sides then decided for yourself what's best for your grow.


Well-Known Member
I have flushed before harvest in past I have also gave just pH balanced water at the end for 2 weeks and haven't noticed a difference


Well-Known Member
I have flushed before harvest in past I have also gave just pH balanced water at the end for 2 weeks and haven't noticed a difference
Lost potential is rarely noticed.Youre buds continue to grow in the final weeks,it always astounds me people are sssooooo careful feeding their plants until the last 2weeks and then they starve their plants when it matters the most.When the buds are growing...amazing.


Well-Known Member
I have flawless finish and haven't even noticed much of a difference using that either before harvest either