Club 600

Hopefully need another trellis! ;-)

So is there no feed in the water? They start out on a wick then roots eventually drop down eh?

Yup. The wick is peet or coco. Then organic soil. It has dry amendments and ferts in the soil. Just water in the rez so far. :-). They are drinking a lot more now that roots are in the rez. Im seeing growth that is almost like hydro. It's crazy. Lol
It's my little girls first day of 'school' today. She's starting at a day care and mom and dad are super excited, so is she. I hope she doesn't mind she'll be the only one who speaks English.
Dude, within 2 months she'll speak better Spanish than you....Si! Awesome though, she'll love it. I go to pick Yin 1 up from Dagverblijf (Dutch term) now and he doesn't want to leave the freaking place, lol. Sometimes I wouldn't mind just leaving him there tbh:)
lmao give over, that's the sleep deprivation talking lol. that said I'm so glad I have no kids. never wanted em, never having them. expensive piss, shit n puke machines. and for anyone about to give me 'ahh but the unconditional love they bring and they aren't always little shits' speach can gtfo hahaha i'm still causing grief to my family and I'm 35 this year
lmao give over, that's the sleep deprivation talking lol. that said I'm so glad I have no kids. never wanted em, never having them. expensive piss, shit n puke machines. and for anyone about to give me 'ahh but the unconditional love they bring and they aren't always little shits' speach can gtfo hahaha i'm still causing grief to my family and I'm 35 this year
Love you,and this least $100,000 a yr for my 3 kids..I could do a lot with that.

But I guess 100,000 hugs & kisses makes up for it.....not.
lmao give over, that's the sleep deprivation talking lol. that said I'm so glad I have no kids. never wanted em, never having them. expensive piss, shit n puke machines. and for anyone about to give me 'ahh but the unconditional love they bring and they aren't always little shits' speach can gtfo hahaha i'm still causing grief to my family and I'm 35 this year
I felt like i made a mistake bringing my girl in this world cause of how fucked up it is but it happens lol happy 420 guy!