Im freaking out!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres the deal, I havent smoked in 1 month and 3 weeks and took a drug test today for my new job...BUUUUUTTTT last night i sparked up a joint for my buddy and had some smoke in my mouth but didnt inhale or swallow I just blew the smoke out right away...this happened at 11pm last night and i woke up took my morning piss, drank about 5-6 cups of water then pissed again, then pissed one more time for the test...Do you think im cool or is it going to be in my system...?!?!

PLEASE I need ALL the help i can get!!!

EDIT: If you got some real answers, even scientifical or what ever i got some rep waiting for you...


Well-Known Member
yeah man, Im not real clear on what you were thinking? If you knew you had a test why even risk it? You werent trying to get high... did you feel anything? That is probably the deciding factor. If you got all high then it is probably in your system.

I dont know cuz I have heard of people doing drugs right before a test and nothing showed up. It doesn;t have a chance to get into your system right away....


Well-Known Member
hahahah its just like you signaure bro!! Tried to tell em no but they insisted!!! hahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
hahahah its just like you signaure bro!! Tried to tell em no but they insisted!!! hahahahahahahaha

lol right, no i didnt feel high, n i didnt know i had to drop...I just lit the jay, had sum smoke in my mouth then right away blew it out..there wasnt that much but im just freakin out..


Active Member
seriously though, i got high 2 days before my drug test and just almost drown myself drinkin mad water and passed my drug test to get off probation.

im sure the half of a full inhale it takes you to spark a j up isnt enough to store any in your system in my opinion, but im no expert it took me 2 years to get off an initial 6 months of probation :P


Well-Known Member
i have no scientific stuff but last year i couldnt smoke cuz of my job but i would smoke 2-3 hits a day or two before a piss test and still pass.


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone! I NEED MORE INPUT!!

Could be personal expierences or just knowledge... IM JUST So0o0o0o WORRIED!


Well-Known Member
some people quit for 2months and still dont pass the drug test some can quit for just 2 weeks and pass. it has something to do with ur fat cells or metabolism rate. about the sparkin up the blunt, if u didnt inhale then it wouldnt be in ur system but standin with them while they smokin will.


Well-Known Member
well im 19 and eat all the damn time n never gain any weight, my metabolsim is fast as hell!! Would that be better or worse?

N when they smoked we were in a big basement, i mean they werent blowin smoke rite at me or nething but i mean i could smell it..



Well-Known Member
you should be fine, if you didnt get contact high, it shouldnt be in ur system. and if you have a high metabolism - thats good.

about 2years ago, i was smokin HEAVY!!!! and i found i had to take a piss test for a job, they told me i had 48 hours to take the test, so soon as i found out, i stopped smokin (only 2days, i can deal with that). anyway, i didnt smoke for a whole day, drank LOTS of water - i kept my body flushed. the day after i took test, after i took that piss test i blazed up a couple blunts.. found out a couple days later i passed the test n got the job. hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
my suggestion is if it didnt enter your lungs then it didnt enter your bloodstream if it was just in your mouth it couldnt enter your blood so just hope you didnt get just a little puff down


Well-Known Member
you should be fine, if you didnt get contact high, it shouldnt be in ur system. and if you have a high metabolism - thats good.

about 2years ago, i was smokin HEAVY!!!! and i found i had to take a piss test for a job, they told me i had 48 hours to take the test, so soon as i found out, i stopped smokin (only 2days, i can deal with that). anyway, i didnt smoke for a whole day, drank LOTS of water - i kept my body flushed. the day after i took test, after i took that piss test i blazed up a couple blunts.. found out a couple days later i passed the test n got the job. hope that helps.
Yeah it helps, im just worried since the smoke was in my mouth it might really screw this all up, im just freakin out cuz its a high paying job and I cant lose this...

I just hope that berbonber's right about the bloodstream deal...




Well-Known Member
I have personally tested positive from handling marijuana. No, I am not fat. I was however handling a large crop and it was sticky. I was never around second hand smoke. I did test positive, but, I think it was a rarity and I complained enough that they did re test me and I passed.

From what I have seen on the net, you should be okay as long as it wasn't an enormous amount of smoke.

Here is a clip I got off some drug screening site, this should ease your mind.

Much depends on the cutoff level employers set for the trace amounts of marijuana considered tolerable in a drug test. In most workplace drug testing, employers set the cutoff high enough so that chance inhaling of second-hand smoke ( such as at an open-air concert ) does not cause a positive result, said Christine Fisher, the owner of Drug and Alcohol Screening Services, a San Jose drug testing firm.
If you fail, you complain and DEMAND a re test! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I really hope ur right! Thanks that does make me feel a little better, Do you think Id have a good case if i did test positive and argued about the second hand smoke deal, i mean i did go to a concert last week where every one was smokin mad blunts n shit...

