SomeGuy's LED & Other Grows. 2014-15 Season

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All mine the roots are in the resi before they even go into flower. It doesn't take very long. A week or 2 at most.

@CannaBruh sips- faster growth, better yield and more / better trichome production. Watering less often. My 18 gals get watered once a week. The 5 gals twice a week.

Yeah man. Thanks for turning me on to it. I'm thinking it's almost soil/Dwc hybrid. I moved the bubba to a 5gl (running indicas two to a container). It had a deep root and has grown a whole ton.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man. Thanks for turning me on to it. I'm thinking it's almost soil/Dwc hybrid. I moved the bubba to a 5gl (running indicas two to a container). It had a deep root and has grown a whole ton.

As well as my 5 gals are doing, with the dwc aspect of it. I'm still thinking the larger pots with living soil may not be necessary. We'll see this round. In 2 months I'll know for sure. With as many strains as we have in our circle and our selves. It's kind of hard to run them all with big pots. That's mainly why I went with the 5 gals.


Well-Known Member
I should mention that there are 2.5-3gl more than what's in the smartpots. So the 5gl are almost 8 with the wick and the 10gl are almost 13gl w wick. I chose to put indica dominants two 5gl to a container and the hybrids one 10gl per container. Wouldn't be too hard to switch them over to all dual 5gl down the road.


Well-Known Member
Just vaped a whole load of dog. Working on a load of bubba. Srs is probably last to send it over the top. Yup. That's 3 bowls and about 9-10 bags to the head.

I almost forgot to post about this!. Cut the smart lots off when transplanting. No good boating them into the bigger containers. Just FYI. I'm gonna veg in regular containers and then up plant to bigger smartpot sips/outdoors etc...


Well-Known Member
I looked into this idea when I started growing. There was a section on the old old RIU that had wild ideas, one of them being a soil hydroponics hybrid, like this, but no one had really gotten a good system down. It was more theoretical. Benefits from soil, lots of space for routes in hydro. It's cool to finally see it working 7 years down the road. And cool that it's my buddies, not just a faceless thread on the net.

The other wild idea I found fascinating beck then was super long days. I guess the dark period is the important part for the plants to maintain flower and there was a concept of running 24 hours on, 12 hours off. Sounds complicated but the numbers they talked about sounded good.

Anyways just some ramblings first thing in the morning from me. Carry on, LOL.


Well-Known Member
@SomeGuy I love your set up! Do you think you'll make it through the whole grow without adding any nutes? If not, how do you plan to feed -- through the soil or through the water?

I'm starting to play around with different materials and builds for one of these. My current grow medium/method is simple -- FFOF/Happy Frog mix with additional perlite and worm casting, and I use dry time release nutes (Marine Cuisine and Fruit and Bloom). Currently I top dress three times throughout the grow with additional dry nutes. I'm just trying to anticipate how I will need to adapt to the new system.

I have read (somewhere?) that if you add nutes the water, then you will need to PH the water, do you know if that's true? Currently running under my COBs I add cal-mag with just about ever watering, I imagine I would have to have that in my res water... no?


Well-Known Member
I don't plan on adding ferts. My soil is pretty good. Dry organic ferts and amendments are added every round. If I need to feed I will put a quart of tea top fed on them. The water looks like tea as is. I suspect this is gonna rock the party. Lol.

Oh. If I was adding nutes to the rez I would pH it. But I do not plan on that approach right now. Mostly... I was motivated by lazy... Lol. Moving big plants to water is no fun. Plus being leave for a bit here and there is nice.


Well-Known Member
what do you guys think about sink tail pieces for the wick? just drill a couple
holes and put a rubber stopper in the bottom, should work pretty well and
you can get them in a variety of lengths. i'm really considering building some
sips, set a 3.5 gallon bucket into a 5g, should be really close to 6" from the
bottom of one bucket to the other.



Well-Known Member
what do you guys think about sink tail pieces for the wick? just drill a couple
holes and put a rubber stopper in the bottom, should work pretty well and
you can get them in a variety of lengths. i'm really considering building some
sips, set a 3.5 gallon bucket into a 5g, should be really close to 6" from the
bottom of one bucket to the other.

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Make sure the wick is big enough. Several of those maybe? Or a net pot on the bottom. The bucket idea is what I'm doing for my 3 small ones in the isle. Building those out this weekend.
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