bodhi seeds

I can say 100% that gu~ is a stand up guy! And if theres something that he over looked call him asap... Dude mega busy and dont leark the forums much cause of all the drama. Dude would dam near give you his shirt off his back if he could. People spit so much hate on breeders for hermies issues but the truth is it can happen to anybody! Or any company even bodhi seeds. Just fact! And if you agree to buy untested gear at a cost thats fair its your risk you took the chance. Finding people to run testers and complete them is like going to the moon! 100s packs out nothing back, so it makes total sense to at least send them out cheap to folks worthy of the task! Bodhi is the exception with his mass following he gets a fraction of whats sent out documented.
Gu ~ ....... a guy / tester who could grow nice buds with uvb in florida moves into colorado, finds saturated market and becomes " breeder " cough, cough, cough ... lol, chucker ........ and all his gear from rare / untested stufff ( from " hot " forum breeders at the time ) and now his stuff is spitting out hermies all over the net, in fact, it has from day one .......

The gulf between nevil and gu is like jordan legacy up agains darco milicic ........

Are the hermie reports really that " shocking " ???? Un-proven chucker using untested garbage like monster cookies give me a break. karma taking another sh*t on this industry thats been crushed by greed with hype, laws, back-stabing, fluffing breedrs like porn stars with forum sweet nothings .... it all adds up. a " great picture " does not make a great breeder or strain .... book it.

pure ole' fashion marketing 101'..... spent the cash on a good web designer, logo wiz, toss in a lil hype from your forum buddies, start an online seed biz lol, then crash and burn once the bad product washes across the unwashed -
Idm abt gu at all. Nvr dealt with clap sir:clap:
Thats another thing in short supply,(good help and), people who know wen to b satisfied.

Search, hunt, find them phenos but dont become a big fat douche if nature grants u a couple gifts, and then some other douches try to scheme in to become a group of superdouches. :mrgreen:Douches taking over pot...(huff)
I so agree bro...its so easy to ruin a breeder......I'm still trying to figure out where dudes coming from .... Bodhi having Untested is going on..@hellraizer30

I dont know but i cant get anybody to ever follow through with testing! But those breeders that charge a few bucks for untested seeds seem to get people to follow through! Testing in house is the only way for me atm. But like i said bodhi seems to be the only one getting folks to follow through. But im sure better then 50% never run a test
I dont know but i cant get anybody to ever follow through with testing! But those breeders that charge a few bucks for untested seeds seem to get people to follow through! Testing in house is the only way for me atm. But like i said bodhi seems to be the only one getting folks to follow through. But im sure better then 50% never run a test

Be like greatful gardens..charge money to test...give they're money back and then some after they're done...people see free and they run with it....breeders need to take control of the driver seat...
I agree lame ducks should be called out but most breeders aren't gonna do it especially not Bodhi not his style. The lame ducks have heir karma coming to them anyways but yea testing should be for the loyal people. Yea maybe try a few new here and there see what ya get but def stick to people you know will run the gear. When I have tester beans they always come first before any of the other beans or elites I got. Bad rep travels hard and def don't want that on me
I dont know but i cant get anybody to ever follow through with testing! But those breeders that charge a few bucks for untested seeds seem to get people to follow through! Testing in house is the only way for me atm. But like i said bodhi seems to be the only one getting folks to follow through. But im sure better then 50% never run a test
Be like greatful gardens..charge money to test...give they're money back and then some after they're done...people see free and they run with it....breeders need to take control of the driver seat...
One bodhi test down, one current and 2(hopefully) coming soon. Stray..i should have some of ur testers in a cpl weeks and ill get u a report asap on those...watever shoes holding
Well I know for sure,I love to grow and show.....SDS tester spots always open

I think it's up to the "community" to stop with all that bullshit,and call these lame ducks out..

Or just stick with the top (10)-20 testers you have...loyalty is hard to find.
I agree lame ducks should be called out but most breeders aren't gonna do it especially not Bodhi not his style. The lame ducks have heir karma coming to them anyways but yea testing should be for the loyal people. Yea maybe try a few new here and there see what ya get but def stick to people you know will run the gear. When I have tester beans they always come first before any of the other beans or elites I got. Bad rep travels hard and def don't want that on me
LAME DUCKS!!! I agree call them out