Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
Well pictures will have to come when they come. Banks fucking suck dick. Never seen a wire transfer be fucked about so much, load of fucking bullshit.

Anyway, I decided today that I was going to forego the males at this point and just roll with the females I have; plenty more chances to collect pollen from a nice stud, so I composted these 2 AND I up potted the other 3 fem's which were dying to get bigger. In the process I yanked up a tiny female which wasnt going to do anything and replaced with a Haze.

Hopefully I can get some pictures next week when the mf bank stops jerking me around, wish it was jerking me off, but its not


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha I feel violated myself. @ttystikk I really dont see how you have so much composure hearing so much utter fucking bullshit. Anyway, I'm done going somewhere which gets me heated, fuck I need that for
I'm just opening people's eyes to how badly they and their children are being fucked by 'Murrica. EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, including most Americans themselves!


Well-Known Member
You are wise beyond your years, however many you may have accumulated thus far.

You keep looking for a nice penthouse apartment and a sexy lil local girl who likes roundeyes. You find 'em, I'm there!
Well in numbers I'm just hitting 42 this year, but from all the travelling I feel like Ive accumulated many more.

You know, I was just like all the rest, just doing to do, not thinking fuck about it, not liking it, but not thinking until my first girl was born in 09. Then I stopped hanging at the bar with the dimwits (no offense as these expat whiners here are dimwits) and I really got into growing and thinking alot & few years back I also turned off news all together. I was drinking like a fucking fish so was polluting myself and when I stopped it was like a light switched on.

I got plenty of places in mind for you though I wouldnt be set on a high rise here, more like a VN style house and already got a wifes cousin scoped out for you, well 2 actually so have your pic ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
Well in numbers I'm just hitting 42 this year, but from all the travelling I feel like Ive accumulated many more.

You know, I was just like all the rest, just doing to do, not thinking fuck about it, not liking it, but not thinking until my first girl was born in 09. Then I stopped hanging at the bar with the dimwits (no offense as these expat whiners here are dimwits) and I really got into growing and thinking alot & few years back I also turned off news all together. I was drinking like a fucking fish so was polluting myself and when I stopped it was like a light switched on.

I got plenty of places in mind for you though I wouldnt be set on a high rise here, more like a VN style house and already got a wifes cousin scoped out for you, well 2 actually so have your pic ha ha ha