brothers grimm on sale now @

having tried to order which was unsuccessful from seedsherenow, just checked the brothers grimm site, it says seeds wont be for sale till the 20th april, so seedsherenow has them listed but not for sale im guessing, though i cannot order anything from other banks in seedsherenow as it seems to be not supporting international postage? i apologise for this false start guys
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Check out Big Shoe at HeadieGardens on Instagram, he told me he will have Brothers Grimm seeds in stock shortly as well. And he is a great dude who will actually talk to you in messages and tell you exactly what he has in stock and help you out as much as he can. The best customer service I have ever had on anything in my life..not kidding.

Either way thanks for the heads up on brothers grimm, I am sure a lot of people don't know they are back. The only thing I hate is the $150 a pack... I don't understand all these high prices. I know a lot of people will pay it but I bet most will still buy Female Seeds C99 that is only a fraction of the price. 5 female seeds for around $30-40 instead of 10 regs for $150. And everyone that has grown FMS C99 say its just like the original - I loved it myself and plan to get a 10 pack to go through. It seems like I also remember reading somewhere that C99 offered by Brothers Grimm won't be the exact same strain as offered before. Where it was back crossed like 4 times before I believe he plans on back crossing it once more this time so it won't be the exact same. I could be wrong on this, but if this is the case then you can't expect the same strain exactly. Just something very similar and I am sure there will still be Fire in there. But for me, I will wait to see what everyone else's plants look like before I jump on them at that price due to the hype. If they look better or get better reports then C99 from FMS then I will hit them up. If not, then no thanks unless he lowers the price to a more competitive price point in today's market. Just my opinion anyway.

Edited to add - I don't want to seem like I am running Bros grimm down, they are the ones that found these seeds and back crossed them and are the originals in doing so so of course if the prices were comparable I would order from them. I have just personally grown out some FMS C99 that was fire. But they are very uniform and that could be a bad or good thing. I figure these will have a lot more variety with lots of different phenotypes. The FMS C99 is very uniform but it is also the sought after Pineapple pheno that everyone likes the best. So if you want the sought after Pineapple Pheno you may have to grow out more of these from Bros Grimm to find it whereas almost every bean you pop from FMS C99 will have it. I figure I will end up getting a couple packs of these for the future to go through from Bros Grimm - but I doubt any of the phenos are any better then the Pineapple FMS has. But it is still exciting to go through them and see.
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in the write up it says paraphrasing "they waited 10 years to retrieve the clones". how they do that ? hide them under a rock , make a "x" like a pirate , and dig up 10 years later?

In 2002, the company abruptly closed due to security concerns. For many years after our seeds were no longer available, growers either jealously guarded their favorite clone mothers or shared them with their friends to keep them alive. Some breeders famously used our Cinderella & Apollo to create new hybrids as well as breeding filial generations as far out as F5. MrSoul waited more than a decade to retrieve the precious clones and seeds he’d stashed safely away. In 2015, he met Duke Diamond and together they developed a concrete plan to resurrect Brothers Grimm in Colorado.
$150 is more than worth it if you want a real apollo or cindy. I ran mrsoul's cindy and apollo in the late 90s and early 2000s and they produced an extreme high quality and deadly potent bud. I've smoked a lot of cindys and apollos from around the state the last few years and honestly they have sucked. I actually have a nug of an apollo right now that is is very lack luster smoke. I can only conclude that these lack luster cindy/apollo buds I've seen have all been the pollen chucker hack fest seed lines. Im wondering if people around here ever smoked the real shit.

mucha, he has said he kept his clones and they were also well shared before he retired. In the early 2000s I had his genius clone.
$150 is more than worth it if you want a real apollo or cindy. I ran mrsoul's cindy and apollo in the late 90s and early 2000s and they produced an extreme high quality and deadly potent bud. I've smoked a lot of cindys and apollos from around the state the last few years and honestly they have sucked. I actually have a nug of an apollo right now that is is very lack luster smoke. I can only conclude that these lack luster cindy/apollo buds I've seen have all been the pollen chucker hack fest seed lines. Im wondering if people around here ever smoked the real shit.

mucha, he has said he kept his clones and they were also well shared before he retired. In the early 2000s I had his genius clone.
Can't prove his C99 is real claims to have kept the mother but the true father is gone so not worth it unless the new C99 and Apollo live up to expectation we can get C99 genetics as is just is he really better? Damn sure not the original though and if the original was so great why no clone only? I'm guessing she was no OG.

Either way I would never pay $150 for 10 seeds and on name recognition alone. I will gladly wait to see if she comes out to be great but my money is on just good.

I was excited when I first heard he was back but once I heard $150 I lost all interest so many good strains for less.
Can't prove his C99 is real claims to have kept the mother but the true father is gone so not worth it unless the new C99 and Apollo live up to expectation we can get C99 genetics as is just is he really better? Damn sure not the original though and if the original was so great why no clone only? I'm guessing she was no OG.

Either way I would never pay $150 for 10 seeds and on name recognition alone. I will gladly wait to see if she comes out to be great but my money is on just good.

I was excited when I first heard he was back but once I heard $150 I lost all interest so many good strains for less.

i personally am calling bullshit on the whole deal. to much conflicting info from all that has been said and postes over the years about grimm. i do however have original packs bought from heavens stairway before they closed shop. mr soul, seekers of genetic wisdom n the list goes on. anyone who would pay 150$ for 10 seeds from supposed strains recreated from original stock that was said to have been lost years ago by soul himself and a few other older guys come on ill sell you santas raindeer also
Right on, I feel the same bluntmassa. I am not running him down at all but $150 in today's market is a lot of a pack of beans. Bodhis are like $140 for 3 packs after the buy 2 get 1 which is always going on. And I thought for sure I had read that he didn't have the original male and was planning to back cross his seed stock to the original Princess clone. So if that is the case, it will NOT be C99 and he shouldn't call it that. He should call it like C100 or something. Because if C99 was Princess88 x Princess= Princess 94 which he calls C99. Then Princess94xPrincess will not = the same strain. But it will be very similar to the original just not identical. And his cubing makes no sense anyway how he adds up the percentages. Just because you back cross a strain so many times doesn't make it that much percentage of the parent. Each back cross could gain or lose some of the parents qualities it depends on what traits are carried over.

kaka420, you should try Female Seeds C99. I know they are cheap and femenized but don't let that confuse you there is fire in there for sure. A lot of people that have grown them out say they are just as good as the original C99s. The thing I like about the FMS C99 is they are very consistent for the Pineapple/Grapefruit phenos that are sativa dominant. I have seen so many pictures of C99 grown out from other places or even the original brothers grimm that have wider more indica fan leaves. All of the C99 I grew from FMS had razor thin leaves on them - and that pheno doesn't seem to be that common in the original seed stock. But I love that pheno that FMS continued to breed. I don't know how many seeds it would take from the original stock to find that exact same pheno or how much variety was in them to start with. But if I only wanted to grow out a few seeds and find the best pheno I would pick FMS C99, if I wanted to go through a bunch of different phenos and perhaps find something unique and different I would check out Brothers Grimm. And I probably will hit them up for some seeds AFTER I see some grows and reports that aren't built on the hype.
i personally am calling bullshit on the whole deal. to much conflicting info from all that has been said and postes over the years about grimm. i do however have original packs bought from heavens stairway before they closed shop. mr soul, seekers of genetic wisdom n the list goes on. anyone who would pay 150$ for 10 seeds from supposed strains recreated from original stock that was said to have been lost years ago by soul himself and a few other older guys come on ill sell you santas raindeer also
glad you have clarified the linage of mr souls original, certainly will hold back & watch other folk's grows to get an idea of how it pans out now
Doc, I'll wait to see Soul at the Michigan Cannabis Cup and get a couple packs of the cindy and apollo from him then. The seeds you mention maybe great but I don't want fem plants and I like Soul's work from previous experience. I'd rather trust his selections. I only really want c99 for to find a decent male. Apollo was always good get shit done meds so I'd like her back.

All the hack jobs still call it cindy99. I don't see a problem with him calling his own work c99. I also know for a fact his gene pool was released to a circle of friends and they've been spread around, to think he can't get stuff back is silly. There are probably growers on this board with genius cuts. People are getting a little harsh, the dude put out quality work, I'd expect more of the same... at least chill out until seeds get in the peoples hands. lol. I'm glad he's back to work, I had wondered what happened to him for years.
I know something that has the princess cut they used to make c99, they crossed it with a bogglegum elite and a plant he made named gumbo, and wow, the cut itself is amazing and the crosses are better, I wonder if they plan to release the princess cut ever?
what i find interesting is we know for a fact our hybrids today are far more powerful in terms of potency than what we had a decade ago; so even though we are buying untested poly hybrids; the chance of a winner with high potency is possible; due to all our selective breeding ( even what some people refer to as "bottle necking" ). so while i think it is cool they are releasing old stock/ genetics; i would not expect it to be up to par with the strains that have been evolving with us this whole time; even if they are " bottlenecked polyhybrids". definitely good for new unexplored genetic combinations though. my opinion of this atleast.
what i find interesting is we know for a fact our hybrids today are far more powerful in terms of potency than what we had a decade ago; so even though we are buying untested poly hybrids; the chance of a winner with high potency is possible; due to all our selective breeding ( even what some people refer to as "bottle necking" ). so while i think it is cool they are releasing old stock/ genetics; i would not expect it to be up to par with the strains that have been evolving with us this whole time; even if they are " bottlenecked polyhybrids". definitely good for new unexplored genetic combinations though. my opinion of this atleast.
Sorry I don't see cannabis getting stronger! I see low potency weed has gotten much stronger, but high potency cannabis has gotten weaker!
Nowadays it's all above average, but nothing really stellar!
According to Bros Grimm/Soul's instagram account, the Genius clone comes from a seed germination from 1996 and was kept for him by others when he was mia. I'm very interested in the 'green avenger' which is Genius X Vortex(Apollo 13 (genius x p75) x Space Queen (Romulan x Cinderella 99)) (m). I think I might have to drop the $150, in fact, I'm going to.