My first cloning attempts went straight into coco in peat pots, and I used honey too cos I didn't have anything in and just wanted to practice cloning before flipping my plants into flower. Two out of five made it but it took a while, can't remember exactly but it was a good few weeks, in fact it was only when I gave up and picked up the pots to throw them away that I realised there were roots on two of them coming out of the peat pots! I didn't know about giving them time without the dome either until a couple of weeks after I'd cut them but it actually makes sense, if they're in a high humidity environment absorbing all the moisture they need through their leaves then why do they need to grow roots? I've got some cheese clones on the go in rockwool with rooting hormone now, they've been around a while and are completely out from under the dome now but there's no signs of roots yet which is a bit disappointing cos I thought with the proper equipment this time I'd do loads better, and I took a little white widow clone the other day and put it in rockwool soaked in aloe vera juice, so it'll be interesting to see how that does.