Should I harvest at this point?


New Member
I've calculated that I'm at about 83 days from plant with this White Widow Autoflower, shes pretty dinky in general and I'm not expecting her to fatten much more but I'm wondering if I can or should pull at this point. This is my first grow and I very stupidly used mirical grow soil which has been the bane of a lot of nute burn throughout the life, I have another plant in the same tent about 5 weeks old now in foxfarm soil growing much healthier in a more appropriate sized pot but shes getting big and needs more room.

Am I pretty safe at this point to harvest the big one shown in the pic or would I be doing it an injustice? my plan was to harvest her this Friday since I'll be able to devote the whole day to trimming.



Well-Known Member
I've calculated that I'm at about 83 days from plant with this White Widow Autoflower, shes pretty dinky in general and I'm not expecting her to fatten much more but I'm wondering if I can or should pull at this point. This is my first grow and I very stupidly used mirical grow soil which has been the bane of a lot of nute burn throughout the life, I have another plant in the same tent about 5 weeks old now in foxfarm soil growing much healthier in a more appropriate sized pot but shes getting big and needs more room.

Am I pretty safe at this point to harvest the big one shown in the pic or would I be doing it an injustice? my plan was to harvest her this Friday since I'll be able to devote the whole day to trimming.
Doesn't look done to me. But you need to 40-100 magnify in on the trichomez and see if they're amber at all. That's how you truly know.


Well-Known Member
I've calculated that I'm at about 83 days from plant with this White Widow Autoflower, shes pretty dinky in general and I'm not expecting her to fatten much more but I'm wondering if I can or should pull at this point. This is my first grow and I very stupidly used mirical grow soil which has been the bane of a lot of nute burn throughout the life, I have another plant in the same tent about 5 weeks old now in foxfarm soil growing much healthier in a more appropriate sized pot but shes getting big and needs more room.

Am I pretty safe at this point to harvest the big one shown in the pic or would I be doing it an injustice? my plan was to harvest her this Friday since I'll be able to devote the whole day to trimming.
You'll trim that in an hour by the way. A day can get you a LB or 2 done.


Well-Known Member
Still looks likes she is shooting out white pistils so it's quite possible she has some time to go.

Have you checked the trichomes yet? Go for at least mostly cloudy before harvesting.


bud bootlegger
Still looks likes she is shooting out white pistils so it's quite possible she has some time to go.

Have you checked the trichomes yet? Go for at least mostly cloudy before harvesting.
i agree with this, no where near being done yet, pistils have yet to recede back into the buds for one thing.. be patient, don't chop early, you'll be glad you waited..
easily got a good 3 weeks or so left on it ime..


bud bootlegger
i agree with this, no where near being done yet, pistils have yet to recede back into the buds for one thing.. be patient, don't chop early, you'll be glad you waited..
easily got a good 3 weeks or so left on it ime..
i missed the part about it being an auto, so my guestimation of three weeks could be off as i've never grown an auto, but she's still got a good bit of time left on her either way.