A Cannabinerd's Journey


Well-Known Member
Killing it brah
Thanks bro, man, I need to harvest lol. I wanted to today, but the people that are supposed to pump the septic tank came and couldn't find it, so today my landlord came over digging holes to find it. He broke a water line. Needless to say, I haven't harvested yet lol. Water line is fixed and the tank covers are found and dug up. So their coming tomorrow to pump it and finish up so hopefully tomorrow I can chop! Land lord said "why's it smell so hard like weed, is it the neighbor? I'm like probably, but we just smoked some weed so I'm not sure. Gave him a box of girl scout cookies and he left a happy man lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, man, I need to harvest lol. I wanted to today, but the people that are supposed to pump the septic tank came and couldn't find it, so today my landlord came over digging holes to find it. He broke a water line. Needless to say, I haven't harvested yet lol. Water line is fixed and the tank covers are found and dug up. So their coming tomorrow to pump it and finish up so hopefully tomorrow I can chop! Land lord said "why's it smell so hard like weed, is it the neighbor? I'm like probably, but we just smoked some weed so I'm not sure. Gave him a box of girl scout cookies and he left a happy man lol
Sounds like that time I had the VP come by the house to meet family before we walked over to local restaurant. As we got down the end of my little street (about 30 yds away) he goes are alot of people smoking weed here, sure is a strong smell? Yep sure are buddy, lots of them, especially my Spanish neighbor, he smokes like a maniac :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks dudes :) too funny Vnsmkr! The tactic seems to work lol! The good thing is my landlord won't be back any time soon, this was the first time I saw him in a year and he wouldn't have even came over if we didn't have to pump the septic. He said I can stay here as long as needed with no lease until we find a house, so that's awesome


Well-Known Member
Charmed life!

Plants are the best I have seen!
Thanks brother! I am very happy that we didn't have to do a walk through and I'm all set for a long time before seeing him again, even though he is a really cool dude lol

@AlphaPhase hey bro what do you think about them 27 gallon black n yellow heavy duty totes for my 3x3 table is it too small or do you think its doable
They work great for 2x4 trays, I reckon it may be a close call for a 3x3 though, but it's worth a shot! See how much you want to flood the tray and use the volume calculator to see how many gallons it would take to fill and if the tote holds enough you'll be fine, just make sure to subtract about 6 gallons because the pump will need to be under water to work, unless you get a bottom draw pump.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
That last shot is beautiful! I would replace the lighter with something fancy. Silver dollar?

Gotta pose your super models!

Thanks bro! Awesome pic! I'll try to find some cool things to add to some pics once they're dry :) I bought a little photo tent thing I still haven't used, will be perfect to try out finally!

:clap: :clap: Alpha bringing the dank bud porn as always! And geez Mo, that's some frosty nug right there too, love the background :)
Thanks bro! :)

Looks like a lot of work but primo bud
Thanks brother and you know it, trimming sucks! Worst thing ever lol


Well-Known Member
So here's what I ended up with, unfortunately there were 5 runts out of 12, 2 major runts and 3 kinda runts :( I even had a couple branches dud out which sucks, but I think it will turn out OK all in all. I wish I could figure out this dud crap, I knew it before I flowered them, I told myself, those 3 look kinda like duds, but I only had a few branches dud out, and a few whole plants just not be up to par. Ffs if I can get a full run in without any plants going funky and all being normal I wouldn't even know what to do with the bud anyway, so whatever lol. I still think I got over a lb (fingers crossed) :) the difference between the normal plants and the runts were pretty big though, the runts are 1/3 the size grr



Well-Known Member
dank work nevertheless! Sucks about the dudding issue, I had hoped the treatment worked for ya :(
Thanks bro, what sucks is i never treated this batch, I ended up putting some of the cuts that I knew had issues in with this tray when they were in veg and a week later the plants closest to those plants started looking wierd, it was totally my bad, but since this batch everything has been treated. I did try to treat these for 3 days in early flower but I think it might have been too late :( now everything in veg that will be flowered gets the ridomil at clone stage, and it's been keeping everything looking nice, so next batch I flower, if all goes well, I'll be super happy. I did treat the last grow of ghostrider but at the end of veg I went through that problem where the roots grew together on each plant and I had to cut them lol. It's always something! But now it anything goes wrong, I'll know it's just a defeat on beating it. But I have my hopes high because things are looking great 100% for once in veg, much better than the past year or so since I had the dud and I can't see any dud issues yet, so wish me luck!

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