Please give me some insights regarding the off-light-phase.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I went through a couple of websites in order to understand what different lightphases/times do, but there seem to be so many contradictions of what people state it just let me be more & more confused.

First off, I got the basics down that is a 12 hour long uninterrupted darkness will trigger flowering the plant as it may "think" winter is near etc

But what I really wanna know about is what else is happening to the plant during the nightphase, what does the plant do else? I assume the only thing it can't do is photosynthesis.

Alot of people state that
- during nighttimes the plant will start to grow.
- and that it will use the sugars which it made during the day for this.
- and that a plant can only store a certain amount of sugars, which means if you have strong lights it may be filled up completely after 12 hours and the rest 6 hours during veg are kinda wasted as the plant awaits statically the night when it can grow.
- during nighttimes roots will grow.
- certain manufacturers mention that blue light (MH) bulbs will trigger more rootgrow.

Now I've written this in a crude black-or-white fashion, and perhaps in reality it's more grey, but maybe you're already noticing some contradictions between these statements and what has become established normal practice of plant-growing techniques.

For example, if roots only develop when light is off, why do many people put clones under 24/7 constant light? When exactly the only thing they want is to get some inital rootgrow?

Some growers also use 24/7 lights for the full vegetation period so how come that these plants do have roots & ofc also grow new leaves, branches, stems etc? They even say that this will result in a stronger grow, and I can't think that they're deliberately wasting electricity for nothing, so perhaps the notion that plants only develop roots, or grow, or use their photosynthecised sugar only during nighttimes is bull?

When rootgrow only takes place during night how come the color of light can have any influence on it whatsoever?

I read about an advanced technique preventing a plant going flower by interrupting the darkness period by 1 hour light each day, ie. 12/5,5/1/5,5 if you get this. So there's a total of 13 hours of light, and the plant will still only veg. I assume that making it 6/6/6/6 will equally work. But this is a complete opposite approach to growers which want to use 24 max lights. So where exactly will be the difference for the plant, and I mean specifically the internal plant processes? Does the 24h always on lightschedule artifically stress a plant too much so it's becoming more elligible for diseases or herming or whatever, but what if the plant is strong enough could this help to harvest sooner (or more)?

Some growers also put in a stronger bulb in when going into the flowering mode, ie. 250 MH is replaced by a 400 HPS because they feel a plant needs more light. Could that also be accomplished by setting up a 18/12 light schedule? Or does the plant have an internal 24h clock which will measure this like 18/6 6/18 12/12 etc pp and thus be totally confused....

Let's put it the other way round - is the darkness-period only of interest to us in order to get the plant into vegetation or flowering stage, and, besides that, we would like to give it as much light as somehow possible? Or are there other interesting important internal things going on in the plant during the night-phase that we want as well? And if so, what are these?

Thanks for reading

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I can't possibly answer all of your questions, but the major points would be:
1) The plant is a living organism -- roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. The roots definitely know if the lights are on or off. They don't need to see it.
2) Photosynthesis only occurs with light, water, and CO2. Remove any one of these components & it doesn't happen. Period.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU, and the wonderful world of cultivating the world's most misunderstood and feared medicines!!!

The only 'advice' I can give you or anyone is to read and learn and then apply what you have read and learned to your garden and you cannot fail. Anyways, remember the search tool is your friend...Lots of folks here willing to help a new farmer get up and growing. But at the e
nd of the day your grow will be only as good as the knowledge and work you put into it.

It is always great to ask questions but do not take anyone's advice or opinions and follow blindly. Do your own research, you will be much happier knowing you have done it for yourself and by yourself. The first buzz you get from your own by far the BEST high you will ever have!

Now to your question...

HMMMM...well, I think you are putting way to much energy into pondering this. If you are going to pick apart every little detail about your will drive you nuts! And also drive members here crazy when you find a yellow tip on 1 of your leafs and post 6 times in 5 forums begging frantically to know how to fix your plant. LOL!!

Don't sweat the small stuff...If you REALLY must know what your plants are doing when you are not looking...the simple answer is..they are doing what cannabis does at night...growing.

I understand the excitement and anxiousness that come with starting out as a cultivator. And, I applaud your obvious eagerness to learn, I think that is AWESOME! But calm down, or get ready for a lot of sleepless nights turning into an RIU zombie!!!



Well-Known Member
Thanks all for your kind replies. :)

Being not a native english speaker, I've no clue what an RIU zombie is, but perhaps I already am one?^^ Because, for the last 4 weeks, I spend the major part of the day reading on how to grow canna.
I finished with most -if not all- german & swiss forums and now read in english (I've just completed

Thing is, I keep reading about the standard approach, but then there's these people who do things a but differently, and it still works. Perhaps because, at the end of the day, it's just weed^^ but still I feel this desire to to not only know how it's done, more I wanna know *why* it's done that way. Because that's real understanding IMO.

Your example
And also drive members here crazy when you find a yellow tip on 1 of your leafs and post 6 times in 5 forums begging frantically to know how to fix your plant. LOL!!
is perhaps the true reason of this. If I can increase my knowledge about the plant I don't have to rely on others. A yellow leaf may be a nitrogen deficiency which doesn't automatically mean you need to feed the plant more N, it could also be because of a Ph-instability which causes a N-lockout at the roots...

But I just feel I may hit a wall regarding infos on the plants "night-life"... and I'm especially interested in techniques promoting rootgrowth.

Happy day all!


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for your kind replies. :)

Being not a native english speaker, I've no clue what an RIU zombie is, but perhaps I already am one?^^ Because, for the last 4 weeks, I spend the major part of the day reading on how to grow canna.
I finished with most -if not all- german & swiss forums and now read in english (I've just completed

Thing is, I keep reading about the standard approach, but then there's these people who do things a but differently, and it still works. Perhaps because, at the end of the day, it's just weed^^ but still I feel this desire to to not only know how it's done, more I wanna know *why* it's done that way. Because that's real understanding IMO.

Your example

is perhaps the true reason of this. If I can increase my knowledge about the plant I don't have to rely on others. A yellow leaf may be a nitrogen deficiency which doesn't automatically mean you need to feed the plant more N, it could also be because of a Ph-instability which causes a N-lockout at the roots...

But I just feel I may hit a wall regarding infos on the plants "night-life"... and I'm especially interested in techniques promoting rootgrowth.

Happy day all!
Good Stuff!!!! Not all newbies come to RIU so well prepared and eager to learn! Most have already screwed up somewhere thinking all they need is a bag of dirt, a seed from a bag of the fire they bought 2 years ago, and some un ph'd tapwater. Then they come here with such fevered anxiety that they completely bypass the search function and start asking questions that 3 minutes of research would have answered. Some even become rude and demanding.

Folks like you are welcome breath of fresh air! LOL!!!!

I see great things in your gardening future!
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Well-Known Member
Ok, so I went through a couple of websites in order to understand what different lightphases/times do, but there seem to be so many contradictions of what people state it just let me be more & more confused.

First off, I got the basics down that is a 12 hour long uninterrupted darkness will trigger flowering the plant as it may "think" winter is near etc

But what I really wanna know about is what else is happening to the plant during the nightphase, what does the plant do else? I assume the only thing it can't do is photosynthesis.

Alot of people state that
- during nighttimes the plant will start to grow.
- and that it will use the sugars which it made during the day for this.
- and that a plant can only store a certain amount of sugars, which means if you have strong lights it may be filled up completely after 12 hours and the rest 6 hours during veg are kinda wasted as the plant awaits statically the night when it can grow.
- during nighttimes roots will grow.
- certain manufacturers mention that blue light (MH) bulbs will trigger more rootgrow.

Now I've written this in a crude black-or-white fashion, and perhaps in reality it's more grey, but maybe you're already noticing some contradictions between these statements and what has become established normal practice of plant-growing techniques.

For example, if roots only develop when light is off, why do many people put clones under 24/7 constant light? When exactly the only thing they want is to get some inital rootgrow?

Some growers also use 24/7 lights for the full vegetation period so how come that these plants do have roots & ofc also grow new leaves, branches, stems etc? They even say that this will result in a stronger grow, and I can't think that they're deliberately wasting electricity for nothing, so perhaps the notion that plants only develop roots, or grow, or use their photosynthecised sugar only during nighttimes is bull?

When rootgrow only takes place during night how come the color of light can have any influence on it whatsoever?

I read about an advanced technique preventing a plant going flower by interrupting the darkness period by 1 hour light each day, ie. 12/5,5/1/5,5 if you get this. So there's a total of 13 hours of light, and the plant will still only veg. I assume that making it 6/6/6/6 will equally work. But this is a complete opposite approach to growers which want to use 24 max lights. So where exactly will be the difference for the plant, and I mean specifically the internal plant processes? Does the 24h always on lightschedule artifically stress a plant too much so it's becoming more elligible for diseases or herming or whatever, but what if the plant is strong enough could this help to harvest sooner (or more)?

Some growers also put in a stronger bulb in when going into the flowering mode, ie. 250 MH is replaced by a 400 HPS because they feel a plant needs more light. Could that also be accomplished by setting up a 18/12 light schedule? Or does the plant have an internal 24h clock which will measure this like 18/6 6/18 12/12 etc pp and thus be totally confused....

Let's put it the other way round - is the darkness-period only of interest to us in order to get the plant into vegetation or flowering stage, and, besides that, we would like to give it as much light as somehow possible? Or are there other interesting important internal things going on in the plant during the night-phase that we want as well? And if so, what are these?

Thanks for reading
roots grow all the time and are more active during dark period I believe.


Well-Known Member
Oh how the indoor forums have over complicated your life lol.

Think about how plants grow in the nature and then apply that to an indoor set up.


As a first time grower I'm finding it's working best for me to start with the basics and listen to my plants from there. I've found that research helps a ton in learning to read your plants. It's also good to stockpile that info for when it's needed. Form an overall plan and make adjustments when your plants need it.


Well-Known Member
24/0 is fine for veg timing. MJ is a C3 plant and can photosynthesize 24/7. i like it in that it gives closer node spacing, shorter veg time and it's easier to control heat and humidity if lights are always on.

the one technique you discussed where you 12/1.5/5 etc is called the Gas Lantern Routine. the slight bit of darkness keeps the plant right on the edge of trying to flower so that when you go to 12/12, it starts flowering much earlier and finishes earlier too.

there are tons of ways to get from point A to point B in growing. really depends on personal preference how you do it.


Well-Known Member
the one technique you discussed where you 12/1.5/5 etc is called the Gas Lantern Routine
ah thanks, that's a good key-word to search for additional infos about it.

BTW how does one like a post here in these forums? I can't seem to be able to find the "karma"-button... changing browser didn't help... do I need to be logged in via one of these ominous fb/google-accounts? (hope not)