hurricane Gustav; anyone else in the line of fire??


so, as the title states, anyone else in the line of fire from hurricane Gustav?? if so are you staying or evacuating??


Well-Known Member
I'm not in the path myself, but this storm looks very nasty & I would leave if I lived anywhere near the gulf coast.


Well-Known Member
im not im in newengland but its goin to rip new orleans a newer asshole than katrina,its at 150 now and is expected to hold its own


Well-Known Member
I would highly recommend NOT blowing the storm off as nothing, but if you are prepared then stay. I mean along the immediate coast as well - you wouldn't want to be right on the beach is what I'm saying.


I would highly recommend NOT blowing the storm off as nothing, but if you are prepared then stay. I mean along the immediate coast as well - you wouldn't want to be right on the beach is what I'm saying.

we're not blowing it off; this one looks like it is gonna be a bitch... but at the same time, i feel that we are pretty safe in our current location... i do anticipate losing most of the tin off of my roof though. we stayed on the porch and watched katrina, and we are about 25miles further north this time, with no trees around to fall on us. also, all of the nearest neighbors are all my wife's family in some way, and are all staying, so we have people to watch out for us... but i do agree with you that anyone in the immediate coastal areas should head for higher ground.. and as far as new orleans... it doesnt look to good:cry:


Well-Known Member
Well on the bright side you get to experience something magnificently destructive - not everyone gets to see that in their lifetime. I know that sounds really out of wack, but think about it:)


Well-Known Member
Well on the bright side you get to experience something magnificently destructive - not everyone gets to see that in their lifetime. I know that sounds really out of wack, but think about it:)
Yeah its probably something amazing to witness. People who stay can't say they were not warned


Active Member
yea, im pretty much in the middle of where its predicted to go.

I dunno, not too worried, i am pretty far inland and the hurricane a few years ago (rita) that hit here wasnt bad.

Ive seen most of the storms drop right before they hit the coast but im no expert or anything. Just sayin I am not too worried but you never know


Well-Known Member
i was just watching the weather channel and they said a bouy in the gulf recorded a 34ft wave!!! 34ft storm surge, man i would really consider gettin out but like someone else said if you think you're ready, grab your stash and get stoned, if you have a movie camera tape it, people pay alot of money for good footage!!! good luck everyone thats stayin. it's blowin here north of tampa no rain yet


Well-Known Member
The storm track predicts a landing on the sparsely populated barrier coast, then up the coast to New Iberia and beyond. I hope NO can withstand the storm surge. It's a good thing they ordered an evacuation - this time.

Please stay safe.