Hello from the other side,I told you fools a 1000 times

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Well-Known Member
L.E.D can't compete with D.E in a head to head challenge.
more proof http://rollitup.org/t/high-power-cob-vs-hps-vertical-shoot-out.901942/

now, CRY AWAY...................................................

Yeah because a DIRECTIONAL light source(cobs) are going to compete with a OMNI-DIRECTIONAL light source (hid) in a VERTICAL system:roll:............grower shouldn't even have wasted his time/money tbh

DE bulbs can only be run HORIZONTAL , so I don't get what your saying as usual?===== dummy


Well-Known Member
idk i looked at the thread and it looks like he is powering the cobs @700ma which is driving them soft.but i noticed no bud pics in the last few pages just that he says the hps are killing the cobs.maybe he is trying to feed his plants like hps and needs more time adjusting to led growing? and this is not a post to start arguements im just looking at an unfinished journal is all.def more pics woulda been nice


Well-Known Member
yeah, with a properly designed room to take ADVANTAGE of the cob/leds strenght(s), sure.............always exceptions of course
Well, isn't a room that's setup to take advantage of its lighting by definition the proper way to do it?

And why should it be the same, if the lighting has different properties?

This statement makes less sense to me the more closely I examine it. I know you aren't just trying to be contrary, so help me out here?


Well-Known Member
idk i looked at the thread and it looks like he is powering the cobs @700ma which is driving them soft.but i noticed no bud pics in the last few pages just that he says the hps are killing the cobs.maybe he is trying to feed his plants like hps and needs more time adjusting to led growing? and this is not a post to start arguements im just looking at an unfinished journal is all.def more pics woulda been nice
I think this has a lot to do with it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah because a DIRECTIONAL light source(cobs) are going to compete with a OMNI-DIRECTIONAL light source (hid) in a VERTICAL system:roll:............grower shouldn't even have wasted his time/money tbh

DE bulbs can only be run HORIZONTAL , so I don't get what your saying as usual?===== dummy
Vertical and directional lighting are not mutually exclusive concepts. But there are approaches that are more and less effective. Exactly the same can be said for flatlander grows.


Well-Known Member
WHY do LED guys IGNORE the truth and always attack the truth bringer??? LMFAO
And btw maybe people would take you more seriously if you didn't come off as such an asshole(troll). Your title is calling us fools, your first post is basically saying if we have a different opinion we're cry babies? Anytime someone posts something relevent you use a condescending meme. I mean honestly didnt they teach you the golden rule in school, treat others the way you want to be treated?
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Well-Known Member
Vertical HID vs. soft-driven COB scrog (of equivalent power)....Which style is going to grow the biggest, most-potent/stinky plants?

A soft-driven, multiple-emitter COB fixture is going to find its best application in a scrog-style grow...right?

A bare-bulb HID is going to best be applied in a vertical grow...right?

So, which do you reckon will produce the best results?


Well-Known Member
In my observation of different types of lights, I think that a soft-driven , multiple COB fixture works like a spray-bottle set to "mist" -meaning that the light from multiple, soft-driven COBs will distribute the photons over a larger surface area....but will not penetrate very far into a canopy. Therefore, it is very important to alter the style of growing to accommodate the nature of this type of photon distribution -a la a scrog that spreads out the overall surface area of the plants to form a shallow canopy that does not require much light-penetration.

With HID, the opposite is true. With HID, you have a photons flying everywhere from the bulb with only a relatively inefficient way to corral them -like a reflector. But, IF you take the best advantage of the nature of the bulb and apply it to a vertical style grow, then those otherwise "wild" photons will not be lost -thus making that style of bulb-use much more efficient.

So...then...which produces the best results between the two styles? I wonder.... I guess if ttstykk's experiment pans out, then we shall see! :)
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