Whats wrong with my plant??

I started it in mg seed starter and then transplanted mg moisture control the discoloration on the lowest leaf started while in the seed starter so i doubt its nute burn but idk some help pease


Well-Known Member
Did you over water man? Light too close? You got crinkle leaf too? Why you give that infant food? Milk only! Same for that plant! Water all she really needs especially if you have good soil in the first. Only my Humble Opinion


Well-Known Member
If I had .05 for every problem I have seen growers have in MG products, I would be living on a 10 acre cannabis farm in Colorado. The main issue is that MG products with the exception of the organic line all have time released and water activated nutrients. So, every time you water, you also feed. Cannabis is a 'plant', BUT in it's true nature it is a weed and as such it's seedlings have more than enough nutes to go 2-3 weeks without adding additional food. You have nute burn my friend. Normally in any other medium a flush would be a good thing...in MG a flush will likely kill your plant. If you are going to keep them in MG, NEVER over-water. When you do water, if your thought is to give them a 1/2 gallon...give them 1/4 gallon instead...In MG less is better. Let them get dry to the point where they START to droop a little. Don't let them go limp but keep the roots stretching for water.

Also, depending on how long you are going to veg and keep the life cycle going...you may not ever need to feed additional nutes.

All this is of course, my humble opinion...check the facts, research and make your own conclusion.

Good Luck and Great Growz


Well-Known Member
My plants don' recieve nutes till 4 weeks and never show any deficiencys, i use canna terra proffessional, my problems usually begin 4 weeks into flower, i find keeping veg plants healthy easy, i just water at 5.8 to 6.2 PH and they stay green


Well-Known Member
I had same exact problem, using MG too....You probably have nute burn or pH problem, most likely both....what I did was get some Jiffy seed starting soil from Walmart... It don't have any nutes in it to burn your plant and it consists of peat moss, coir pith, vermiculite and lime for a pH adjuster..... Stuffs cheap too at only $5 a bag.....Then there's the pH issue, it needs to be between 6.5 and 7.0 range in soil or the plant will get root lock which means the plant roots can't absorb the available nutrients in the soil causing yellowing/browning/deficiencies...Don't know if you're using tap water but my tap water is like 8.2 and that's way to high so what I did was go to the fish section in Walmart and get this stuff called "Correct pH Fizz Tabs"....They correct the pH to 6.5 - 7.0 no matter what the previous pH was....Stuff works wonders and you don't even need a pH tester.....Lowers my water to 6.8 from 8.2 which is in the perfect range for cannabis.... Then get some fish water conditioner, it will break the chlorine bond and make the tap water safe for plants or fish....lol...You have to get some cannabis friendly nutes specially designed for cannabis..... You can't cut corners or you will get results like you see now.....I recommend getting Fox Farm Grow Big nutes, it has everything your plant needs to grow healthy.....eBay and Amazon sells it for like $13.00 a pint.....The Tabs and water conditioner cost $5 bucks put together and the soil is only $5 bucks and the nutes is $13...All together it will cost you a whopping $23 dollars and if you add worm castings like I do it will cost an extra $7 bucks....You want lush full green plants then this it the method for you


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, so should i just kill this plant? cause its lookin pitiful right now :(
NO! This plant can survive. MG is not the BEST medium to grow cannabis in, BUT it DOES grow cannabis. IMHO, it is a huge oxymoron of growing. They are very commercial and their products are every where and in all seasons. If there is a Walmart in the Arctic Circle or the Sahara desert...they are stocking MG right now. They want everyone to believe their products will grow ANY plant larger and better than any other medium...so they advertise it as attractively and almost down right deceptively as "Miracle Grow". Consider MG as the McDonalds of grow mediums. McD's will fill your stomach but it is certainly not the best or healthiest food there is.

Mc D 2.jpg ROFLMFAO!

Anyway...many newbies that are now accomplished and seasoned farmers began in MG and still had successful grows. Use the search function and do some research...SAVE YOUR PLANT. Cannabis is VERY resilient and can withstand a lot of punishment.

However...on the other hand... LOL!!!

What strain of cannabis are you growing? If it is bag seed or really any seed that's genetics are totally unknown, you may just get a learning grow at best...may be a male or a Kaitlyn Jenner. But try to save it anyway...at the very least it can teach you what not to do next time.

Good Luck and Great Growz
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Well-Known Member
I would start over...its so sick it would take a week or so to just to recover and start growing again as long as you did what I said above...a new healthy plant will out grow that sick one in less than 1 week of growing...MG can work as I have had beginners luck with it....but over the long run I've had nothing but problems with it causing very sick plants....it has high concentrations of fertilizer causing burning like you see in your plant...the fertilizer is not bad for adult plants, it's only bad for the young and delicate plants....If it makes it through the burning it could recover and start growing again but is it worth it ??...NO !!...because your losing a month of growing due to all the stress and problems the plant has endured....and even if your plant recovers you will eventually be faced with deficiencies... MG only has 3 nutes, cannabis needs like 8 or more
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Well-Known Member
I would start over...its so sick it would take a week or so to just to recover and start growing again as long as you did what I said above...a new healthy plant will out grow that sick one in less than 1 week of growing...MG can work as I have had beginners luck with it....but over the long run I've had nothing but problems with it causing very sick plants....it has high concentrations of fertilizer causing burning like you see in your plant...the fertilizer is not bad for adult plants, it's only bad for the young and delicate plants....If it makes it through the burning it could recover and start growing again but is it worth it ??...NO !!...because your losing a month of growing due to all the stress and problems the plant has endured....and even if your plant recovers you will eventually be faced with deficiencies... MG only has 3 nutes, cannabis needs like 8 or more
A cannabis plant is a terrible thing to waste....

To the OP...of course you can choose to kill your plant. But, if you have the space and time and if it will not interfere with starting a new grow...why hack it? Use it as a learning experience. And BTW, I still maintain and am sure of the fact that cannabis will grow in MG products. And can produce quality budz. Just do a little research and see what you can do with it.

Or if you feel it is not worth your time, kill it. The choice is yours. But do not kill or cultivate a plant based on anyone's opinion.
I ended up killing it i have another one started its a little over a week old its lookin pretty good except the lower leaves are very briddle and almost crumble to the touch... Does thos mean its too hot???


Well-Known Member
I found these old pics yesterday...the 2 plants are in MG...they were very healthy but unfortunately both hermied...they were bagseed so I did not have much hope for them to start with. But, it proves MG will grow cannabis...it just needs to be handled carefully...BT W, up until that point they had grown under plain old 4 foot fluorescent tubes.

MG 2012.jpg


Well-Known Member
I found these old pics yesterday...the 2 plants are in MG...they were very healthy but unfortunately both hermied...they were bagseed so I did not have much hope for them to start with. But, it proves MG will grow cannabis...it just needs to be handled carefully...BT W, up until that point they had grown under plain old 4 foot fluorescent tubes.

View attachment 3648904
Pretty green must have heaps of N in MG