Par meter?


Well-Known Member
Is there a big difference between brands in the same price range? Is there one that outshines them all? I'm not finding a whole lot of info online, and I'm too high and lazy to search the forum. Lol. Thanks for any help everyone.


Active Member
Ph meter? If your going inexpensive I would do just that, I have the cheap 22 dollar kit from Amazon ph and ppm, works fine but don't ask the conversion rate of the ppm meter, I think .5 but I have those and also the nice Hanna meters and they all seem the same, if you wanna get a nice one I've heard the Milwaukee 802 is nice. Might be one of my future investments


Well-Known Member
There is a pretty dramatic difference in PAR meters ranging in price from $300 to 3000. Many of the hobby level PAR meters that have been on the market the last few years either over report PAR values of red light or under report PAR values of blue light. This can lead to some fairly dramatic differences in reading between meters of different brands, esp when measuring leds.

perhaps this article could shed a little light on your question.


Well-Known Member
Ph meter? If your going inexpensive I would do just that, I have the cheap 22 dollar kit from Amazon ph and ppm, works fine but don't ask the conversion rate of the ppm meter, I think .5 but I have those and also the nice Hanna meters and they all seem the same, if you wanna get a nice one I've heard the Milwaukee 802 is nice. Might be one of my future investments
No sir not Ph. I don't check that ever. Lol.