USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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Well-Known Member
Should I post their PMs? They are quite upset.
Dude... that's like slapping Jesus in the face while he's trying to cure you. Ungrateful bastard.

Seriously though, go for it and let's see how "upset" anyone is.

I would like to see you and your followers step it up though... level is too low currently..

"You are upset" "yes you are upset" "don't be upset"

I think if you really want to get me or skunkdoc as upset as you are projecting, you'd have more chances of succeeding if you would ask nicely "pretty please, be upset so my butt hurts a little less"

Transparent loser.


Well-Known Member

Sativied left some more logic lying around.
Two posts... eager little puppy aren't you. Let me reward that by throwing you a bone: two posts, you are clearly too upset.

At least you got a like from uncletravis... :rolleyes: Beyond pathetic UncleBuck, grow some self esteem, let me be your mentor and help you prevent radicalizing further and going full schizo at it. You don't need that many sock puppets...

He took the time to troll me, but then deleted afterwards. I were only curious.
Troll you? o_O Only one person deleting skunk's posts and it isn't skunkdoc.


Well-Known Member

Always did love that opening bass line. "Dance your cares away! ::clap clap::Worries for another day!"

Jim Henson is a god.


Well-Known Member
Those two dots make me think of Frankenstein's Monster... what did they do to you during your supposed ban?

You know who's deleting skunkdocs posts. There's no mystery.


Well-Known Member
Those two dots make me think of Frankenstein's Monster... what did they do to you during your supposed ban?

You know who's deleting skunkdocs posts. There's no mystery.
Awe, you know I love you dude. Am I being an extra super cunt this evenin'? I will try and cool out. Who's fucking us over? (lol at that pic)


Well-Known Member
Two posts... eager little puppy aren't you. Let me reward that by throwing you a bone: two posts, you are clearly too upset.

At least you got a like from uncletravis... :rolleyes: Beyond pathetic UncleBuck, grow some self esteem, let me be your mentor and help you prevent radicalizing further and going full schizo at it. You don't need that many sock puppets...

Troll you? o_O Only one person deleting skunk's posts and it isn't skunkdoc.
I thought you were ignoring me? You are a whiny little school girl who can't help but return for more abuse. Then cry about it all over again. Pathetic, yes, you are.


Well-Known Member
i like that me, travis, and potroast got under his skin so much that we have become the same thing to him.

i bet they can cheer themselves up by taking 7 million pictures of their immature/tiny buds, choosing the best 14,000 of them, photoshopping the best 12 of those, and posting them over and over again until they think they are master growers.

i mean, it's a fucking weed.


Well-Known Member
Really, what $15 an hour is going to do is drive businesses into automation quicker and quicker. You'll be driving up to a McDonald's and enter your order thru a keypad, then a machine will make your burger and you'll pay thru a bank machine teller...just wait and see.
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Well-Known Member
Really, what $15 an hour is going to do is drive businesses into automation quicker and quicker. You'll be driving up to a McDonald's and enter your order thru a keypad, then a machine will make your burger and you'll pay thru a bank machine telle...just wait and see.
the arguments against a mundane raise of the minimum wage just keep getting more and more desperate.