Purchase regular or female ?


Active Member
Morning people always wondered why they still have seeds u germinate to find out the sex when they have feminised ? Are regular seeds better ? Also how do they no seeds will be feminised, do they go through a process.
Personally I like regulars because you can create more seeds and they are typically better to clone too. Feminized seeds have a higher chance of hermaferdism especially with clones. Ive only heard one claim that fem seeds don't herm from Dr Greenthumb. He said in hightimes "I've never produced a seed that has hermied"
A fem seed is created by putting chemicals on a plant stressing it out till it herms producing male pollen to pollinates itself. They are all female because the y chromosome in a male plant is absent, genetics will allow one or two males in a group of 1000 or so, I believe.
Thats been one of them things ive wondered about and never got round to finding out, i only ever had my growers bible to go off in the past, loves this forrum for questions, thanks for taking time out for that.
No problem it exactly what RUI is for. Ive been help by so many good people on this site its only right I do my part.

If you have some room and a little patience/tolerance(for the males), and want to make seeds/breed then go with regulars. If not fems are exactly what you want. I think they were originally meant for a one and done crop where space was limited, but some breeders(drgreenthumb) have produced them for either one and done and clones too. But I believe most femmed seeds have a higher chance at hermaferdism when cloned.
See im glad i asked now because thats first ive heard about hermaferdism and i wouldnt of been lucking, although im already trying to run b4 i can walk ile just hold off on doing males for seed ha.
fem seeds are for closet and hobby growers. Very useful for people with low plant counts or to offer elite clone only type varieties in seed form.

but some companies use it simply for market control, to restrict access to the male pollen so the seeds cannot be replicated.
Well it sounds like i picked the right ones for me then this my first effort Akghostbuds420 made a point that you canget hermaferdismfemalso harder to clone aswell, my mates said that to me aswell and about being harder to clone, so thanks next time rd ile get some regular seeds and they seem like there better option and half the price so a no brainer.
Just to throw in.... If you have a limit on how many plants you can grow, you don't want to waste time growing a male.
Oh yeah and they are definitely cheaper. I only have a few strains on my list that are feminized, and they're no where near the top.
Yeah buddy I love the ability to make my own seeds, keeping a cutting of an elite pheno without it throwing balls, I've also heard femmed seeds aren't as vigorous as regs.

I believe just like breeding psychoactive hemp to good greenbud, low cannabiniod ruderalis can be breed to be just as potent eventually. We already have a headstart with very high potency strains to breed into, further refining of these "auto psychoactive hemp" strains could/did make a whole new frontier for cannabis growers/breeders/recreationalists/ connoisseurs.
Just to throw in.... If you have a limit on how many plants you can grow, you don't want to waste time growing a male.
I've just 1 room at the moment so yeh 1 room was a issue, was looking at getting a little grow tent for veg, had a look in local hydro shop and 1.2m x 1.2m tent with all fittings £800 i nearly dropped down lol.
Yeah buddy I love the ability to make my own seeds, keeping a cutting of an elite pheno without it throwing balls, I've also heard femmed seeds aren't as vigorous as regs.

I believe just like breeding psychoactive hemp to good greenbud, low cannabiniod ruderalis can be breed to be just as potent eventually. We already have a headstart with very high potency strains to breed into, further refining of these "auto psychoactive hemp" strains could/did make a whole new frontier for cannabis growers/breeders/recreationalists/ connoisseurs.
So males for seeds what do u do just put a male with a female, and in cross breeding your plants i take it you just put a female type with a different kind of mail type ? If this is the case how do you pick which type of plant is going to be the male and which type the female if that makes sence to you.
Typically you would want to keep the male in a separate area and collect the pollen and then selectively pollinate flower/branches/plants according to how many seeds you want. Otherwise you could end up with a fully seeded crop and literally thousands of seeds.
Typically you would want to keep the male in a separate area and collect the pollen and then selectively pollinate flower/branches/plants according to how many seeds you want. Otherwise you could end up with a fully seeded crop and literally thousands of seeds.
Oh right i get u but say you wanted to cross yer 2 fav strains is there a way of picking which types the male and which is the female or does this not matter at all.
Personally I like regulars because you can create more seeds and they are typically better to clone too. Feminized seeds have a higher chance of hermaferdism especially with clones. Ive only heard one claim that fem seeds don't herm from Dr Greenthumb. He said in hightimes "I've never produced a seed that has hermied"
A fem seed is created by putting chemicals on a plant stressing it out till it herms producing male pollen to pollinates itself. They are all female because the y chromosome in a male plant is absent, genetics will allow one or two males in a group of 1000 or so, I believe.
Your profile pictures mint lol.
Fems seeds are fantastic in a lot of ways. I have friends that wont use anything but fems. I use both all the time and with both it comes down to breeders and strains. Reg seeds will hermie like a mad if they have hermie traits. Anything with thai in it, whether fem or reg, is going to have a strong hermie trait. OGs have hermie traits and if not treated properly will hermie easily, regs or fems.

Chemicals do not "stress" the plants to hermie. They cut off the hormone that creates female pistils and fools the plant into thinking it is a male and it produces male pollen. If done properly with stable genetics, you get very stable progeny. It is all in the breeders and strains.
Well said althor. Ive never heard that Thai strains/hybrids tend to Hermie. But a lot of strains do because of the breeder(chucker), environment, and how many people grow bagseed with only a few seeds(nearly destined to herm) or without proper selection. Because you can breed out the Hermaferdism gene, I've heard.

With regs i understand good breeders can guarantee 80%+ females.But what breeders for female seeds do you use althor? What breeders are worthy of the money for female seeds?
Personal preference. Fems producing herms is a myth. They are no more prone than regs are. Depends on the strain at hand and stresses from environment. I use both.

You'll have more variance with regs, which depending on your situation can be good or bad..

Have you taken clones off femmed seeds? Also how many strains have you encountered that Hermies, feminized seeds of course.