Secret Basement Grow


Well-Known Member
mane thats the best statement in this thread mate, weed=money, everybody loves money, we all know what money does to people, and to what lengths people will go to for it, and 15k will get you a schweeeet set up!
n by sweet means dream setups pple only dream of. pple proly dont even dream that big.

thanks too.


Well-Known Member
ya bro mane hit the nail on the head... your trippin all over yourself if you think that

A. growing with 4 or 5 friends wont cause trouble (aka greed, jealousy)

B. trying to build an underground bunker wont get you noticed

C. having an underground bunker wont cause talk (imagine your buddy oh ya i get my weed from a secret underground bunker... that would be every dealers dream story)

D. that the funds you have available would even come CLOSE to building what you want...

as stated earlier solar alone will cost all that money...
just building the room itself would cost that much money..
all the equipment to push that much weight would cost nearly that much money...
the generators, gas tanks, and ventilation would cost about all your money..
not to mention rent and bills for this kind of op which is going to be AT LEAST 6 months to get mothers big enough from seed to have that many cuttings for the op..

so just for starters you would need about 6 times that much cash to even entertain the idea...

man if you even got ten gs to blow you could EASILY go rent yourself a 2 bed apt or house and run 2-3k (more if you dont live there) watts under soil and have more than enough to cover all of your deposits, bills, and equip (assuming you got clones)
and come out with 4-6 lbs which translates to 2 or three times tha cash you started off with and again youd be self sufficient...

mane brought up the best point which is point A... DONT GO INTO BIZ WITH FRIENDS

lose lips sink ships and in your case a sunken ship will land you in the federal slammer where youll be getting a dick sandwich every day for the next 5-15

dont be stupid, dont get in over your head...peace



Well-Known Member
Listen. It can be done, but you need way more money time and the biggest risk is getting caught, id start off small. For 40,000 you can get a really nice setup man. Probably 1-2 pounds


Well-Known Member
Listen. It can be done, but you need way more money time and the biggest risk is getting caught, id start off small. For 40,000 you can get a really nice setup man. Probably 1-2 pounds
u can get way more than 2lb wit 40g.
a grand could set up up for 2lb if u know where to get ya equip


Well-Known Member
i think if you want to grow 15 pounds a month more power to you but i will say this
being partners with ANYONE in a grow op is purely bad bad bad business
1 of them gets popped with a bowl in their pocket and they will roll over on you in a second to keep their asses out of jail ... my suggestion is to tell them you changed your mind and aint gonna grow shit and then start up your OWN grow op by yourself and tell noone not even your best mate
and you may want to start smaller and work your way up .... the loss of a crop sux but it sux even more if its a huge crop ... get some grows under your belt before investing your life savings into it


Well-Known Member
i think if you want to grow 15 pounds a month more power to you but i will say this
being partners with ANYONE in a grow op is purely bad bad bad business
1 of them gets popped with a bowl in their pocket and they will roll over on you in a second to keep their asses out of jail ... my suggestion is to tell them you changed your mind and aint gonna grow shit and then start up your OWN grow op by yourself and tell noone not even your best mate
and you may want to start smaller and work your way up .... the loss of a crop sux but it sux even more if its a huge crop ... get some grows under your belt before investing your life savings into it

Dude is right. "partners in crime" are a bad Idea. you gotta worry about who is doing what, or saying what to whom. Too many people involved and someone is absolutely certain to "Brag", or "Show off" thier part of the grow.
And I'm here to tell you.............. I don't care HOW WELL you think know someone, facing time does wierd things to otherwise reliable people. I can guarantee you that if it comes down to either them or you, you are fucked!
Another factor I see that you heven't figured into your scenario is your "Contingency Package". Screwing around with that much weight, you are gonna need a bail bondsman and a good attorney on retainer, and a good stash of cash handy. You need to make absolutely certain you'll get out if the worst happens. That contingency plan will set you back about $10 G's, but the peace of mind is well worth it.
Why don't you take your money and do a smaller crop. With no one else involved you'll me making the same bank or more, with a whole lot more security and control over who knows what. From all I have seen and heard, almost EVERYTIME someone gets busted growing indoors, it's the result of someone running thier mouths. Forget FLIR, forget the electric company. from what I've seen, snitches are the way 80% of all grow ops are discovered. Greed or stupidity make up the other 20%.


Active Member
Dude is right. "partners in crime" are a bad Idea. you gotta worry about who is doing what, or saying what to whom. Too many people involved and someone is absolutely certain to "Brag", or "Show off" thier part of the grow.
And I'm here to tell you.............. I don't care HOW WELL you think know someone, facing time does wierd things to otherwise reliable people. I can guarantee you that if it comes down to either them or you, you are fucked!
Another factor I see that you heven't figured into your scenario is your "Contingency Package". Screwing around with that much weight, you are gonna need a bail bondsman and a good attorney on retainer, and a good stash of cash handy. You need to make absolutely certain you'll get out if the worst happens. That contingency plan will set you back about $10 G's, but the peace of mind is well worth it.
Why don't you take your money and do a smaller crop. With no one else involved you'll me making the same bank or more, with a whole lot more security and control over who knows what. From all I have seen and heard, almost EVERYTIME someone gets busted growing indoors, it's the result of someone running thier mouths. Forget FLIR, forget the electric company. from what I've seen, snitches are the way 80% of all grow ops are discovered. Greed or stupidity make up the other 20%.

V.nicly put m8 + rep


Active Member
Man - this dude sound like he trying to hard.

The first dime he sell is probably to an undercover cop on the street.

Hell - at the rate he going...this guy is going to be selling us fucken pounds online thru his website or something. And he manage to keep it under wrap? Yeah right!

This boy like to brag. He want people to know he has an underground bunker. He want people to know he throwing 50K into his business grow op. He want people to think he can pull it off. Why else would such a dumb fuck post something at this magnitude and pushes people to smoke even more trying to figure out what the fuck this boy is thinking.

So to break it down to YOU (grower guy with 50K) ...

You have no money. IF you did - you wouldn't put that kind of money on the line. Your mother will ask you what you did with the money and you to stupid to answer with the truth you said you went to college.

Go buy 50K worth of weeds and flip it if you that anxious to unload pounds.

Now - if you still think you can pull this off. Please post another thread about it so we can help you "HIDE" under the radar. Let see if you get that one smart guy.


Well-Known Member
Man - this dude sound like he trying to hard.

The first dime he sell is probably to an undercover cop on the street.

Hell - at the rate he going...this guy is going to be selling us fucken pounds online thru his website or something. And he manage to keep it under wrap? Yeah right!

This boy like to brag.

Go buy 50K worth of weeds and flip it if you that anxious to unload pounds.
he know he was stupid. with the 50k he wouldnt even know who to call to buy that much smoke yet alone be able to flip it.

You see he never posted again


Well-Known Member
Lmao, well have you ever had an actual grow op yet...i suggest.... GROW IN A BASEMENT

yea thats rigt a normal basement should be wonderfull. Not to mention.. if your worried about power usage... led lights? idk just sayin a basement would work just as good.

poo taco

Active Member
mane thats the best statement in this thread mate, weed=money, everybody loves money, we all know what money does to people, and to what lengths people will go to for it, and 15k will get you a schweeeet set up!
These people aren't lying. What you're talking about is a commercial opperation. If you havn't grown anything HALF that aren't ready...
I don't want to be a buzz kill....but with a reciprocating grow system that keeps fresh clones coming in while you are flowering....(4) 1000k HPS/MH you should be able to get some good poundage. Enough to make great skrilla BY YOURSELF....even friends get greedy for money...and like I said...these people are telling you this out of experience. If one thinks he's getting fucked...he will either rat you out or rob your whole grow..

Either way buddy....not to be an ARSE....but you aint ready for a quarter of what your talking about...

If your doing anything with more than a few one should know but YOU...bottom line....

You do sound like you come from money...and there's nothing wrong with that...but your not prepared for dealing either..The streets are will have some crackheads throw away .380 in your face so fast you won't know what to do.

Growing for personal is one of the greatest things you can do to stop violence on the mexican border and save yourself money as well as STAY OFF THE STREETS...

I know some kids listen to gangster rap and think they know the streets intimately....BULLSHIT

My man's words above were correct...The streets have no respect for someone that has no reputation..people will take your kindness for weakness and the BEST thing that could happen is you just get robbed....

This aint no game son....

people die over dumb shit....