did some one say,some one builds led's on here


Well-Known Member
I'm sure i read a post about someone on here building led's,if i miss read a post what led would i be looking at for flowering pref one that has the same kinda light has a 600 hps.

I was wondering how long it would take greenhouse seeds to get into the cbd,money rush.
I all so think that if you are growing cbd strains for open sale and you are one of the worlds,largest seed producer's with your own multi million euro's worth of lab testing equipment then you should at least put the results of the cbd levels up.


Well-Known Member
Cobs seem to be the ones to beat at the moment... Many on here who build their own...


Well-Known Member
Heavenbright, PLC, Tasty, Johnson, northern grow lights, im sure I missed a few. All members here who have businesses making lights. Quite the variety within them as well.


Well-Known Member
Cobs seem to be the ones to beat at the moment... Many on here who build their own...
Any adviceon the price range i am looking at,got offered one at 800 pound yesterday,from my mate hydroponic store,that is what he paid for it ,andit was on sale for 1200 .I was into minds if it was worth getting or not,to be honest i am thinking of just getting one of the 250 cfl's large bulb's with flowering spec just for auto's ,but any advice on prices would be great i really,would like to try a l-e d at some point but then agian i'm in a situation where things are running smooth,and have been for some time now,so it if aint broke dont try and fixit and that but i will be getting the large 250 cfl ,my family memebr used one and it was really good it run hot but,i will bulid a cool vented hood for it.It will just be for auto's and flowering clone's,because to be honest,i think auto's are a phase,like very thing,you will get more from a clone that is vegged for 2/3 week after roots have took place then put on 12/12 off i did this a few yeas ago with exo cheese it produced 4 gram under 3 oz,no 18/6/24 hour lighting just 12/12 off from clone.i seeno reason for them unless you are growing out doors then there come into there own


Well-Known Member
Any adviceon the price range i am looking at,got offered one at 800 pound yesterday,from my mate hydroponic store,that is what he paid for it ,andit was on sale for 1200 .I was into minds if it was worth getting or not,to be honest i am thinking of just getting one of the 250 cfl's large bulb's with flowering spec just for auto's ,but any advice on prices would be great i really,would like to try a l-e d at some point but then agian i'm in a situation where things are running smooth,and have been for some time now,so it if aint broke dont try and fixit and that but i will be getting the large 250 cfl ,my family memebr used one and it was really good it run hot but,i will bulid a cool vented hood for it.It will just be for auto's and flowering clone's,because to be honest,i think auto's are a phase,like very thing,you will get more from a clone that is vegged for 2/3 week after roots have took place then put on 12/12 off i did this a few yeas ago with exo cheese it produced 4 gram under 3 oz,no 18/6/24 hour lighting just 12/12 off from clone.i seeno reason for them unless you are growing out doors then there come into there own
For £800 you could buy almost any LED made by a forum member.


Well-Known Member
looking at getting one, don't really want to spend that much to be honest,its something that i really want to try out,every l-e-d grow i have ever seen done over here by good grower's, that get over a lb per plant under hps light,have all gone back to hps,they think i'm mad but i want to try them,i will never change my vegging from t5,my plants love that room,the t5 in there is a 4 tube one that i sometimes add a extra 2 tube one i have.The plants in the room with the t5 have been topped in total of 7 time's,i normally top my plants at least 7/8 times then once they hit the flowering room they are left alone,the next grow will be done back how i all ways grow with a scrog table over them,but with a larger table,i have been wasting space in that room with the speakers that i have my oss fans on,i'm buying wall mounted one's for the next grow.Every grower i know over here its not a lot be honest,i don't like people knowing what i do,so not many know i grow,they think i get the odd bit for sale ,i trust no one.I have been involved with drugs since i was about 14,and in that time it's normally the people you would never think would grass you up,that normally do.The worst people to tell are new girlfriends i know its hard because you want to show your girls off but trust me they have been responsible for me going to prison twice,one of them times my kids mother was one of them.so its learnt me to trust no one girlfriends come and go,also friends,they may not grass to the police if you have a fall out, there lips become lose after a fall out,so like i say i make it out like i sell the odd bit that i get from friends,it's the best way trust me....
I will not ,be shutting my h-p-s grow down,i will just be adding a tent to a friends spare room,and using a l-e-d in there,or a bank of them dep on price,but if its stupid money then i will just stick to what i know works h-p-s.The amount of clones or seed's of the strains i do,that i could sell is a hell of a lot,i like my haze growing and fruit strains,the cross i did last year the blues x exodus people still talk about that now,i will give seeds of that away at some point ,but not untill i have totally finished with it and moved onto my next projects.I do not grow feminized seed'si hate them,but any strain i do my self,i all ways do any seeds that i sell or give away are all ways feminized,
The plant's in the flower room are just getting fatter and fatter each day heavy too,not a fluffy bud in sight,I really am looking forward to making some dry ice hash from the trim and the smaller buds,I have started doing it the original way by beating it,but watched a thread on you tube other day that tga put on about a way of putting it in a bucket with a 70 mc bag,on the bottom and then shaking it over a clean work surface,really worth watching that by the way he uses timewreck,the result what he gets from the 72 mc bag is un real,really nice hash,i like to have good quality heads around that i can make into a block,and then put away for future use,I have made,a metal plate and former that i just put the heads in once there cleaned,then i i put it in the press and heat the plate then,jack it with the press,to compact the hash,after about 6/7 month the stuff is great and i think its perfect time to smoke it,


Well-Known Member
looking at getting one, don't really want to spend that much to be honest,its something that i really want to try out,every l-e-d grow i have ever seen done over here by good grower's, that get over a lb per plant under hps light,have all gone back to hps,they think i'm mad but i want to try them,i will never change my vegging from t5,my plants love that room,the t5 in there is a 4 tube one that i sometimes add a extra 2 tube one i have.The plants in the room with the t5 have been topped in total of 7 time's,i normally top my plants at least 7/8 times then once they hit the flowering room they are left alone,the next grow will be done back how i all ways grow with a scrog table over them,but with a larger table,i have been wasting space in that room with the speakers that i have my oss fans on,i'm buying wall mounted one's for the next grow.Every grower i know over here its not a lot be honest,i don't like people knowing what i do,so not many know i grow,they think i get the odd bit for sale ,i trust no one.I have been involved with drugs since i was about 14,and in that time it's normally the people you would never think would grass you up,that normally do.The worst people to tell are new girlfriends i know its hard because you want to show your girls off but trust me they have been responsible for me going to prison twice,one of them times my kids mother was one of them.so its learnt me to trust no one girlfriends come and go,also friends,they may not grass to the police if you have a fall out, there lips become lose after a fall out,so like i say i make it out like i sell the odd bit that i get from friends,it's the best way trust me....
I will not ,be shutting my h-p-s grow down,i will just be adding a tent to a friends spare room,and using a l-e-d in there,or a bank of them dep on price,but if its stupid money then i will just stick to what i know works h-p-s.The amount of clones or seed's of the strains i do,that i could sell is a hell of a lot,i like my haze growing and fruit strains,the cross i did last year the blues x exodus people still talk about that now,i will give seeds of that away at some point ,but not untill i have totally finished with it and moved onto my next projects.I do not grow feminized seed'si hate them,but any strain i do my self,i all ways do any seeds that i sell or give away are all ways feminized,
The plant's in the flower room are just getting fatter and fatter each day heavy too,not a fluffy bud in sight,I really am looking forward to making some dry ice hash from the trim and the smaller buds,I have started doing it the original way by beating it,but watched a thread on you tube other day that tga put on about a way of putting it in a bucket with a 70 mc bag,on the bottom and then shaking it over a clean work surface,really worth watching that by the way he uses timewreck,the result what he gets from the 72 mc bag is un real,really nice hash,i like to have good quality heads around that i can make into a block,and then put away for future use,I have made,a metal plate and former that i just put the heads in once there cleaned,then i i put it in the press and heat the plate then,jack it with the press,to compact the hash,after about 6/7 month the stuff is great and i think its perfect time to smoke it,
I'm going to tell you upfront that I didn't read anything past the first few sentences. Get this post moved to the LED section under indoor growing or make a new. Not so much a wall of text post there and I'm sure people will give you all the information you're looking for!:bigjoint: