Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood


Well-Known Member
more israeli "mistakes" these people are getting sniper fire while looking for their people... fuck I'm done with this subject. just like I can understand how the kids in ferguson had enough I can understand why the palestinians throw rocks. pressure busts pipes.


Well-Known Member
@CrocodileStunter that's good work, man.

The more people who see the truth of Israeli atrocities against their neighbors and even their own citizens, the less support they'll get for trying to put America over a barrel to support it.

@a mongo frog DOES THIS LOOK LIKE AN ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE OF JUDAISM TO YOU?! Those motherfuckers are using YOUR religion as cover for this shit, in precisely the same way ISIL does.

Do ya get it now?!


Well-Known Member
how come the palestinians can't have guns or knives?
Because they keep using them on the Israeli's.
Yet these are also your words
"Everyone should have the right to defend themselves. Removing the ability to carry a gun exposes the weakest and most vulnerable members of society to criminal interference. ER: Women, the elderly, etc. A knife is not an equalizer in this situation."



Well-Known Member
Israel + Saudi Arabia = 2 sides of the same coin... pure EVIL
That's just as misguided as saying either or both countries are totally blameless.

There are good people and bad people everywhere.

Civilisation can only happen when the good ones keep the bad ones in check.


Well-Known Member
Yet these are also your words
"Everyone should have the right to defend themselves. Removing the ability to carry a gun exposes the weakest and most vulnerable members of society to criminal interference. ER: Women, the elderly, etc. A knife is not an equalizer in this situation."

View attachment 3667312
You are correct, I did say those things.

However, once you commit a felony you give up the right to carry a weapon. The Israeli's are in the middle of a war. Palestinians are not allowed to carry weapons inside the occupied territory (I am guessing here).

Do you advocate that felons should be able to have weapons for defense? How about in jail? It is rough in there, they need plenty of protection.

No, I didnt think so. There are limitations to almost anything right?


Well-Known Member
Palestinians = felons? Apples and Oranges.

Who said anything about convicted felons? That is not at ALL the same thing and it shows how far you need to reach to volley one back.
What is your solution when they find a 12 1/2 year old girl with a knife? Let her go? Give her a cookie?

You do not seem to understand the seriousness of the situation. Israel has the right to self protection.


Well-Known Member
Everyone should have the right to defend themselves. Removing the ability to carry a gun exposes the weakest and most vulnerable members of society to criminal interference. ER: Women, the elderly, etc. A knife is not an equalizer in this situation.
What is your solution when they find a 12 1/2 year old girl with a knife? Let her go? Give her a cookie?

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Well-Known Member
BTW, are you Native American? If so which Nation?
Funny, I have been here for 2 years and never been asked my roots and now twice in one thread. Yes and not so distantly related to the pictured.
I didn't say. Where is the grove you hang in? Or which dresser drawer of Puke's?
Typical GOP follower...drooling out of both sides of their mouth while snaking around the question.
I find it a humorous when repugnant fools like you have to reduce yourself to personal insults when caught backpedaling.

As far as my families heritage goes, well, there are well known posters here (that I wont drag into this) that are of same Nation.
Theres a big damn difference between tribal members and pretendians like you who claim to be Native American and "not so distantly related to the picture" of LBM.

And before my words are taken out of context by anyone with NA blood let me be clear. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with trying to figure out your genetic heritage. I fully support that. Its what you do with that info that counts and using it as a passive way to give credibility to your standing in an online community is disingenuous.
True NDN know and can name exactly what Tribe/band/Nation they belong to. Being descended from NAs and claiming Native identity are two very different things. One is about a responsibily to your people and being active against oppressive systems.
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Well-Known Member
Typical GOP follower...drooling out of both sides of their mouth while snaking around the question.
I find it a humorous when repugnant fools like you have to reduce yourself to personal insults when caught backpedaling.

As far as my heritage goes, well, there are well known posters here (that I wont drag into this) that are of same Nation.
Theres a big damn difference between tribal members and pretendians like you who claim "not so distantly related to the picture" of LBM.

And before my words are taken out of context by anyone with NA blood let me be clear. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with trying to figure out your genetic heritage. I fully support that. Its what you do with that info that counts and using it as a passive way to give credibility to your standing in an online community is disingenuous.
True NDN know and can name exactly what Tribe/band/Nation they belong to. Being descended from NAs and claiming Native identity are two very different things. One is about a responsibily to your people and being active against oppressive systems.
If you use your "ties to NA" to lift up yourself rather than your community you're nothing more than a fraud akin to the likes of folks like Elizabeth Warren or Iron Eyes Cody!
There was no backpedal...lets not invent your strawman to rail against.
I do not use my roots to gain any advantage, just the opposite. I want no advantage except that which I earn. Generally it is those on the left who cannot seem to get past my heritage. Don't you feel the same? The fawning of idiots, who think by starting a conversation with "what tribe" or "what nation" is endearing or boasts their evidence of knowledge, actually is insulting to me. I don't live on a "indian land" and I take no government money (or casino money) and I prefer to just live as a man. I am successful at it and my children are successful at it. That happens when you move past the entitlement and resentment.


Well-Known Member
There was no backpedal...lets not invent your strawman to rail against.
I do not use my roots to gain any advantage, just the opposite. I want no advantage except that which I earn. Generally it is those on the left who cannot seem to get past my heritage. Don't you feel the same? The fawning of idiots, who think by starting a conversation with "what tribe" or "what nation" is endearing or boasts their evidence of knowledge, actually is insulting to me. I don't live on a "indian land" and I take no government money (or casino money) and I prefer to just live as a man. I am successful at it and my children are successful at it. That happens when you move past the entitlement and resentment.

Whatever you say BraveDave, but don't forget it was YOU who attacked or questioned my identity first by accusing me of being a sock for @UncleBuck

Could I get you a shovel....or a drool cup perhaps?

BTW, this last piece of diatribe is a very clear window into how you truly feel about NAs. Well done. That didn't take long at all.
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