
Well-Known Member
I came in half an hour ago and it was lovely and sunny, it's now about to piss it down again. And I thought weed was coming. It is not here. I have been awake since 1.30am when I woke up weedless and couldn't go back to sleep. I'm completely straight headed. Unlike my fella who's been drinking Special Brew and is now listening, and singing, to The Pogues very, very loudly. Fuck my fucking life!

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
It's been incredibly wonderfully warm spring weather in Michigan for weeks now . Really spectacular how far ahead of other cool season states we are. Michigan is such a great state, it's almost disgusting.

And one more thing, fuk soupy messy Colorado hahahaha!!! That state blows. [remember dia? ;)] hope that helps.... have a nice day :)