Who can tell me? Who am I ?


Well-Known Member
It s a bag seed , got germinate and since then have being growing at full blast like a rocket. I topped the plant due its growing speed, hopefully it will slow down a bit,but it didn't. Also, it shows an amazing symmetry on its branches and leaves. What intrigues me is the sex. Can you tell me what sex is it ?


IMG_2203.JPG IMG_2205.JPG
who am I ???



Well-Known Member
Nuts everywhere, congrats on your bouncing baby boy. I'm on my phone n hardvto see but it look like balls.
Yeah I know seems like a boy, I had a male before but was different, I can see a fat collar right on the junction where the branches grow out of the main. The other plant that was a male, didn't have that. maybe a hermie? ....or its a boy, period? lol