brothers grimm on sale now @

Pretty sure that I read somewhere that Mr soul has been working with a Canadian legal producer, and all legal producers are growing bunk. I would wait a bit and see whether it is worth the money. People who work with Canadian LP'S are sellouts and I wouldn't trust them at all. Period.

Where did you read that?
Where did you read that?
I believe he's talking about 'tweed' from Canada that Don & Aron are involved with. Mr.Soul has nothing to do with them. In the beginning Soul visited them and was offered to work w/ them but it didn't happen. He left over 10 years ago because of stress and laws and now that he's back, people want to give him shit. I'm proud to say I have a pack of 'green avenger' on the way.

  • Mr Soul's Princess.75 ( This was an original forum post from 1998, vic high's old forum. Mr. Soul was on the forum and this was listed in strain description section copy and pasted word for word. )

  • Mr Soul's Princess.75 - ((Sk#1 X NL#5)X(Sk#1 X NL#5 X Haze))X(Sk#1 X NL#5 X Haze) - Mr Soul's jack herer hybrid

    Written by Mr Soul and edited by Vic High

    1. Princess was obtained from growing out seeds found in buds of Jack Herer which was purchased in Amsterdam at the "Sensi-Smile" coffee shop, an authorized outlet of Sensi Seed Bank. Thus, it is considered to be an f2 generation Jack Herer. The seeds were found only in the deepest part of the buds indicating that the father was an unusually early-maturing JH that the growers missed at first.

    3. Princess smells very much like pineapple both during flowering and when dried, but there's this "evil" scent in it too, like rotting meat, which has been linked with the most devastating weed (notably the Durban/Thai hybrid from SSSC, years ago). The taste is connoisseur quality when it's cured; VERY fruity. The high is almost too intense for a lot of people; dr.atomic actually refused to smoke any on our second meeting, after getting rather "hazed and confused" on the first sampling we did together a couple of weeks before, so he decided to try Shiva Skunk and found that more mellow and to his liking. Two hits of Princess will induce your body to tremble involuntarily and your heart to race and paranoid thoughts...very much like Haze, but not quite as intense. It also has a "creeper" quality that makes it easy to get progressively higher during the first 10 minutes after smoking. Look at the May '98 issue of High Times' centerfold and find "Yellow Cab"...that's EXACTLY what the finished Princess buds look like. The "frosting" of stalked, capitate trichomes on the flowers and smaller leaves gives them a "furry" appearance much like Haze.

    4. Princess grow vigorously, and is rapidly-maturing...6 to 7 weeks of 12/12. It feeds heavily and requires about 50% stronger nutrient solution than an Indica does. It stays short, for a Sativa-dominant strain, and finishes at about 3 ft indoors. The yield from such a plant is about 20 grams.

    5. Mr Soul has been "cubing" the clone of Princess so the seedline will be Princess. The father is Shiva Skunk. He is currently growing out Princess.75 to obtain males for the creation of Princess.88. Seeds of the 0.88 generation will be ready by mid-July and should produce excellent plants, albeit not perfectly stable yet...but nearly. He plans to back-cross once more after that to arrive at 0.94 Princess genetics, which should be a stable, true-breeding seedline with females "replicating" Princess reliably.

    6. This strain is exactly what most people believe doesn't exist; a Sativa which grows VERY well indoors, stays short, and matures as rapidly as an Indica (faster than many), and has the great KILLER Sativa high/flavor. The yield is fine too. Mr Soul finds that the Indica strains are too leafy/stalky and much goes to waste with them, whereas Princess has an extremely high flower/leaf ratio and therefore almost no waste.
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in the write up it says paraphrasing "they waited 10 years to retrieve the clones". how they do that ? hide them under a rock , make a "x" like a pirate , and dig up 10 years later?

In 2002, the company abruptly closed due to security concerns. For many years after our seeds were no longer available, growers either jealously guarded their favorite clone mothers or shared them with their friends to keep them alive. Some breeders famously used our Cinderella & Apollo to create new hybrids as well as breeding filial generations as far out as F5. MrSoul waited more than a decade to retrieve the precious clones and seeds he’d stashed safely away. In 2015, he met Duke Diamond and together they developed a concrete plan to resurrect Brothers Grimm in Colorado.
I've heard female seeds C99 is banging too. Are they just a good breeder? Do all their strains pack a punch or is it just a luck of the draw they had with their c99?
Tweed sucks ..the product sucks..its a joke.

They sent buds full of beans and then sent replancement buds because the 'quality was not to tweed standards'

Only in canada do they sell weed thats crap then admit that its crap then send replacement buds equality as crap with no seeds.
Very interesting, I never heard of that before. I was never a fan of DnA to be honest. They always reminded me of GreenHouseSeeds, but that's just my opinion. I would never grow their gear to be honest but that's just me.
Ive had amazing dna genetics gear grown by many friends & myself

Chocolope being my favorite smelt of trix cerial.. had to pheno hunt but was well worth it..
Tweeds chocolope was crap and zero comparison..its unreal..tbh

Its like they pheno hunt for garbage then call it 'medical'
Sorry I don't see cannabis getting stronger! I see low potency weed has gotten much stronger, but high potency cannabis has gotten weaker!
Nowadays it's all above average, but nothing really stellar!

EXACTLY right........I've tried to say the same thing over the years in various forums but was never able to say it so eloquently!!!!

I think this pertains more to sativa's than indica's, but either way- it's surely correct! But to know better, you had to be connected in the late 70's.......
they probably used dizzle's gear LOL.

if you ask me. mr soul had/has no original clones.
everything comes from seed stock & selections made starting 2015.

still like to see whats what w/ "hash master" & "apollo 13".

he was supriseingly close to you in manhatten ...lolz ... i think he is smokescreening and he was growing the whole time ... girl i dated while working al ilili on 5th was dialed in th hightimes n relix folks they had this fruity pineapple weed we had to go to stuyvusante city for probly a mrsoul minion ...lolz
EXACTLY right........I've tried to say the same thing over the years in various forums but was never able to say it so eloquently!!!!

I think this pertains more to sativa's than indica's, but either way- it's surely correct! But to know better, you had to be connected in the late 70's.......

we are testing seeds that popped from this so called "amazing had to be there weed" .... we shall see
Airwalker, FMS is an OK breeder. Better then most fem companies and are active on another forum that even have their own section for testers etc. Most of their stuff is average if you ask me, but have only grown 3-4 things from them. By average I don't mean bad, I just mean like you would expect from most good fem seeds. The C99 is easily the best strain they have in my opinion and probably everyone elses. C99 is just one of those strains that is hard to mess up... but somehow G13 labs did. Most of the C99 seeds you see today are like F4-F6 generation so they are pretty inbred lines. Usually chosen for the best characteristics so won't have as much variety, and each breeders will be slightly different for this reason. The original C99 from Bros Grimm would have had all of these plus many many more phenos, some average, some stellar.

Something else I have noticed, almost everyone that posts pics of C99 that did not grow them from FMS seems to have average sized leafs. All of the ones I have seen from FMS has super razor thin leaves, and so did mine. Like as thin as leaves as possible for cannabis plants because any thinner and it wouldn't be a leaf. I know they have that certain pineapple pheno dialed in pretty well but it's just crazy that I don't see that thin leaf structure on more peoples C99's. I wonder how rare the pheno that FMS uses was in the original Brothers Grimm seeds.

Also, Airwalker.. to answer your question if you are looking for antoher plant to grow out from FMS I would recommend PURE AK. It isn't anything super special but it is another one that I had good results with. Well I should say average results overall because I planted 2 of them, got 1 that was super indica very huge leafs, stout close internodes very weird mutant plant. It is the only plant I have ever killed instead of flowering out because it was just all messed up. The other one was the complete opposite, extremely sativa with thin razor leafs like the C99 has.. grew much like C99 but more sturdy. Huge yield, very frosty buds and one of the best plants I ever grew from Fems. To this day, I have never ever seen another AK47 phenotype with those razor thin leafs but it was deff good stuff if anyone can find it. If I knew I could find that phenotype again I'd probably pick up a couple, but I bet it'd take 100 beans to find it again. Could be wrong though.
we are testing seeds that popped from this so called "amazing had to be there weed" .... we shall see
Please elaborate more if you can Joe.
I would love to hear what your project is.
You do a great job on everything i've seen, so should be interesting.
. The original C99 from Bros Grimm would have had all of these plus many many more phenos, some average, some stellar.

Disagree, I guess you didn't grow them out and are talking from assumptions. Soul's cindy was exceptionally stable. There were 2 phenos that were almost identical. You'd find a pineapple flavor, and one that was more of a rotten meat pineapple.

The pollen chucker generations are the suck from what I have smoked, I have not grown them. As far as I am concerned the closest stuff to Soul's original work is Subcool's vortex. That is that only thing I've seen that even came close. Due to my experience smoking the hacks, I could never recommend anyone planting them.
hey thanks for the props :)
a budddy's mother found a bag with really good sativa weed from 75-77 . 300 were spruoted 3 popped ... about to flip them . will post pics soonish smells are promiseing ...
Now that sounds very interesting!
I am super stoked you got any to go!
Yes please keep us updated, many would be interested I would think.
Any idea on genetics?