★ Atomic Squat ★


Well-Known Member
Georgia maq could kill my family and I would be ok with thay if she played me an acoustic set while I got drunk and sniffed rails off the kitchen counter

Let me fins my liat of protopunk bands. Radio birdman is just tip of the iceberg!
hahahahahaaaa fuck ya. how about some positive junk?! (whats the opposite of proto-punk, anyways?)



Well-Known Member
This band is so good.

Idk if they still do it but every year they have a show here for Halloween. I only sern them onxe but no dissapointmenta


Well-Known Member
Death rosenstock can do no fucking wrong.

Bomb the music industry! Made my tearsflow

Fuck he makes me so hard. Dude also helped start quoteunquote records i think? Chewinf on tinfoil and ao many other bands have ahit up on there.

See him live if you can. Normallh has a bunch of killer bands at the same show


Well-Known Member
My neighbors are fighting. If they dont shut up I will go atab thm wjth a broken math pipe

Fuxking assholes yelling and shit