Cannabis sprouts


Well-Known Member
So I am pretty high and was thinking, since the new wave in nutrition is all about hemp seed and hemp milk and shit. How long before they start selling lil germinated hemp sprouts to eat like alfalfa sprouts or other micro greens. Because they say sprouts are super good for you, so are hemp seeds. So it stands to reason that hemp sprouts would be nutritious as fuck right?

Just my stoner thoughts. Bet whole foods rips my shit off tho :finger:
So I am pretty high and was thinking, since the new wave in nutrition is all about hemp seed and hemp milk and shit. How long before they start selling lil germinated hemp sprouts to eat like alfalfa sprouts or other micro greens. Because they say sprouts are super good for you, so are hemp seeds. So it stands to reason that hemp sprouts would be nutritious as fuck right?

Just my stoner thoughts. Bet whole foods rips my shit off tho :finger:
I can't eat something that will be 3 oz. of weed in 4 months...that's why they have alfalfa sprouts.
Hemp Hemp Hemp Hemp OK OK OK OK. I'm sticking with alfalfa sprouts. Don't want to have hemp seed anywhere around my space... what would the Queen say, "let them eat rope"?
Thanks for the idea!
My team of lawyers and engineers are now busy drawing up business plans, designing mass production equipment and filing patents on said equipment.

I'll be sure to kick ya a percentage point or two when I make it big. ; )

Bubs :fire:
Hemp Hemp Hemp Hemp OK OK OK OK. I'm sticking with alfalfa sprouts. Don't want to have hemp seed anywhere around my space... what would the Queen say, "let them eat rope"?
hemp hearts which are made from the seeds are extremely high in nutritional value. look into it
a small spoonful pretty much provides all your omegas needed for the day , as well as proteins , they also help reduce high blood pressure and depression.
and since they are mild in flavour you can put them in just about everything from smoothies, to cereal, yogurt, or on salads.

i always keep a package of them in the house top them whenever i go

since they are already made in a bag and processed you wouldnt have any worry about having them in the home or anything they just are for eating
So I am pretty high and was thinking, since the new wave in nutrition is all about hemp seed and hemp milk and shit. How long before they start selling lil germinated hemp sprouts to eat like alfalfa sprouts or other micro greens. Because they say sprouts are super good for you, so are hemp seeds. So it stands to reason that hemp sprouts would be nutritious as fuck right?

Just my stoner thoughts. Bet whole foods rips my shit off tho :finger:
Just purchase the hulled seeds at the health food store. They are delicious and only about 10$/8 oz's.