was i riped off

i bought white widow seeds and got 1 bitch but the whore hasnt got any spiders webs on it.its sticky and smells right its flowerin 8 weeks.do ya think its the light or did yer man who sent me them fuck me off.ive 400 watts off ordinary bulbs on it.


New Member
i bought white widow seeds and got 1 bitch but the whore hasnt got any spiders webs on it.its sticky and smells right its flowerin 8 weeks.do ya think its the light or did yer man who sent me them fuck me off.ive 400 watts off ordinary bulbs on it.
Maybe not, maybe so, I would wait to smoke befor eyou get really mad. Did you say ordinary bulbs? Like incandescent " I got them from my moms kitchen" bulbs?If that is the case, then yes, it is the bulb.


Well-Known Member
Spiderwebs on it? Explain please.. Maybe I'm too baked but I don't get it.

Is WW supposed to have some reconiseable trait?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i bought white widow seeds and got 1 bitch but the whore hasnt got any spiders webs on it.its sticky and smells right its flowerin 8 weeks.do ya think its the light or did yer man who sent me them fuck me off.ive 400 watts off ordinary bulbs on it.

WTF???? Were you hoping it WOULD have spider webs on it?????

I don't get the point of this thread or the question (if any) behind it... :confused:


Active Member
There are some fuckin noobs on this site! spider webs bad!!!! white widow don't grow like a spider, wtf is that all about? normal bulbs?what the fuck. this is fucked!!!!


Well-Known Member
i bought white widow seeds and got 1 bitch but the whore hasnt got any spiders webs on it.its sticky and smells right its flowerin 8 weeks.do ya think its the light or did yer man who sent me them fuck me off.ive 400 watts off ordinary bulbs on it.
da fuck? are you tryin to be funny? or are u truly serious:confused:?


Well-Known Member
This person sure does look like an infiltrator. Do not e-mail them under any circumstance. There is definitely something foul about them. I can smell their stink for miles.


Well-Known Member
Who writes such crap? Trying to talk like they are attempting to be down with a crowd. Then they post their e-mail address as their login. How ridiculously foul!


Well-Known Member
i bought white widow seeds and got 1 bitch but the whore hasnt got any spiders webs on it.its sticky and smells right its flowerin 8 weeks.do ya think its the light or did yer man who sent me them fuck me off.ive 400 watts off ordinary bulbs on it.
First off this little c*nt puts a smiley face next to "riped off" then uses a popular strain to get attention. 400 watts is the most popular amount and who uses 400 watts or ordinary bulbs because this schmuck has not figured out what MH or HPS or even CFL is! There are no spider webs on it? Your e-mail should be fuzzrogue. Either this is a slimey greasey pig or he is nine years old but really what is the difference? Even a nine year old would know better than this fool. This makes me sick. This is exactly why I will probably not come back to these forums because of filth like that!