cultural marxism


Well-Known Member
Some people are born gay, some are not.

No such thing. It`s a learned behavior. It can be traced as far back as Sodom and Gomorrah, but the first man and the first women,.... fucked. At that time, Gay did not exist.

How can Gay exist when there is only one man and one women ?


Well-Known Member
on the basis of that one picture, you have clearly proven that sexual orientation is indeed a choice.

it must follow then that you chose your sexual orientation, by comparing the alternatives and deciding on one.

so how long did you ponder and dabble in gay sex before deciding that heterosexuality might be more up your alley?

I never stated my opinion on being gay. I did address the issue that some people do things that may bring negative opinions simply to be "cool".


Well-Known Member
some people do things that may bring negative opinions simply to be "cool".

and you said that in direct response to see4's statement about why sexual orientation is not a choice.

we're not as dumb as you are.

or as hateful, intolerant, and racist.

you have showed your true colors here many times over, and then you cry and whine like a little bitch when you get called out on it.

can we just skip most of that and watch you cry and whine like a little bitch again?


Well-Known Member
and you said that in direct response to see4's statement about why sexual orientation is not a choice.

we're not as dumb as you are.

or as hateful, intolerant, and racist.

you have showed your true colors here many times over, and then you cry and whine like a little bitch when you get called out on it.

can we just skip most of that and watch you cry and whine like a little bitch again?
As easy as ever.
Not even a nibble, you just straight inhaled it.

Rage on little monster.


Well-Known Member
When a small group of people form a government and automatically include every other person within their power sphere (gang turf, nation state, boundaries etc.) without the explicit consent of some of those people, would you say at least some people are prohibited from doing what they wish to do?

Also, why do you think government should equally oppress gay people who want to be married ? Why should some people have the power to "approve" or "disapprove" of other peoples relationships?
My personal opinion on the matter is that marriage should not be tied whatsoever to government oversight. Taxation and representation thereof should be an individual requirement. The government should never "approve" or "disapprove" of any individual unless that individual has broken a law (that affects or even effects another's actions or livelihood). So in your example, gang members are free to stand on the street corners and throw gang signs all they want, but as soon as they sell drugs to someone or shoot someone in the face, they should be punished.

"I despise your killing, and raping"
"You're... despicable"

"Are you my judge?"

"It's just, should be punished."
"I'm going to chop off your arm, are you ready?"


Well-Known Member
One more time 4, The only difference between "straight" and "Gay" is sex. That`s it.
Then if you aren't having sex with gay people, why do you care so much? Why should anyone care?

Thanks for painting yourself into a corner, you made my life a little easier.


Well-Known Member
Then if you aren't having sex with gay people, why do you care so much? Why should anyone care?

Thanks for painting yourself into a corner, you made my life a little easier.

When your stink fades,....Try to imagine people demanding Rights for behavioral patterns. Imposing is not welcome. Don`t you swat mosquitos that bite you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
No such thing. It`s a learned behavior. It can be traced as far back as Sodom and Gomorrah, but the first man and the first women,.... fucked. At that time, Gay did not exist.

How can Gay exist when there is only one man and one women ?

June 2007 Discover Magazine has an interesting article on that topic.

In some instances, it's possible that it could be learned while in others genetic. Both are possible and don't rule each other out.

As the parent of a gay adult male, his mother and I agreed long ago that he was gay from birth. He's the youngest of 3 boys and there have been some articles of a medical journal nature that assert the younger boys in a family of boys may have higher instances of being gay. I read the article(s) years ago and don't feel like chasing them down now.


Well-Known Member
June 2007 Discover Magazine has an interesting article on that topic.

In some instances, it's possible that it could be learned while in others genetic. Both are possible and don't rule each other out.

As the parent of a gay adult male, his mother and I agreed long ago that he was gay from birth. He's the youngest of 3 boys and there have been some articles of a medical journal nature that assert the younger boys in a family of boys may have higher instances of being gay. I read the article(s) years ago and don't feel like chasing them down now.

I`ve read similar stories, none of these address what the child grew up watching or hearing. As a dad, you know that your child will copy cat and mimic things at home or school.

I have a lesbian neighbor, she lives with her girlfriend since her kids were very young, toddlers, both are into lesbian now.

She was not a lesbian when she had the children.