Embarrassing Trump Audio Exposes Him as Totally Clueless


Well-Known Member
That's David Duke, a former wizard of the kkk, a leader of white supremecist movement and an endorser of Trump, well, sneakily so. This thread concerns Trump.

Hillary can be found on another thread. But go ahead and talk to yourself about her here if you like.

Trump is a much more sinister pig.
BRB, gonna go make the hillary thread.

didn't want to give the retards a platform for their sexism, but at least it'll out them.


Well-Known Member
How do you fix someone (who is racist) not hiring someone?

Unless they say they are doing it for racial reasons you can't prosecute.

Teaching our children right from wrong is where the changes happen.
Why is the solution so hard to see or even discussed?

Sadly with the rising cost of raising a child a large portion of our population is being raised by strangers while both parents have to work or not present.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
That's David Duke, a former wizard of the kkk, a leader of white supremecist movement and an endorser of Trump, well, sneakily so. This thread concerns Trump.

Hillary can be found on another thread. But go ahead and talk to yourself about her here if you like.

Trump is a much more sinister pig.
Well you are obviously voting hillary. I pointed out her policies negatively affecting black people and views towards black children.

She helped create the bank crisis, voted for the Iraq war and reduced aid for the low income family.

She is a manipulative, racist, lying, hypocritical woman.

Who trump is or isn't does not change the fact that America does not trust Hillary.


Well-Known Member
Are you referring to me as sexist? How would that work with a woman?
of course you can be sexist against women, just like blacks can be racist against blacks or jews can hate jews.

was that a serious question, or are you really this far away from reality?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm qualified to run my nuts on your chin. BOOM!

Howdy Robby. Long time no see.

Careful of the stubble.

Howdy See4, I trust you'll not thrust too mightily with that bulbous weapon? I'm old and you might hurt me.


Well-Known Member
She helped create the bank crisis, voted for the Iraq war and reduced aid for the low income family.
Can you cite this please? This is extremely over simplistic and in no way paints a complete picture. I'd be interested in reading further than just the regurgitated talking points that get posted here.

I'm no fan of Hillary but it truly baffles me how anyone with a brain larger than fungus gnat could support Trump in any way shape or form. Aside from the fact that he has zero knowledge/experience in foreign and global policy, how on earth can anyone be comfortable with the idea of Donald-fucking-Trump as the CIF, having control and the care of the WORLDS largest nuclear forces. :shock:


Well-Known Member
You sell timeshare vacation contracts. You must know that misrepresenting the product -- especially promises in writing -- is fraud. If you did that you'd go to jail. Trump is not facing jail time, so the system is giving him a break there.

There is also this problem with calling that sham a University. Again, not. He was warned in 2005 that he could not call the fraud operation a University because it wasn't a licensed educational institution.

You wingnuts are sure ignorant. This is all easily available but not on FOX. A little time spent looking this up will make you look a lot less foolish. Of course then you would then also learn how distorted your world view is.
One thing that's illegal for me to do in timeshare is pitch rental to get them to buy more time. I know that people who rent their time usually recoup 200 per night. The real average is about 190 and change. But after fees they only get about half. I don't have to mention the fees.

I can't pitch that though. I can inform them that rental is a use option. I'm not allowed to give a figure.

But I can ask what they think a hotel would rent for. They give me a figure. I then ask how much more they think condos would rent for over a hotel. They'll give me another figure.

I add those two and all of a sudden I'm legally pitching them rental with a dollar figure they can expect to get.

My point is that it's the little things that count. When they figure out what they really get when they rent it, they're going to feel like I lied to them. But it's perfectly legal becuase I used their numbers.

The tiniest detail can make all the difference is what I'm saying. All we've seen so far is the plaintiffs petition. Of course they're going to allege something illegal.


Well-Known Member
Can you cite this please? This is extremely over simplistic and in no way paints a complete picture. I'd be interested in reading further than just the regurgitated talking points that get posted here.

I'm no fan of Hillary but it truly baffles me how anyone with a brain larger than fungus gnat could support Trump in any way shape or form. Aside from the fact that he has zero knowledge/experience in foreign and global policy, how on earth can anyone be comfortable with the idea of Donald-fucking-Trump as the CIF, having control and the care of the WORLDS largest nuclear forces. :shock:
Extremely unlikely you will get any sort of rational thought out of her. But I suppose it's always worth a try.


Well-Known Member
One thing that's illegal for me to do in timeshare is pitch rental to get them to buy more time. I know that people who rent their time usually recoup 200 per night. The real average is about 190 and change. But after fees they only get about half. I don't have to mention the fees.

I can't pitch that though. I can inform them that rental is a use option. I'm not allowed to give a figure.

But I can ask what they think a hotel would rent for. They give me a figure. I then ask how much more they think condos would rent for over a hotel. They'll give me another figure.

I add those two and all of a sudden I'm legally pitching them rental with a dollar figure they can expect to get.

My point is that it's the little things that count. When they figure out what they really get when they rent it, they're going to feel like I lied to them. But it's perfectly legal becuase I used their numbers.

The tiniest detail can make all the difference is what I'm saying. All we've seen so far is the plaintiffs petition. Of course they're going to allege something illegal.
What Trump did was similar to you telling your mark they were buying into timeshare of a hotel when it was a shabby duplex made by splitting a small house into two with a shared bathroom between the two units. Your brochure shows a multi story hotel, pool, spa, bar, all the nice stuff near the beach while the real deal was a weedy little yard with a kiddie plastic play pool filled by a garden hose near a bus stop that can take them to the beach in about a half hour. And your sales pitch was done in a real hotel in the same city as the duplex but the address shown on the contract did not match the hotel's, it matched the duplex.

Fraud University.


Well-Known Member
Can you cite this please? This is extremely over simplistic and in no way paints a complete picture. I'd be interested in reading further than just the regurgitated talking points that get posted here.

I'm no fan of Hillary but it truly baffles me how anyone with a brain larger than fungus gnat could support Trump in any way shape or form. Aside from the fact that he has zero knowledge/experience in foreign and global policy, how on earth can anyone be comfortable with the idea of Donald-fucking-Trump as the CIF, having control and the care of the WORLDS largest nuclear forces. :shock:
easy peasy..

1. glass-steagall repeal on bill's watch and since she's taking credit for the clinton years..it's on her too.

2. iraq vote as NY senator; sanders voted against highly publicized during debates..i thought everyone knew this.

3. AA child standing in front of her at campaign rally..'get out of my way'.

i take it you're not a women.. @Flaming Pie and i are..you'd be amazed at the things we can see while the men folk are complaining about someone stealing their Home Depot cart and YT'ing the rage:lol:
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Well-Known Member
you're all looking at this the wrong way..how can we get the 'right' guy voted in instead of shrugging your shoulders and resigning yourself to mediocrity?

if not NOW..WHEN?????
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Well-Known Member
Why is the solution so hard to see or even discussed?

Sadly with the rising cost of raising a child a large portion of our population is being raised by strangers while both parents have to work or not present.
this is why sanders must not succeed..he represents a solid agenda (true change) that might actually work..isn't anyone getting this yet?

he MUST be stopped at all COSTS!!!!


Well-Known Member
easy peasy..

1. glass-steagall repeal on bill's watch and since she's taking credit for the clinton years..it's on her too.

2. iraq vote as NY senator; sanders voted against highly publicized during debates..i thought everyone knew this.

3. AA child standing in front of her at campaign rally..'get out of my way'.

i take it you're not a women.. @Flaming Pie and i are..you'd be amazed at the things we can see while the men folk are complaining about someone stealing their Home Depot cart and YT'ing the rage:lol:

Well, since you've asked. Yes, I'm a woman. I'm also a retired medic. I have one son deployed and one about to leave for basic. Vague description, I know. I usually don't bring my gender, my career, or my service into any political debate because I dont want to appear as though I'm using it to add validity to my opinion. I asked for the talking points to be cited because there is often a much broader picture to take into consideration. Like I said, I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, but the idea of Trump as CIC should scare anyone, regardless of gender, race, or occupation.