Your plant is sativa-dominant (notice the narrowness of the larger leaves) and the hairs, pistils, are dark enough to harvest now, imo. Actually, we use the trichomes, the small bubbles under the sugar leaves, to determine when to chop. But pistils darken and change color as the tris do. It is easier to go by the pistils if indeed the tris have also changed from clear to milky to pistil-dark. Based on what I can see you are ready to chop.
Once you decide now is the time, your next decision is wether or not to re-grow the plant after harvest. Re-growing is an economical and fast way to get more bang for your buck. I did a picture post here a few years ago with before and after pix of what a re-grow should look like. Do a search on re-growing.
Good luck, BigSteve.