Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood


Well-Known Member
To be fair, we waxed the VC, fairly early. General Giap's NVA then took over the country and hung on until American protesters made it impossible to continue the war.
Yes. And you'd be hard pressed to find a Vet (IME) that would disagree with this.
My Dad would disagree with the bolded part. He was stationed in Cu Chi in '68-'69. He spent the first 6 months patrolling the Ho Bo Woods and the Iron Triangle on foot, and the next 6 months as a door gunner in a Huey. He says short of killing every person it Vietnam, there was no possible way of winning that war.


Well-Known Member
But yet no rebuttal of the contents. Please let everyone in on why your opinion should be accepted over someone who has a bit more credibility than a pothead on a weed site.
Didn't realize you had a Doctorate in IDF operations. This is that autistic shit. Neckbeard shared a damn youtube video from someone that isn't even from Israel and has completely touched base on all the nuances that's we've seen reports of. You come galloping in here in some brony cosplay level shit of pussdom. with a 5 minute youtube that shut down the whole damn thread!


Well-Known Member
My Dad would disagree with the bolded part. He was stationed in Cu Chi in '68-'69. He spent the first 6 months patrolling the Ho Bo Woods and the Iron Triangle on foot, and the next 6 months as a door gunner in a Huey. He says short of killing every person it Vietnam, there was no possible way of winning that war.
Right, exactly. Our US military did in fact achieve their objectives in combat. The problem...they were fighting in someone else's backyard...someone else's home and their "enemies" were not going to give up. All they had to do was wait us out. My dad is also a Vet. In the end, the only objective was to get out alive...though once home most remained locked away in some unfathomable private torment of after-shock and PTSD.
I fully understand this subject is touchy for many and even more so for our posters who've been there and seen the atrocities up close and personal. Think I'm gonna walk away from this particular thread and go back to Bodhi. ;)

I guess win/lose aren't the appropriate terms here. Perhaps withdraw/disengage would be more fitting.
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Well-Known Member
Stop derailing this thread with talk about Vietnam, a conflict with very little to say about the OT; ISRAELI HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.


Well-Known Member
Right, exactly. Our US military did in fact achieve their objectives in combat. The problem...they were fighting in someone else's backyard...someone else's home and they were not going to give up. My dad is also a Vet. In the end, the only objective was to get out alive...though once home most remained locked away in some unfathomable private torment of after-shock and PTSD.
I fully understand this subject is touchy for many and even more so for our posters who've been there and seen the atrocities up close and personal. Think I'm gonna walk away from this particular thread and go back to Bodhi. ;)

I guess win/lose aren't the appropriate terms here. Perhaps withdraw/disengage would be more fitting.
My father was a Vietnam era veteran, though he never served in Vietnam.

Yet he, my mother and myself lived in Saigon in 1971, right across the street from the Scottish military barracks. To this day, I've no idea why they were there, lol

So I have more personal experience with the Vietnam War than nearly anyone else my age, simply because there weren't a lot of American 5 year old living there at the time.

It's the kind of experience that stays with you, shaping attitudes and choices throughout your life. I am not pretending to PTSD of course; it's more subtle than that.

In my case, an awareness that peace is fleeting and that awful mayhem can happen anytime, anywhere, for the stupidest of excuses.


Well-Known Member
No.... But if you throw a rock and get shelled by mortars in return ...I'm on the side of the guy throwing a rock. I don't have a dog in this fight, IMO its wrong to give the Israelis 4 billion a year and arm them with the latest n greatest weapons to unleash on peasants...it is none of our business.
Doesn't quite happen that way so your example is hyperbole as is your "unleash on peasants" comment but once you get with that rock thrower please tell him to stop initiating the violence.

When you come across a Palestinian who is secretly packing a knife intent on killing an Israeli soldier at a checkpoint...Whose side are you on?