why do you hate political correctness?

If that was said by a white directed at blacks there would by hell to pay!
Racism is racism you POS!
Yep definitely a racist comment. It's ok for a black person to say white people have caveman DNA"???
Conversely, I assume you wouldn't be offended if a white person said black people have monkey DNA.
See how that works? It's called logic.
Learn to use it and you will appear less retarded.
Yep definitely a racist comment. It's ok for a black person to say white people have caveman DNA"???
Conversely, I assume you wouldn't be offended if a white person said black people have monkey DNA.
See how that works? It's called logic.
Learn to use it and you will appear less retarded.
do whites have caveman dna? yes
do blacks have monkey dna? no
While Neanderthal males themselves were likely good at breeding, their half-human sons weren't and "they must have been disappointed in their sons," said Nature co-author Svante Paabo of the Max Planck Institute in Germany.

you were even a disappointment to cave men
Still trying to distance yourself from the "impregnating white hoes" comment?
Distraction is how idiots argue politics. You are better than that...

yeah I made the comment. We are helping to restore your corrupted dna by fucking with these easy ass white girls who wouldn't be so easy if they didn't come out of families who commit the incest on the DL.
no all i had to do was google" whites have caveman dna". Actually you are an idiot because we have similar dna to other primates as a species but when you use big words such as "genetic traits" we don't express the genes similarly at all. But you think dna and gene expression means the same thing apparently. You're the type to argue that we are 60% banana plant.

Actually it`s 30% banana plant,30% watermelon and 40% wooden ship. Scooner I believe.
it just sucks for ya. You keep thinking I'm saying this stuff to hate you whites but I'm just going with the info that science has provided
Yep definitely a racist comment. It's ok for a black person to say white people have caveman DNA"???
Conversely, I assume you wouldn't be offended if a white person said black people have monkey DNA.
See how that works? It's called logic.
Learn to use it and you will appear less retarded.
How the fuck you gonna call me a racist you don't know me.
We all share same and diff DNA,it is what is, diversity is a good thing imagine if we were
all the same.